39,326 Topics
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already this phone number registration in alert msg how to display in php and mysql | |
I have a form which I am using to filter a recordset. It all works as I want, but for one small annoying thing - there is an empty space at the top of the list of options (see screenshot). How can I get rid of this empty option? ![empty_option.jpg](/attachments/large/4/5ddcc6d6df75ecd1a8e0babbae2b31ba.jpg) … | |
Please suggest something ---- Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in C:\xampp\htdocs\tourtravel\index.php on line 14** <?php include 'header.php'; include 'slider.php'; ?> <div class="container" > <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <?php include 'tab.php' ?> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <?php include("config.php"); $q = mysqli_query($con,"select * from packages"); while ($r = … | |
** ## I want a Help to Intergrate Google Calendar API to create Events thure webisite ## ** Ihave tied some google documantation and some tutorials buth they acctually not working properly google documantions are not not working for me | |
Here is my javascript code. function multyTypeUploadAttachments(file,classId,splAttrId){ var campaignID = $('#wk_custCampID').val(); if(campaignID == ""){ var campaignID = $('#wk_edit_camp_ID').val(); } var fileName = $('#'+file.id).val().replace(/C:\\fakepath\\/i, '');//form_skuAttachment var lastChar = file.id[file.id.length -1]; var upload_data = new FormData($('#wk_multy_form_AttrOptionAttachment'+classId+"-"+splAttrId+"-"+lastChar)[0]); $.ajax({ url: BASEPATH + 'c_workOrder/uploadSKUAttachments/'+file.id+'/'+campaignID, type: 'POST', data: upload_data, mimeType: "multipart/form-data", contentType: false, cache: false, processData: … | |
Hi, Hope this makes sense and hope someone can help me. I have a database table with the following columns: person_id, firstname, surname, email_address. Periodically I am given a set of files to send to some of the contacts in the database table. The filenames contain the person_id and they … | |
Hi, Is there a PHP script that doesn't allow the approver to be the same as the login e-mail? > $checkEmail = test_input($_POST["Approved_by_Email"]); > if (filter_var($checkEmail == session('session_staff_email'))) { > alert("Please do not use your e-mail as the approver."); > return false; > } I tried to solve the problem, … | |
Why is $if (isset($_GET['edit']) returning empty value when it's inside if (isset($_POST['add_submit']) but it's returning the value that I want When it's not inside if (isset($_POST['add_submit']) and how to fix it. Thank you. if (isset($_POST['submit']) ) { $brand = $_POST['brand']); if (isset($_GET['edit']) ) { $sql = "UPDATE brand SET brand … | |
I have read quite a few posts on how to do this (Retain Selected Value PHP Dynamic Drop Down List), but cannot quite understand what to do. What I have works, but it does not retain the selected. Any help appreciated. <form action="" method="POST" name="form1" id="form1"> <select name="selClass" size="1" id="selClass" … | |
Hello everyone, I am new to this daniweb community and I really hope you guys will help me with this as I am baffled at what I couldn't come up with or was it not possible to do that? I want to have a checkbox on either PHP page or … | |
Hi guys i am new here..i am not have more experience with php.I have one good script ,this search on folder from name the file,example pdf file.Worked ok all goood but i need add the limit rezult for show because i search pdf name for example and this show me … | |
Hi, I want to make online shop and I made most of it but I have problem on product page.I want for "customers" ( this is my personal project so ... ) to be able to choese and then what they choese to be store into table. I struggling with … | |
Here my form auto responce based on drop-down list, <tr> <th>Shipping Cost (Rs) : </th> <td id="findata"></td> <input type="hidden" name="shipping_cost" id="shipping_cost"/> </tr> <tr> Same page Ajax : <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#new').on('change',function(){ var zip = $("#zip_postal_code").val(); var country = $("#country").val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", // url: "ajax_ship_cost_data.php", url: "sp_cost.php", dataType: "text", data: { … | |
hello every one please can any body do this task for me please becouse our instructor in the university uploaded it and I dont have enough time becouse im studying for my final exams please any one and i will be helpfull for him/her :) this is the task Create … | |
I need to add couple of php page as from action like, <form action=“one.php”, “two.php” method=“POST”> The code above is not working, how can i use more than one form action url? | |
HI All I am displaying 10 questions randomly , if user play quizz multiple times - i want to display updated score of the users's session. demo url is : http://telugumirchi.com/quiz/ **index.php** <?php session_start(); ?> <?php require 'config.php'; ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>ABCD COMPANY</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <!-- … | |
Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in C:\Users\USER\Desktop\Final Year Project\XAMPP\htdocs\littleavenue\shop.php on line 320 <?PHP if(!isset($_GET['product_category'])){ if(!isset($_GET['category'])){ $per_page = 6; if(isset($_GET['page'])){ $page = $_GET['page']; } else { $page = 1; } $startfrom = ($page-1) * $per_page; $getproducts = " SELECT * FROM products OREDR BY 1 DESC … | |
