39,388 Topics
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how to shift complete site from wordpress to php if i dont even know about php language is it possible to shift site from one language to another. Is this effect on ranking of site as well | |
Hi all, I am very new to PHP and MYSQL and have a class assignment I need help with. I am trying to make a page with an HTML form that will update my MYSQL database. You can view my pages online here: [URL="http://baileyjumper.aisites.com/Scripting-Week7/homework4/exercise-five.php"]http://baileyjumper.aisites.com/Scripting-Week7/homework4/exercise-five.php[/URL] I need help with the "Edit" … | |
I have magento shipping charge code : <?php ob_start(); // require_once(__DIR__ . '/app/Mage.php'); require_once('./../app/Mage.php'); umask(0); ini_set('display_errors',true); ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M'); Mage::app()->loadArea('frontend'); function getShippingEstimate($productId,$productQty,$countryId,$postcode ) { // $quote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getStore('default')->getId()); $quote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getStore('english')->getId()); $_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); $_product->getStockItem()->setUseConfigManageStock(false); $_product->getStockItem()->setManageStock(false); $quote->addProduct($_product, $productQty); $quote->getShippingAddress()->setCountryId($countryId)->setPostcode($postcode); $quote->getShippingAddress()->collectTotals(); $quote->getShippingAddress()->setCollectShippingRates(true); $quote->getShippingAddress()->collectShippingRates(); $_rates = $quote->getShippingAddress()->getShippingRatesCollection(); $shippingRates = array(); foreach ($_rates as … | |
Hi i am trying to fetch data from database into my dropdown menu in codeigniter, but havind error of 'undefined variable: unit_name' . this is my model file `public function get_unit_value() { $result = $this ->db ->select('id, unit_name') -> get('units') -> result_array(); $unit_name = array(); foreach($result as $r) { $unit_name[$r['id']] … | |
Got Client with need of **"online print shop"** Client is providing paper printing (like business cards, flyers), printing on cloths, office stationary, logo embroidery on any type of clothing. Client provided some examples. **Links** * [rockdesign](https://www.rockdesign.com/) * [moo](https://www.moo.com/ca/) * [readyprint](https://www.readyprint.ca/) * [vistaprint](https://www.vistaprint.ca/) * [printshop](https://printshop.ca/) * [printvenue](https://www.printvenue.com/) **Where do I start?** … | |
Hi, I have a working account generator, which passes the password to mysql with MD5. I am currently working on a forgot password script, which generates a new password and stores as md5, then emails the user, however, the new password is not recognised. This is the forgot script. Can … | |
Dear , We have an billing script when we enter value on the submition page it will create an recipt number and other details we have entered in the form on the page recipt.php that was the first code. Past year the script was working fine but now it was … | |
I have a sp in mssql which gives multiple resultsets.I need to display the result in html table using php . I am using mssql_fetch_assoc() & mssql_next_result(). How to store each resultset in a array and retrieve it. $result=student_sp('1231','1') do curlybrace while($row=mssql_fetch_assoc($result)) brace $name=$row[name]; $age=$row[age]; $marks=$row[marks]; $term=$row[terms]; $Subject=$row[sub]; $html="<table><tr><td>$name</td></tr><tr><td>$age</td></tr></table>" $mark="<table><tr><td>$subject</td></tr><tr><td>$marks</td></tr></table … | |
hi it is me again, this is my assignemet been trying to fix this php script for a long time first to begin, it was issuing an error, Warning: join(): Invalid arguments passed in C this is the first error and the second error was: notice: undefined index in c. … | |
this assignmet call for inserting data into the database and also retrieve. at one time it was inserting into the database but for strange reason it just stop inserting, i have search every noook and cranny within the code to find the error. I know that there is an error … | |
I have predefined value like shipping_weight = 10$, my form consisting two dropdown list, if the dropdown selected based on the selection how to return my ajax value, Index.php : <tr> <th>I have : </th> <td> <select id="old" name="i_have"> <option value = "select_option">Select Option</option> <option value = "three_compact">3 Compact</option> <option … | |
I have dynamic page which is loading and preview page from database retrieved values. I did this with successfully. I want to remove parameters from page url. Note that I only used one parameter in url. My url is something like this. (with parameters) http://ads/ad?this=daihatsu-boon-m700s-new-design-2016-nugegoda-2019-04-05-22-49-04 I tried to remove parameters … | |
I have a search form, and I want to change the url from: https://www.example.com/search?search=term+term to: https://www.example.com/search/term+term I know how to use htaccess, but I don't know how to send user to friendly URL after he submit the form. Here is my form: <form action="search" method="get"> <input type="text" name="search" id="Searchx" placeholder="Search … | |
