39,326 Topics
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How can someone write a Php script that enable users upload image along with a short description in their member area to the database where admin can receive and treat it??? I will also like to know how history on upload can also be added after each upload to the … | |
How do I echo selected option? <?php session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['cherianne'])){ }else{ header("Location:login.php"); } include("../includes/header.php"); // Retrieve our critical page setter variable. $char_id = $_GET['id']; //echo "<h1>$char_id</h1>"; // set this as a default value if (!isset($char_id)) { $result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT bid FROM cde_blog LIMIT 1"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $char_id … | |
Hi guys, I have repost this problem again, which i still cant solved it , hope you guys can help me is been almost 2 weeks. Im not sure is my value not pass through all my url is wrong. thank you guys so much http://www.intpostfolio.com/intpostfolio/searchresult.php <input type="submit" onClick="openoverlay('<?php echo … | |
Hello members, I am kind off new to working with self joins oe self referencing tables, I am wondering how one would update a self join table considering the table aliases naming. Your help will be appreciated. If some one can point me to a good resource, I will be … | |
after i key-in the form, the function change the whole column with the same value for example if i put first name JOHN it will update whole column with JOHN <?php session_start(); require_once("connection.php"); if (isset($_POST['edit'])) { session_start(); $s=mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE user SET first_name ='" . $_POST['first_name'] . "'"); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($s); if … | |
hi guys, can anyone advise me how to pass ajax post, my alert message has value but i cant pass to index.php . searchresult.php <input class="lowfliter" onclick="lowprice()" type="submit" id="lprice" name="lprice" value="Lowest"> search.js function lowprice() { var lprice = document.getElementById("lprice").value; var myData = 'lprice='+lprice; jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", // HTTP method POST … | |
i wish to send another field together with my FormData, so after i googled it, they said to add append to my form data, done it. but it did not send anything to db including the content of the file. here is my code:- $('#upload_csv').on("submit", function(e){ var data = new … | |
So I am really interested in making a database, I have knowledge about html and css, not javascript and I just want to begin learning and making a database. I am going to use this website: https://www.000webhost.com/?utm_source=000webhostapp&utm_campaign=000_logo&utm_medium=website&utm_content=footer_img so you can see my website in the internet, I don't really expect … | |
Would appreciate some kind help here as I'm experiencing some issue with regards to sorting of result from my map database. I trying to use onchange="this.form.submit() to activate my dropdown sort function, but somehow I kept getting plain text display of the sorted result. However, it would work fine if … | |
I have table i wish to count how many times a value appears in all column the table structure id Subject1 Subject1score subject1grade Subject2 Subject2score subject2grade 1 English 100 A Mathematics 100 C HERES MY PREVIOUSLY TRIED CODE <?php $subject1grade='A'; $subject2grade='A'; $subject3grade='B'; $a=array("$subject1grade","$subject2grade","$subject3grade"); print_r(array_count_values($a)); ?> THE RESULT Array ( [A] … | |
I am wondering if anyone could recommend the best CMS for an Airbnb-style marketplace that allows people to sublet their apartments, and other people to search, filter, and pay for the apartments listed. These are the main requirements: - Ability to sign up both buyers and sellers. - Accounts for … | |
Hi everyone, I am trying to connect my html form to database using php pdo but everytime i try to submit my data it shows undefined | |
I do not have a clue as to what the problem is with this code. I am running php 7.0. This was an old form I used long ago, decided to upgrade it for random use. It works on php 5.0 but not in 7. I have run it through … | |
Hi, i want to include images in email,i write the following script which unfortunatly not working,please any one help me resloved my issue `$to = "example@gmail.com"; $subject = "new account created"; $body = "New account has been created <img border=’0' src=’http://www.example.com/myimages/track.php?MID=1111&SID=2222' width=’1' height=’1'> " ; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . … | |
Please I need your help, I am new to PHP and I need your help in inserting multiple select array into the database in the form of this. This is what I want to achieve. My table has 3 columns (id, examno, results). I want results column to be inform … | |
Please I need your help, I am new to PHP and I need your help in inserting multiple select array into the database in the form of this. This is what I want to achieve. My table has 3 columns (id, examno, results). I want results column to be inform … | |
Hello. I am having a problem here. So I have this slider which display the pictures with status "1" which means displayed. Here comes the problem, when there's no pictures with the status AKA "0" (not-displayed), the default image doesn't show up. Here's the script. <div class="carousel-inner"> <?php $no=1; $default=$this->db->get_where("penyaluran", … | |
$strSPQuery = "SELECT * FROM `san_pham` where ma_san_pham=".$arrMa[$i]; $resultSp= mysqli_query($conn,$strSPQuery); $rowsp = mysqli_fetch_array($resultSp); $tong += $rowsp["gia"]*$arrSl[$i]; | |
hi everyone! I am wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction regarding cookies and sessions. What I need to know is this; I am developing a website that has mixed html and php pages. I am wanting to have "members" where certain web pages are accessible to … | |
I have some simple scripts like blogs, forums, and so on. They are not of high quality but I want to sell them. The problem is that I cannot build a professonal website. But I want to sell my work. Where can I find a marketplace for such items? Note … | |
Actually iam a new PHP Learner, i developed an web app using Bootstrap, PHP, Mysql. Now i want to give login access for gmail id's which are already existed in my database, so i used login with google API, but want deny login access for any other gmails which are … | |
We currently have a website running, domain.com but we are going to change the website and we are working on the new website under dev.domain.com it is a wordpress system we are putting together, is there a way to setup dev.domain.com as domain.com but still not be out in the … | |
Hi everyone! i have a question that, if there are two radio buttons Male and Female, if some select male,this value will be store into database, but if he select again another value which is female,then how the first value(Male) will be replace by second value (Female) in the database … | |
I have read a lot that PHP 7 out performs the previous versions of PHP. I am thinking of moving all my websites to PHP 7 so that my sites enjoy a better loading speeds. Please tell me any hosting providers that let me switch my servers to PHP 7 | |
If you need your PHP script to redirect to a different website, you can send an HTTP header to do that. Remember, `header()` must be called before any actual output is sent, which includes not just HTML, but blank lines, etc.. as well. | |
Greetings Digital Natives. I'm excited join this platform. I am a sofware developer at [Timbu](http://www.timbu.com/south-africa) Hoping to learning and connecting with you guys. I want to really upgrade my tech skills. I have stayed along in front end. I need to do little of backend and move with likeminded fellow. | |
Hello all wanted guidance on CMS(Content Management System) to be able to work with REST API for integrating REST API as needed for performing needed tasks.Kindly guide me with same | |
Firstly a little overview - my site uses Wordfence (this is not the issue - just the reason for this to begin with) -- Even if Wordfence is disabled this should still work. *its just what brought this to light.* And... I have been getting numerous login attempts from different … | |
This is the process I want to attain: 1. I have 4 buttons 2. Each 4 buttons have categories under it 3. When those categories is selected it shows list of datas 4. The datas are like powerpoint empty slides Can Someone give me some idea how to create relational … |
The End.