39,388 Topics
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Sir I have these codes <div class="menu_box image16"> <div id="small_header">Chart</div> <h4><a href="chart_qt.php" title="Close"> <img src="images/16x16/chart_bar.png" hspace="4">Qty</a> </h4> <h4><a href="chart_wt.php" title="Close"> <img src="images/16x16/server_chart.png" hspace="4">Weight</a> </h4> <h4><a href="chart_at.php" title="Close"> <img src="images/16x16/chart_pie.png" hspace="4">Amount</a> </h4> </div>  when any use click on any <a></a> then his $_SESSION['id'] must save in events table Suppose: … | |
I've followed a tutorial for making php extensions in C++ and although there are no compilation errors, the extension just won't communicate with php. The tutorial is at [URL="http://www.talkphp.com/vbarticles.php?do=article&articleid=49&title=creating-custom-php-extensions"]http://www.talkphp.com/vbarticles.php?do=article&articleid=49&title=creating-custom-php-extensions[/URL] and my code is as follows: main.cpp [code=c++]#include "stdafx.h" ZEND_FUNCTION(fetch_talkphp_links); zend_function_entry talkphp_ext_functions[] = { ZEND_FE(fetch_talkphp_links, NULL) {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; zend_module_entry … | |
Sir, I have these codes function date_getFullTimeDifference( $start, $end ) { $uts['start'] = strtotime( $start ); $uts['end'] = strtotime( $end ); if( $uts['start']!==-1 && $uts['end']!==-1 ) { if( $uts['end'] >= $uts['start'] ) { $diff = $uts['end'] - $uts['start']; if( $years=intval((floor($diff/31104000))) ) $diff = $diff % 31104000; if( $months=intval((floor($diff/2592000))) ) $diff … ![]() | |
Hi, I wrote some code below, at the moment i'm testing so there's no database queries in the code but before i do that i'm hoping someone can help. The code below where it says `if(filesize($filename) != 0)` always goes to `else` even though the file is not 0 bytes … | |
TABLE_ROWS 13 1 8 5 2 3 5 2 7 6 3 4 3 32 my select query results a table like this .Here i want to assign each item to each variables . a=13 b=1 etc... i tried with forech but i did not get out put.Here is my … | |
Hi Please Give the tutorial or a code of **worldpay integration** in php. (Merchant Account) Thanks. | |
Hello DaniWeb Community, I'm making an online store and am wanting make a way to calculate the shipping the way I've got it at the moment is using [this](https://developers.auspost.com.au/apis/pac/getting-started). However, it isn't good for multiple items. So if one item is $10 and another (smaller) item is $5, so the … | |
Hi. I have a secure web page and users to access it must register. After registration and login page when they access. I would like to make a module to redirect users after logging on page after gaining access a link. Function can be used: Header ("Location: / $ directory"); … ![]() | |
Hi, I am inserting data using while onclick event in href using jquery post method, it works successfully, But in controller after insertion, I wrote $this->load->view('viewnames'); But it is not loading that viewnames.php It displays nothing | |
This is to enter the admin page: http://localhost/masterlinkci2/admin/ admin/views/login.php <?php $this->load->library('form_validation'); ?> <?php echo validation_errors(); ?> <?php echo form_open('cpages/ceklogin'); ?> <div class="login-card"> <center><?php //echo $warning; ?> <?php echo $this->session->flashdata('warning'); ?> </center> <h2>Gionda CMS Login</h2><br> <form> <div class="login"><input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Username"></div> <div class="login"><input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password"></div> <br> <input type="submit" name="login" class="login … | |
I was installing some modules in Drupal 7. Suddenly, the helpful buttons across the top for admin mode disappeared. Can anyone tell me what happened and what I have to do? I am able to go to {website}/admin and essentially see the same buttons on the page that, I guess, … ![]() | |
Sir I have these codes $start_time=$row['start']; //2017-02-09 15:04:09.000 $stop_time=date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //2017-02-09 16:24:22.000 $duration=$start-$starttime; // it says 2016 but i need result like this //0001:20:13 I mean I need hours in 4 digits minutes in 2 digits and second 2 digits Please help ![]() | |
I have the following class that I intend to validate by passing it in the symfony validator. <?php namespace Shop; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert; use Shop\Validation\Constraint as ShopAssert; class Country { /** * * @var int */ public $id; /** * * @var string */ public $name; /** … | |
i want to refresh multiple div value without refreshing the whole page using one function. <div class="live_update" id="a">33</div > <div class="live_update" id="b">34</div > <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script> <script> function autoRefresh_div() { $('.live_update').load('Dashboard.php' + ' .live_update'); } setInterval('autoRefresh_div()', 1000); </script> | |
