39,388 Topics
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Hit upon [this thing](https://hcaptcha.com/) recently. Seems like a good alternative to Google's reCaptcha. Website users solve the captcha, website owners get paid and AI companies get their data labeled. What do you think guys? | |
No matter what the visitor types www.example.net or http://www.example.net or http://example.net i want all of the requests to be redirected to https://example.net currently i have managed to redirected requests that are coming from www.example.net and https://www.example.net to https://example.net but i can't find a solution for http://example.net to https://example.net Current config … | |
I am working on a project for drag and drop items in a shopping cart. For an item dropped into the cart, I am trying to implement jQuery $.ajax. The result back from the PHP is pre-pended with '`' and I can not figure out why. This is the javascript: … | |
I am under developing PHP add to cart without DB, so that i am using SESSION, actually get data from fetch_data.php data to my_cart.php using the POST method, successfully retun the values, After receiving the post data how can i convert to display like a table. workout: fetch_data.php return values. … | |
I have multiple HTML tables which is generated by PHP, Each table has a dynamic ID assigned to it What i would like is a total of the time in the "Worked Time" column for each table. [![enter image description here][1]][1] <script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta … | |
Hi guys, I have the following code that I just cannot get to work! Can you please let me know where I have gone wrong? <?php //db_connect.php $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","password","database"); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } function get_file_extension($file_name) { return end(explode('.',$file_name)); } function errors($error){ if … | |
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/botomul/public_html/whatsnew.php on line 130 [CODE]<?php error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); ?> <?php $item=$_GET['id']; include ("header.php"); $mark = mysql_query("select * from product order by product_id DESC"); $counter=0; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Welcome … | |
I have One Problem in my coding ..I want to upload multiple images in the database in one row with using comma ... for($i=0;$i<count($_FILES['eventpic']['name']);$i++) $pic = $_FILES['eventpic']['name'][$i]; $tmp =$_FILES['eventpic']['tmp_name'][$i]; $location="pics/".$pic; move_uploaded_file($tmp,$location); $q="insert into tbl1(title,tdate,eventpic)values('','','$pic')"; echo $q; through this code i can upload tthe multiple images but not in a single … | |
Hello I am using Crystal report version, php version 7.0.10, Apache version 42.4.33 and MySql Version 5.7.14. I have created the sampel rptone.rpt file that contents sample report. I want to load that rptone.rpt file using php. With Crystal report, php 7.0.10, apache 42.4.33 and MySql 5.7.14 i … | |
i have a problem in displaying the values of a cookie dynamically code goes as... <?php $x=array(); include("connect.php");//database connection file $temp=$_GET['id']; setcookie(count($x)+1,$temp); echo $_COOKIE['$x[1]']; ?> // how do i display the value of cookie every time... it is over written.... i have tried it with using array.. in short i … | |
Hi Pls tell me how to create a Crystal Report in php, mysql using com component Thanks in advance Arry :rolleyes: | |
Hello Experts! I am stuck here while generating QR Code using php sql. Basically I am generating code for students using their ids and other information while fetching data from database. But the problem is that when i click on submit button so that table data store in QR Code, … | |
Currently i can search in a box for a specific thing in my database but i can't search in my drop down menus which i need so it can help "find" it as well so it can narrow down the search. my current code: [CODE] <?php $mysql_link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', … | |
I am following the below module, https://www.webslesson.info/2018/04/shopping-cart-by-using-bootstrap-popover-with-ajax-php.html How can i use without quantity [Product Name, Price, total, Action] i tried lot fail again and again. I am learning stage in PHP, any help pls welcome. | |
I am having problem in submitting this form when I select "1" on the number of setting in html form. The submit button is working if I select 2 in the number of sitting from html form as it will show all the form fields but when I select 1, … | |
I am learning database and php I have made a database with a list of my game collection with the following fields, 1. ID 2. game_name 3. game_year 4. platform 5. publisher_name 6. media 7. owned 8. finished 9. completed 10. launcher I made this database in phpMyAdmin and would … | |
Hello all...New to the group here. Glad to be part of the site as I just found it and am excited about learning! Have a hopefully easy question for anyone who has the time to assist. Yes, it is for homework, so I hope I don't break any rules here. … | |
I am using the following code to check the user permission (User Role). This is to check whether the user is logged in or not <?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION["username"])) { echo '<script>window.location.href = "userLogin/?notloggedin=true";</script>'; } ?> This is to check whether is an admin or not <?php session_start(); if ($_SESSION["user_group"] … | |
Hi i'm Anis. I want to ask how i can attach image from database in FPDF? | |
My code about filterable audio searching, here how can i add Add-To-Cart functionality? code : index.php <?php //index.php include('database_connection.php'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="author" content=""> <title>Voice Repository</title> <script src="js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery-ui.js"></script> <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" … | |
This is the code behind the demo at https://www.daniweb.com/connect/oauth/demo | |
*Multiple database select - but print ids separately* $sql = "SELECT * FROM peron, peronmedia WHERE peronmedia.PID=5" and peron.ID=5"; $xc = mysqli_query($baglanti, $sql); $rs=mysqli_fetch_array($xc); echo $rs["peron.PID"]; echo $rs["peronmedia.ID"]; **but the codes don't work** ## **How can I do it?** ## Thank you. | |
<?php require_once('../vendor/autoload.php'); if (!isset($_POST["cart_payload"])) { echo "PAYLOAD NOT SET"; } $items = json_decode($_POST["cart_payload"], true); $line_items = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $line_items[] = array( $target = 'images/'; $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['image']['name']) 'name' => $item["title"], 'image' => $FILES["image"], 'amount' => $item["price"]*100, 'currency' => 'gbp', 'quantity' => $item["quantity"], ); … | |
Receiving error - Warning: Missing argument 4 for Get_All_Orderlines_Range(), called in /home/download/domains/1ecommerce.com/public_html/dev/_cms/list_orders.php on line 184 and defined in /home/download/domains/1ecommerce.com/public_html/dev/_cms/list_orders.php on line 161 Line 161: function Get_All_Orderlines_Range($id, $all = "", $from_date, $to_date){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM orders"; $sql .= " INNER JOIN orderline on orders.OR_ORDER_NO = orderline.OL_ORDER_NO"; $sql .= " … | |
I have an application that has core PHP for the signin, registration, dashboard. It has a front end and backend (dashboard). Simple stuff. I need to implement a Scheduling system and [EasyAppointments](https://easyappointments.org/) (EA) has 90% of the stuff I need. EA uses codeigniter and requires login. It has it own … | |
I am a beginner to php and am designing student information system where students need to enter 9 subject and its corresponding grade based on the number of sittings. Is there any better way to do this apart from what I have been doing? These are my codes: <form name="register" … | |
Magento how to apply discount for new customer like 1st order 5% discount and 3rd order 10% discount? | |
You might be familiar with the dreaded blank page when your PHP script doesn't work. Here's how to spit out errors to the screen, instead of getting just a blank page, as well as logging errors to a file. | |
There are two ways to write to a file in PHP. You can either open a stream, and write to it in parts, or you can use `file_put_contents()` which is much more convenient, with the trade off being that it takes up much more memory, and is not ideal if … | |
Hello Frds, select box option add new state in add.already same state in condition check already exist using php pdo.please help me. |
The End.