39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for Lost Monk

Hey people! Very happy to join Daniweb :) I'm having trouble retrieving form data via php thereby sending it to email. My code is as below. I've listed entire code though problem is only in declaring the selectlist value for POST processing. I've highlighted troubling part in red color. There …

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for calebcook

Hi. I have a system where a user fills out some information. There can be multiple answers, so I've made a script that adds a new text box if you click a button. My problem is, I don't know how to process it in PHP. The script will create a …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for michael123

I created a from which includes a textarea, this data will be saved to mysql, when I retrieve it, I want to only display the first two lines of this textarea data(ignore the rest), and only limit to text format(not html), how can I do that? If I continue to …

Member Avatar for cicovy
Member Avatar for bkimbriel

Hey guys, I've been working on this for like 2 days now and I know it's something pretty simple to do, I'm just a rookie with php lol. Basically I have checkbox forms that I want to email all the checked values in. Here is my html: [CODE]<table class="pstable"> <tr> …

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for emily-bcot

I'm new to PHP OOP. The project need a site class and the below is my code (): [CODE]class Sites { private $siteName; private $location; private $postcode; function __construct($name, $loc, $pc) { $this->siteName = $name; $this->location= $loc; $this->postcode = $pc; //use "insert SQL" to store new added site info to …

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for puvi

Hi everyone.. I was going thru php interview questions and came across these doubts. [I]What does a special set of tags <?= and ?> do in PHP? - The output is displayed directly to the browser.[/I] I saw this in a blog written in 2005 is this still valid or …

Member Avatar for puvi
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello, i am facing problem with image cropping. can you provide any code for crop images. actually my problem is i want to display 400X500 images. actually the original image size is 1600x900. then i am cropping that to 400X500. but it is scretching out. please tell me is there …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Coyx

Hi guys, I'm wondering if anyone can help. I have surryussface flu and I just can't seem to concentrate at all. I need to be able to select a colour from a list like the attached image. I've managed to code it right up to the part where it can …

Member Avatar for Coyx
Member Avatar for Ingska

Hi! I am coding a quite simple php form where many of the input forms are going to be filled with numbers. Is there a simple way I could get the numbers separated by thousands? Like the form showing 100 000 instead of 100000? Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for Ingska
Member Avatar for SweetElite

Help please Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING on line 48 [CODE]'mysql_host' => $_CONF['db']['localhost'], 'mysql_user' => $_CONF['db']['xxxxxxx'], 'mysql_pass' => $_CONF['db']['xxxxxxx'], 'mysql_name' => $_CONF['db']['xxxxxxx'], 'mysql_prefix' => (isset($_CONF['db']['prefix']) ? $_CONF['db']['prefix'] :'' ), );[/CODE]

Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for secstr

I have a similar issue with this code: [CODE]//Läsa in rätter för att kunna radera de oönskade via checkbox.. function ReadProductsForEdit($ratter){ $link = mysql_connect("localhost", "fruit", "potatoe"); mysql_select_db("db"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM meny"); echo '<form method="post" action="iframe_index.php">'; echo '<br><br><table width="500px">'; echo '<tr><td class="nr"><b>Nr</b></td><td class="ratt"><b>Rätt</b></td><td class="beskr"><b>Beskrivning</b></td></tr>'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo …

Member Avatar for secstr
Member Avatar for deraad

My program works according to what day it is, and it works perfectly, however, I don't know if the date() function is relative to the date of where my website server is located, or is it relative to where the user is? Here is an exact function i'm referring to: …

Member Avatar for deraad
Member Avatar for IT seeker

my work is stop here dont know how to do this i want to store numbers of images in mysql. after thar i want to reterive those products images with description and price. how it will be done? secondly if i click on category number 1 those images with detail …

Member Avatar for IT seeker
Member Avatar for stoopkid

I am building a Leasing Company Property web site, and one option they'd like is to have "Similar Properties" recommended to the visitor. The array contains "Bedroom Type" data (studio, 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom). A sample array is: Array ( [0] => Studio [1] => 1BR ) I …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Danny159

Hey All, I am after a HTML select file that has all the UK towns and cities in it does anyone know of one? Dan

Member Avatar for Danny159
Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees

Hi i need to make logic..in ecommerce web.. When i add any item to cart so Items Session start... but the problem is if i add same any again to cart so when i will be implemented? i know i need to use multidimentional arrary...becuase of item id and price.... …

Member Avatar for Rhamises
Member Avatar for Mohan_dhawle

i am devloping one web application where am faceing problem, i want to use the value enter by user in textfield into one sql query in that program, and am unable to do that can anyone please provide me code for this??

