39,388 Topics
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I need help with the following: I have a taxonomy named location. I have a list of countries using that taxonomy. I need to display the latest posts in a list with the flag and the post title. I created a folder inside theme folder with all country flags. For … ![]() | |
Hi, i'm doing a website where the user can add his favourite bands in his profile. But not every band is in the DB, so if the band isn't in the DB it adds the name in the column. this is what i have: if(mysql_query("INSERT INTO bandas_fav(band_fav_id_user, band_fav_id_banda) VALUES('".$_GET['iduser']."', '".$bands_name['banda_id']."')")) … | |
What's the best way to overwrite the show_error() function in Common.php? ![]() | |
I am trying to get the meta data information from the below url, but its not working, all I'm getting on the screen is an empty screen. Any kind of help is highly appreciated. $tags = get_meta_tags('http://watch32.com/movies-online/return-to-the-blue-lagoon-2766'); echo $tags['author']; echo $tags['keywords']; echo $tags['description']; echo $tags['geo_position']; | |
My customer wants to integrate his software with a website and whenever he updates offline store it shall reflect on website software.Is it possible if yes please reply. Thanks in Advance ![]() | |
Hello there! Been a long time since I visited it DaniWeb :) I have a very wiered problem with my JSON data I'm getting using CURL. The returned json is 100% valid - you can copy and check it from here: http://pastebin.com/mdF1Vd7k When I try to do the following: `$result->data[0]->username; … | |
I want to upload images to my database, these can be done using php and mysqli . The form contains some information like file descriptiopn and input file and when i submit the file the file will automatically enters in to the database and the image will be stored in … ![]() | |
I am uploading files from a form to a folder in database using the following code. Now i want to add one text field to add some title to that file and save it database.Currently i am uploading files in upload folder but i want to save the title and … ![]() | |
Hello, there is a small php script that I am converting from using mysql to mysqli, but I am having a bit of an issue with mysqli_fetch_fields (this is where I assume the problem lies). Basically it is a form that allows someone to enter free form queries in order … | |
Hello, i need help here...., i try to insert my data into mysql, but every time when i insert data into my database, its insert two record in one time, 1 row is the data that i insert and another row is empty, just the auto increment column have filled, … ![]() | |
I am happy with sending an email using PHP, i would like to know how to send an attachment also in my email: ` <?php $to = "es@yahoo.com"; $subject = "Sent by portal"; $message = "Get attachment"; $from = "se@gmail.com"; $file = $_POST['ah']; function mail_attachment($to, $subject, $message, $from, $file) { … | |
I want to know if its possible to store php variables in mysql database i currently have a text field which stores the value <div class="row-2"> <div class="titles"> <?=$config['slogan']?> </div> </div> this is the slogan for the website that is in anther table which is got before this - if … | |
I have a login form 'Application_Form_Login' that I call in 'Application_View_Helper_Auth', so that the signin form appears on all pages. If I login from 'index/index', everything is ok, but it doesn't work correctly if I login from 'index/otheraction' or 'othercontroller/index'. The form code starts as follows: class Application_Form_Login extends Zend_Form … | |
Hi, Me again... Just wanted to know, i have this piece of code to enter the data from a registration form of mine into the user db. I want to use the mysql_real_escape_string to help stop those evil people who enjoys hacking from hacking my DB $query = "INSERT INTO … | |
 I have three tables, and I'm going to show the third table. What I want to know is how to delete each entry from it? As, the first and the second tables ids are fetched and inserted in the third one. As in, I have my model as … | |
Hello All: I am some difficulties getting some database variables from an included file to my mysql connection. Here is what i have: file one Called config.inc.php: session_register("client_id"); $_SESSION['client_id'] = $_SESSION['SESS_ACCT_ID'];// $club_id=$_SESSION['client_id']; ob_start(); include('../../../page_title.php'); ob_end_clean(); include('../../../datalogin.php'); if (!defined('DEFAULT_HOST')) define('DEFAULT_HOST','localhost'); if (!defined('DEFAULT_USER')) define('DEFAULT_USER',$account_user); if (!defined('DEFAULT_PASS')) define('DEFAULT_PASS',$account_pass); if (!defined('DEFAULT_DB')) define('DEFAULT_DB',$account_db); the variables … | |
<?php class contacts { public $name; public $cno; public $clocation; public function __construct($name,$cno,$clocation) { $this->name = trim($name); $this->cno = trim($cno); $this->clocation= trim($clocation); } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getNO() { return $this->cno; } public function getLocation() { return $this->clocation; } } class DataBaseAction extends contacts { … ![]() | |
Hello everyone. A group of us who are into Battlefield 3 gaming have started a new clan/community to support the game and we are looking for someone to help with designing a basic but professional looking website for the group. We would like to run a vbulletin forum on that … | |
I know how to only log php errors but how can I set the error handling up so that it echos some custom text eg- We're sorry, but something went wrong. Please try again later Thank you | |
Heloo Guyz!! I Uploaded My Html and Php Files To server by using FileZila. And When I google and click my address It shows all the Files i uploaded to server(Shows the directory ). not the home page, how can i show my home page only when i click my … | |
I am changing my web site from static html pages to php pages using includes and a mysql dbse. In the dbse table I store the blog body text and the blog title text, and the blog date. I have written a page I call 'previous_blogs.php' to list all the … | |
Hi All I am running an sql query to obtain the data for $CaseStudyTitle[] = $row['CaseStudyTitle']; located in the while loop and passed as parameters to the fucntion below. Currently I am displaying only one case study title at anytime. The partner can have many case studies titles how can … | |
Hi guys I'm trying to create a login system on my site that uses the login information from my phpBB forum. I'm having trouble retrieving the password hash from the forum database. I'm a bit of a newbie to php so am a bit lost. Thanks in advanced. <?php //include … | |
![]() | File structure: /index.php /source/header.php /manager/login.php /manager/scripts/auth.php login.php: <?php require ("../source/header.php"); ?> <?php if ($_SESSION['check'] == 2) { unset($_SESSION['check']); echo "<p>Incorrect! Please try again.</p>"; } ?> <form action="scripts/auth.php" method="post" name="login-form"> <label>Table ID</label> <br /> <input type="text" size="20" id="ID" name="ID"> <br /><br /> <label>Password</label> <br /> <input type="password" size="20" id="pass" name="pass"> <br … ![]() |
Hi i need to create a restrictions for the user i have a column "level" which is if the users level is 5 then echo "admin" else if level is 3 echo "mod" and if level is 1 echo "newbie". How can i do that after they login? | |
hey guys, anyone here know how to format word doc using PHP?, i already got how to create one, but the formatting is my problem, like setting bold letters, btw i tried html markup it works but the problem though is how to set the page width? it's taking up … | |
What does this error mean with the Youtube API v3.0: A client error occurred: Could not create storage directory: /tmp/Google_Client/00 I am using the PHP Youtube API on Google's documentation found [here][1]. [1]: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/code_samples/php#search | |
In my codeigniter php login form i'm facing these issues.Password is encrypted in the database.I'm going to decrypt it from the database and allow login.I checked where is the problem.I could find it's in decrypt part.So if anyone can help me i really appreciate that.This is my code. Model function … ![]() | |
how to set sliding error messages in join form in dolphin boonex? I want a sliding error messages for each field while hovering other field and submitting the form | |
Is it possible to convert a youtube video to mp3 using ffmpeg but without youtube-dl to first put in on the server? All the examples I've seen involve youtube-dl first to extract the physical video file. |
The End.