I'm trying to retrieve the values of checkboxes in a custom post type. My complete function: function getTeam() { global $post; $team = new WP_Query(); $team->query('post_type=coaches'); $workshops = get_field('workshops'); if ($team->found_posts > 0) { echo '<ul>'; while ($team->have_posts()) { $team->the_post(); $listTeam = '<li>'; $listTeam .= '<a href="#" class="js-modal">'; $listTeam .= … | |
Sir I am using IIS Manager, as follows  and I have these codes for login.php <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); require_once("../includes/connectsql.php"); require_once("../includes/functions.php"); $error = false; $cerror=""; $cur_id=0; $cur_user=""; $cur_email=""; $mypass=""; if(isset($_POST['login'])){ $muser=clean($_POST['username']); $mpass=clean($_POST['password']); $mypass=SHA1($mpass); if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/",$mpass)) { $error = true; $cerror="Password must contain only alphabets and space"; } if(!filter_var($muser,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) … | |
I'm not sure why it returns Array, because as far as I know I don't retrieve the profile images from an array. See the following function. function getTeam() { global $post; $team = new WP_Query(); $team->query('post_type=coaches'); if ($team->found_posts > 0) { echo '<ul>'; while ($team->have_posts()) { $team->the_post(); $listTeam = '<li>'; … | |
Hello all Every one has seen gmail shows small blocks of files and documents preview and when we click on that then we can read it online on full page as gmail or google drive shows.Is there any library for doing such things.I aslo need to diable download and print … | |
I want to increase the limit of upload size max, but because I using shared hosting, I cannot edit php.ini. Then I try to edit my .htaccess file. I added these lines: php_value upload_max_filesize 700M php_value post_max_size 700M php_value max_execution_time 600 php_value max_input_time 600 When I test it in localhost, … | |
Hallo to all web developers, I have a problem in load PHP in mozilla fire fox. . .I am using XAMPP web server. My PHP file is currently stored in this path [COLOR="Red"]C:\xampp\htdocs\test\index.php[/COLOR]. Whenever I run my PHP in mozilla it won't display anything even just a simple "hello world." … | |
Why am getting error when i think it should work fine **Error** Fatal error: Wrong SQL: INSERT INTO kladilnica (Username, Bet, Win, reg_date, Odds, isActive, ticket_id, isShared, is_winned, Location) VALUES ('Stefan', 100, 3500, '2017-02-06', 66, 1, 351358728, 0, 0, '') Error: in C:\xampp\htdocs\bootstrap\navigation.php on line 257 **Code** $sql = "INSERT … | |
Ok... back to my PHP/Wordpress adventure. In my testimonials post type I have added 5 custom fields and 2 fields are not mandatory which means they can be empty. One of them is the url field which I want to output within my while loop with a different HTML when … | |
Aight folks! So I'm trying to do some custom coding within Wordpress and my plan is to create custom post types which I want to display within custom widgets. I thought that would be fun for a learning experience.... ahum... and I wanted a widget/plugin that outputs some proper semantic … | |
Hi to all the old familiar faces, have not been here for a while... I have read up on tons of samples and answers (and even more on how cryptography works) but none answers my scenario. I am creating a new user from desktop app in VB.Net. User need to … | |
I want to collect basic user information when they land on an index page, such as: IP Country City State Zip Code I've looked into sites such as ipinfo.io that offer a service regarding these details, but think it may be easier to collect the same info via PHP. From … | |
I have affiliate api of amazon,ebay,flipkart and snapdeal. I want to combine all api results to my web page with pagination. Like this website https://www.compareraja.in/mobiles.html If possible please suggest any ideas. I am using opencart for development. | |
Is it good idea/possible to encrypt everything in your database (Emails, User Input, Passwords :), everything.. )? Is there something which will shut down the current PHP script OR website entirely ? **EDIT: This is not sponsored queston i have not donated any money, why is `Sponsored` badge at my … | |
Hello i am getting an error TypeError: data is null i can't find the error. js <script> $(document).ready(function() { username='<?php echo $_GET['public_username']; ?>'; apiBaseUrl='<?php echo $base_url; ?>'; singleArtist(apiBaseUrl,username); }); function singleArtist(apiBaseUrl,username) { var html =''; var encodedata=JSON.stringify({"username":username}); var url=apiBaseUrl+'api/singleArtist'; ajaxPost(url,encodedata, function(data) { if(data.length) { $.each(data, function(i,data) { html += 'dddddd'; … | |
I have scenario where one user can refer two codes to other one will become right and other left.Now this right can have two child left and right and so on same for left child user.... So this is binary tree like strucutre so i am selecting a user from … | |
Hi Everyone, How are you all? Friends i m new on daniweb, and i just want to know that how can i make diamond with stars (*) using "For" Loop in PHP. My Teacher Gives me an assignment to make like this... [code] for ($a=1; $a<=5; $a++) { for($b=1; $b<=5; … |
The End.