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for fffkral

Hello! How can I send a form's informations to several php file...!? For example, a user with a form can to register several website or blog. I am waiting for your guidance and thanks!

Member Avatar for NinjaMediaD
Member Avatar for jacko_162

New user to Daniweb in the hope i can get some help cus my brain is fried. Im relitively a n00b at php but i can handle the basics, working with images is beyond me at the moment but im learning. I have the below code, which works. it uploads …

Member Avatar for jacko_162
Member Avatar for DarkBerzerk

im using SimpleCart script and when the custmer press the Checkout Button [CODE]<a href="javascript:;" class="simpleCart_checkout">Checkout</a>[/CODE] this code run [CODE] me.checkout = function() { if( me.quantity === 0 ){ error("Cart is empty"); return; } switch( me.checkoutTo ){ case PayPal: me.paypalCheckout(); break; case GoogleCheckout: me.googleCheckout(); break; case Email: me.emailCheckout(); break; default: me.customCheckout(); …

Member Avatar for DarkBerzerk
Member Avatar for madz015

Does anyone uses a proxy debugger. Please share it with me. I have a problem with my nusoap I don't know why it's not working. I need to know if its communicating the web services or not..please..please

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kinnu tandel

hello frnds, I am stuck with one problem.please help me..thanks in advance.. well, i have html registration page with username,password,firstname,lastname,and when i submit this from then all those information should be store in a file like text,xls,csv any type. i am not using any database.i used to store information in …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for httpgal

I'm having a strange problem with a website I'm working on. What I want to do is pass a SQL query variable (in this case cid) using a link, but for some reason it just isn't working. This type of query works just fine on other pages of this site, …

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Member Avatar for titosd

Hello, I have a question/ I want to get the selected value from a form without submit, and then to use this selected values in another php file. i think if i can put the values in array, and then to register the array on a session, and the to …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mwenyenia07

i want to load client details as follows: 1. you enter his/her Identity number in a textbox and press enter. this will call a controller that will do the rest of the stuff. how can you do it using jquery and codeIgniter. show by example.

Member Avatar for spectralbat

Hi guys, I'm in the process of learning PHP. I know the dribs and drabs and can kind of understand code when I read it, but I'm not to the point of being able to write an advanced script from scratch. I've been interested in chatbots and the concept AI …

Member Avatar for Tomy300
Member Avatar for bayken37

Hey guys, can't say that I'm all that versed in php code but I'm wondering if it's even possible to do what I want to do. Basically I need the inserted .inc file to be variable based on the page ID ("TEAMID" below) .. so if it's id=15, I need …

Member Avatar for MagicMedia
Member Avatar for 007tron

hi all I have the code below, and I am getting this error: The image "" cannot be displayed because it contains errors. think this should be correct, what could the problem be? please help if you can. thanks :) [CODE] <?php header('Content-type: image/jpg'); function create_thumb_nail($array_image) { if (isset($array_image['image'])){ $image …

Member Avatar for 007tron
Member Avatar for amear

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM rooms"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { mysql_query("insert into chat (name,text,date,chat_id) values('$_SESSION[username]','$_POST[text]','$date','$row[id]')"); } can i do that without repeat the mysql_query code?

Member Avatar for amear
Member Avatar for Buppy

Hi, Maybe anyone has worked with this before. I have a cakephp app where i need to dynamically create images. When i use header('Content-Type: image/png'); imagepng($dest); i get this - The image cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. When i try this imagepng($dest,"image.png"); The image is never saved, tried …

Member Avatar for cereal

The End.