39,323 Topics

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how to secure WordPress from hacking?i want know details information, can you help me friends?

Member Avatar for thomas.edison

Hello, I know this kind of questions sound silly most of the times, but still I need to ask it. I am planning to get a web application done, for my business usage; it should be able to handle a huge DB scenario ( think of retailers DB ), support …

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Member Avatar for mcurse

Hi, I'm new here. I've a wordpress site. I don't know how to change keywords. I'm using all in all seo pack to use keyword. But there is no change. You can see from any browser's view source option. Can anyone tell me how can i fix it ? Here …

Member Avatar for mlhazan

I am working on a pagination.From the index page it goes with a variable .For an example: [CODE]viewproduct_by_category.php?categoryid=1[/CODE] the value 1 comes from database.So the error is ,first time the page shows up all the images that has the categoryid =1 but second time when ever I press next page …

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How can I use a variable to create another variable so that the output is not the content of the new variable but the php code for the new variable? For example: If variable $a = "house" and the name of the final variable is $b, then how do I …

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Member Avatar for binu_ds

Hi all, How will send bulk mail using csv file php mailer?Please help me.

Member Avatar for zulfistyle

Dear Friends! i send image using email function and it cant show on the receiver side?? i used html script inside the massage body to send images. whats the solution?

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for broj1

I have prepared an example of login page which displays a form with inputs for username and password and compares submited values with records in database. If match is found the user is redirected to another page, if not error message is displayed. This example is heavy commented. Hope it …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for gganeriwal

Hi, I have positioned my images in PHP. Now what I am looking to do is add some animations: 1. try to drag a image from the mouse on the page 2. make the image dissapear and a new image in the same location after say 15sec 3. give the …

Member Avatar for limohire
Member Avatar for maydhyam

[B]Good Morning, I have a CSV file with thousands of rows of data, and I want to have this data uploaded into a table in a MySQL database. I also want an area where the file could be selected from the computer for the data to be uploaded. Could this …

Member Avatar for shailendra2614
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I am sending mail after a user enter his/her email. In email message there is link which will be opened by user. The anchor tag is working fine in Gmail but not in Yahoo Mail/Indiatimes Mail. Here is the code block: [CODE] { $emailurl="3gmobile.co.in/phone_details.php?id=".$_REQUEST['id']."&model=".$_REQUEST['model']."&redirect=1"; $headers = "From: Donotreply@domain.co.in\r\n"; $headers .= …

Member Avatar for ace3df

Am Super new to php so please be nice. :D Here is the code: [code=php] <form name="form" id="form"> <div align="center"> <select name="jumpMenu" id="jumpMenu" onchange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)"> <option value="#" selected="selected">Episode List</option> <option value="episode001.php">Episode 01</option> <option value="episode002.php">Episode 02</option> <option value="episode003.php">Episode 03</option> <option value="episode004.php">Episode 04</option> <option value="episode005.php">Episode 05</option> <option value="episode006.php">Episode 06</option> <option value="episode007.php">Episode 07</option> <option …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for bytelaunch

Hey everyone, I've set up a dev environment on my Mac, and I'm noticing some strange things that I haven't seen before. When making a request to [url]http://localhost/test[/url], If I have a file in the site folder named [LIST] [*]test.jpg [*]test.html [*]test.php [*]test.xml [/LIST] then Apache will fetch the first …

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Member Avatar for chiiqui

How to send the session data in one page to another? here's my code because I am going to bill out all of the orders and Name and ID of the current user logged int , the PHP code [CODE]<?php session_start(); include("Connection.php"); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $name = $_POST['customerName']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO …

Member Avatar for daryll1
Member Avatar for khushhappy

I want to show distinct Year in my currenttime database field which is actually timestamp by structure. I want to show years like :- 2013, 2012, 2011 and so on . but the problem , the result of my query gives me 10-09-2013 12:11:17 10-09-2012 12:11:14 10-09-2011 12:11:17 which i …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for eduard77