I am doing this assignment i have to redirect the login page to the welcome back page to authenticate the use identity but i am getting this error in the welcome_back page in page. i have look everywhere to find the error. the error is the and now here is … | |
Hi, I want to display the avearage row as images. Is it possible? function reviews_average(){ $avgproduct_id = escape_string($_GET['id']); $avgquery = "SELECT avg(rating) as average_rating FROM reviews WHERE product_id = $avgproduct_id"; $avgresults = query($avgquery); confirm_query($avgquery); while($row = fetch_array($avgresults)){ $avgratings = **--THIS IS THE ONE I WANT TO DISPLAY AS IMAGES--** "{$row['average_rating']}"; … | |
I'm a novice in PHP and I would like to know on how exactly could I define said row. Any helps/tips are appreciated. Thank you in advanced! function add_review() { if(isset($_POST['add_review'])){ (THE UNDEFINED ROW) **$product_id = $row['product_id'];** $review_name = escape_string($_POST['review_name']); $review_email = escape_string($_POST['review_email']); $review_content = escape_string($_POST['review_content']); $review_created = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); … | |
how to shift complete site from wordpress to php if i dont even know about php language is it possible to shift site from one language to another. Is this effect on ranking of site as well | |
Hi all, I am very new to PHP and MYSQL and have a class assignment I need help with. I am trying to make a page with an HTML form that will update my MYSQL database. You can view my pages online here: [URL="http://baileyjumper.aisites.com/Scripting-Week7/homework4/exercise-five.php"]http://baileyjumper.aisites.com/Scripting-Week7/homework4/exercise-five.php[/URL] I need help with the "Edit" … | |
I have magento shipping charge code : <?php ob_start(); // require_once(__DIR__ . '/app/Mage.php'); require_once('./../app/Mage.php'); umask(0); ini_set('display_errors',true); ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M'); Mage::app()->loadArea('frontend'); function getShippingEstimate($productId,$productQty,$countryId,$postcode ) { // $quote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getStore('default')->getId()); $quote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getStore('english')->getId()); $_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); $_product->getStockItem()->setUseConfigManageStock(false); $_product->getStockItem()->setManageStock(false); $quote->addProduct($_product, $productQty); $quote->getShippingAddress()->setCountryId($countryId)->setPostcode($postcode); $quote->getShippingAddress()->collectTotals(); $quote->getShippingAddress()->setCollectShippingRates(true); $quote->getShippingAddress()->collectShippingRates(); $_rates = $quote->getShippingAddress()->getShippingRatesCollection(); $shippingRates = array(); foreach ($_rates as … | |
Hi i am trying to fetch data from database into my dropdown menu in codeigniter, but havind error of 'undefined variable: unit_name' . this is my model file `public function get_unit_value() { $result = $this ->db ->select('id, unit_name') -> get('units') -> result_array(); $unit_name = array(); foreach($result as $r) { $unit_name[$r['id']] … | |
Got Client with need of **"online print shop"** Client is providing paper printing (like business cards, flyers), printing on cloths, office stationary, logo embroidery on any type of clothing. Client provided some examples. **Links** * [rockdesign](https://www.rockdesign.com/) * [moo](https://www.moo.com/ca/) * [readyprint](https://www.readyprint.ca/) * [vistaprint](https://www.vistaprint.ca/) * [printshop](https://printshop.ca/) * [printvenue](https://www.printvenue.com/) **Where do I start?** … | |
Hi, I have a working account generator, which passes the password to mysql with MD5. I am currently working on a forgot password script, which generates a new password and stores as md5, then emails the user, however, the new password is not recognised. This is the forgot script. Can … | |
Dear , We have an billing script when we enter value on the submition page it will create an recipt number and other details we have entered in the form on the page recipt.php that was the first code. Past year the script was working fine but now it was … | |
I have a sp in mssql which gives multiple resultsets.I need to display the result in html table using php . I am using mssql_fetch_assoc() & mssql_next_result(). How to store each resultset in a array and retrieve it. $result=student_sp('1231','1') do curlybrace while($row=mssql_fetch_assoc($result)) brace $name=$row[name]; $age=$row[age]; $marks=$row[marks]; $term=$row[terms]; $Subject=$row[sub]; $html="<table><tr><td>$name</td></tr><tr><td>$age</td></tr></table>" $mark="<table><tr><td>$subject</td></tr><tr><td>$marks</td></tr></table … | |
hi it is me again, this is my assignemet been trying to fix this php script for a long time first to begin, it was issuing an error, Warning: join(): Invalid arguments passed in C this is the first error and the second error was: notice: undefined index in c. … | |
this assignmet call for inserting data into the database and also retrieve. at one time it was inserting into the database but for strange reason it just stop inserting, i have search every noook and cranny within the code to find the error. I know that there is an error … |
The End.