Hello i have this form and my php code skills not very good if someone make change password I would be glad thank you <div class="col-lg-9"> <div class="nk-box-3 bg-dark-1"> <form class="change-password" method="post" action=""> <input type="password" class="form-control input-change-password" name="opass" id="opass" placeholder="Old Password"> <div class="nk-gap-1"></div> <input type="password" class="form-control input-change-password" name="npass" id="npass" placeholder="New … | |
I am new in Codeigniter And I have no knowldge about Anything in it. This is my Code Snippent Error . A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined property: stdClass::$theme Filename: core/MY_Controller.php Line Number: 117 Backtrace: File: D:\xampp\htdocs\rms\application\core\MY_Controller.php Line: 117 Function: _error_handler File: D:\xampp\htdocs\rms\application\core\MY_Controller.php Line: 72 Function: _setup … | |
I am required to change ip adress everytime this function gets executed I am trying this code below .But I am completly confused.How can I do this function getData($domainName, $ext) { $proxy = array( 1 => array( '', '8080' ), 2 => array( '', '8080' ), 3 => array( '', … | |
I know that the code to send an email to multiple addresses is: $to = "ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2 \r\n"; $headers .= "CC: ADDRESS3 \r\n"; $headers .= "BCC: ADDRESS4 \r\n"; And I know that you can add a reply-to address with: $headers .= "Reply-To: ADDRESS5, ADDRESS6 \r\n"; My question is...what code to … | |
I have been working for hours to get this works the problem is that when I first execute this code everything is ok but second time nothing displays. Then I realized that if I wait 20-25 seconds gets executed again I am using this way whois("google","web.tr") I dont get any … | |
I am trying to validate my registration form but my php codes blocking it some how, I keep this error, Notice: undefined index: in gender c and for the life of me cant seem to find the correct way to fix it nothing I tried is working. and also I … | |
![]() | Hi all, I want to print month number in text. i tried date("F",$month); date("F",(int)$month); date("F",strtotime($month)); but all function return me january plz help me out ![]() |
Hi, I'm new to php (Yii Framework) and SQL (phpMyAdmin). I have problem to ask.  Currently the three dropdown menu from different table and each have different id called aircraft_type, aircraft_sn and aircraft_reg. I want to use only one table called aircraft. In this table have all three details … | |
Hi all I am very new to using php, I have a class project which I have to create a dynamic php page with a drop down selection menu. I have already created the pages for my project but when I choose the form I want and hit submit it … | |
I need to create a database from the messages, coming from the Mobirise website builder's forms. What code should I use? This doesn't work. Could you please help me. $link = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', 'password'); if (!$link) { $output = 'Unable to connect to the database server.'; include 'output.html.php'; exit(); } | |
i really need help, am new in programming and youtube is my teacher. i really need assistance to install Cryptomarket Trading System Installer in to my cpanel. | |
I have to take over a php project and I am totally new to php. I have this webpage that displays all packages sent to a customer and I want them to be able to click on the tracking number to do UPS website tracking. The code: <?php $result = … | |
Hello everyone , I have find i script made in 2013 that use Mysql , Today the mysql has removed and remplaced by Mysqli or PDO Can any one help me please to convert the mysql code to mysqli Exemple : <?php $num_queries = 0; $total_time = 0; class ADO … | |
Hello i have a problem with a Sql script `SELECT col1_id, col1_name, col2 FROM table GROUP BY ?????` col1_id col1_name col2 A john bear A john dog A john cat A john bear A john dog A john cat A john dog A john cat A john bear A john … | |
I am required to pass a parametre to jquery post and then get it using $_POST method .But it doesnt work this way.I cant display on the page <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Document</title> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.js" integrity="sha256-2Kok7MbOyxpgUVvAk/HJ2jigOSYS2auK4Pfzbm7uH60=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.js" integrity="sha256-T0Vest3yCU7pafRw9r+settMBX6JkKN06dqBnpQ8d30=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> </head> <body> <?php @$a = isset($_POST["isim"]) ? "var" … | |
Hi there, recently I have created stored procedure in **Postgres Sql** which deals about with hashing passwords. When used via **pgAdmin** tool it works like a charm as stated below. SELECT horeca_user.update_token( 1, //user_id 1, //type 'sdsfsdfs' //token ) I have also installed extension **pgcrypto**. It works when called via … | |
<table> <?php if(count($members)) $j=1; foreach($members as $key => $member) <tr> <td><label><?php echo $j.". "." ".$member->member_id." ".$member->name;?></label></td> <td><input type="radio" id="attendance_<?php echo $key?>" name="attendance[<?php echo $key?>]" value="present" required >Present <input type="radio" id="attendance_<?php echo $key?>" name="attendance[<?php echo $key?>]" value="absent" required >Absent</label></td> <td><select name="reason" id="reason" required style="display:none"> <option value="Work">Work</option> <option value="India">India</option> <option value="Sick">Sick</option> <option value="Personal/Family Issues">Personal/Family … |
The End.