I know programming but I am pretty new in php. I am studying now some script and I cannot pass a config file. could anyone help me configuring a site. the root folder is in d:/situri/agptg and the server folder is in d:/wamp/www/agptg and server address is http/localhost/agptg. And here …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for rimilbadal

i have a webpage form which have different no of textbox. i have to send this data to a sql database but i dont want to use the $_post or $_get command infact i don't want to send my data to other php page so i basically want a [B]php …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for extemer

hello friends i am upto software for the school management system and i have completed student info form and class and subject form.now i am stuck in fee section i want to use head and subhead concept that is based on charts of acount.can you people clear me that thing …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Rhamises

[url]http://ouraubie.com[/url] try logging in my site using (username: user password: user). the script do not redirect. my code is: [CODE]header('Location: ../index.php');[/CODE] i tried using my "Location: ".URL."" but stil it doesn't work here.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for thepales

I have a simple php script that starts sessions. On every page, I include : if(isset($_SESSION['sessionname'])){ //The rest of the page } else { die("Not logged in"); } I always include the session start and always regenerate the session id after <?php. The code works fine withevery browser except for …

Member Avatar for fenixZ
Member Avatar for fenixZ

Hi guys, I am experienced in PHP or at least until today I was thinking so. I am not sure what is it all about exactly. In my opinion the following code should not echo anything BUT IT DOES. [CODE] $cache = 'all'; if($cache == 0) { echo 'Execute something'; …

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Member Avatar for GrinShady

Hi Guys. I'm still a php newbie. In our class, we have just discussed creating PHP functions. As expected, we were given some exercises. Unfortunately I was not able to make my self-made function. There were actually two files, namely; functions.php and max_of_3.php the 'functions.php' is where the function is …

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Member Avatar for SolImages

Sorry I"m a bit of a newbie but I'm trying to set up a form on my website and when I click the submit form I get an error that reads: [COLOR="Red"]Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 554 The message was rejected because it contains prohibited virus or spam content …

Member Avatar for fenixZ
Member Avatar for pinkygirl

This is my code to hash [CODE]class hashing { private static $algo='$2a'; private static $cost='$10'; public static function unique_salt() { return substr(sha1(mt_rand()),0,22); } function hash($password) { return crypt($password,self::$algo.self::$cost.'$'.self::unique_salt()); } public static function check_password($hash,$password) { $full_salt=substr($hash,0,29); $new_hash=crypt($password,$full_salt); return ($hash==$new_hash); } }[/CODE] This is my login page [CODE]require("hashing.php"); $password=hashing::hash($_POST['txtPassword']); $checkPassword=mysql_query("SELECT * from …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mshdpotato

I'm completely new to PHP and I'm using dreamweaver. I'll be displaying a list of names but I want its background to stretch as long as the list of names. Something like the middle portion of this site - [url]http://library-online.org.uk[/url] I can't really describe it well and I don't know …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for gava11

Hello, I know nothing about PHP and this error has come up and I've been researching for days and have tried just about everything. Hopefully, I've given you enough information, but can you tell me why this line: $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); is the one called up in the following error? …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for web_master

I am using Joomla v1.7 and the mod_mainmenu is now mod_menu (I think, because there is no mod_mainmenu in the modules folder). In my site I have two menus like most sites, one in the header and another one in the footer. The header menu is a lot more complex …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for maxweb77

Guys and Gals i have a vBulletin forum and I am having some issue with our tag clouds. currently the tag link looks like this [url]http://www.site.com/tags.php?tag=green+data+center[/url] But we want to get it like this [url]http://www.site.com[/url] /tags/green-data-center.html So I have used this RewriteRule ^tags\.php\?tag=(.+)$ tags/$1.html but there seems to be no …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for wenbnet

I m getting this three warning when i m opening my website. [B]Can any one explain me what is this errors and how it comes[/B] any help will be very much appreciated. Warning: require(Non-permanent posts) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\kcd.co.in\httpdocs\index.php on line 17 …

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The End.