39,326 Topics
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Hello! I have a signup form that is working fine. Here it is a text element for providing the email address: $email = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('email'); $email->setLabel($sessionSettings->tr->translate('email')) ->setValue('') ->setAttribs(array('id' => 'email', 'class' => 'required email')) ->setRequired(true) ->addFilters(array('StripTags','StringTrim','StringToLower')) ->addValidators(array( 'NotEmpty', 'EmailAddress', array('Db_NoRecordExists', true, array('user', 'email_address')) )); $email->getValidator('NotEmpty')->setMessage('Email address field cannot be empty.'); … | |
Hey guys, I am new to programming and doing everything on my own here. I have a website that I am working on, and i want to add things to a list that is on the side of the search page, and then i want to have it be able … | |
I have a problem that includes finding the maximums and minimums of certain variables in sequence. I want to nest the max() and min() functions as follows. $variable5 = min(max(($variable1 - $variable0), 0), $variable3); The PHP manual says/suggests that this type of nesting is possible. However, the code doesn't run … | |
Hello Friends!! I need some help here.... i build a website called E-Maintenance, now i need to make a form that user can choose date and the system will insert into database mysql after the user click submit, im searching on the internet and i found this Javascript calender, this … | |
Dear Friends, As usually I came with a PHP Problem. I've created a form. When user press the Submit button all the data will added to the database. I want to send an email with all data in form to my inbox when the user pressed a submit button. Summary … | |
I have hosted my website in linux platform. for some reasons am shifting it to windows hosting. do i have to make changes to the php code. Will the database be affected? Any help will be appreciated. | |
Hello! So I currently have a class titled Appliciation which contains a method called start. <?php class Application { /* * Application class */ public function __construct($IceTray){ $this->IceTray = $IceTray; } /* Starts application */ public function start(){ /* Confiures error reporting */ $this->IceTray->Error->configure(); $Path = $IceTray->Path; include APPDIR.'/paths.php'; $Path->start(); … | |
I am having some issues with the PHP Crypt Function, which hopefully someone can help me out with. I am designing a website for a sports club as a school project, and they don't want to pay for hosting that has a database. I therefore am having to make use … | |
I am trying to teach myself PHP, im trying to generate a form that validates in php Im having issues with my checkbox value calculations I know i should construct a function Im trying to make it so if the user clicks the mealplan box the appropriate price gets added … | |
Hi, This is going to be the least important post you will read, but if anyone can help me, I will still appreciate it. Every fall I have a small weekly football contest with my friends for fun. I have an html file with 20 games on it, players choose … | |
Hello I'm want to convert string to array $str = "[cat=[0=php,script=[js]],id=4,foo=bar]"; how to write `preg pattern` for change `$str` to : $str = "[cat=[0=php,script=[js]]_-_id=4_-_foo=bar]"; If convert `,` to `_-_` I can convert this string to array by `foreach`, but i can't convert `,` to `_-_` in this string I'm want … | |
I'm totally new to php and learning. I have a table name *persons* which has columns * FirstName * LastName * Gender * Subject * Hobbies **The Task:** was to dynamically populate a drop down list with the data of FirstName, display the selected record of the name chosen in … | |
Hi, I'm very new to smarty. I would like to learn more about smarty engine. I understand how smarty works like assign and display but how can I implememt something that able to switch template? I mean when I upload few different template with different name and CMS will auto … | |
I have the following file structure. Some files are dynamically added to a zip file and downloaded. uploads ----- 1 ---------- test.jpg ---------- another-test.jpg ----- 2 ---------- yetanotherfile.jpg ----- 3 ---------- evenmorefiles.jpg However, when I unzip the downloaded file it keeps that same structure (only with some files missing) and … | |
Hi.. I have a blog and one day I post a redirect page tutorial with php script within it. I saw that tutorial from a web and I want to post it to my blog too.. here is the script : [code=php] <?php function redirect($url) { if (!headers_sent()) { header("Location: … | |
Hello I am trying to parse a .json file.. it only has 1 set of data I don't think the $.each is the best approach but it's all I can find.... Here is my code: <script type="text/javascript"> function getQueryVariable(variable) { var query = window.location.search.substring(1); var vars = query.split("&"); for (var … | |
This class allows for the handling of normal and serialized cookies as well as switching between these types of cookies. Cookie Functions: Write Cookies Read Cookies Delete Cookies Use of this class is fairly simple. Step 1: Include the class source in your php project using the require or include … | |
hi all pls help me... how to create unique reference id for all users registering in my site...?? tnx in advnc... | |
I want to show movie trailer by click on movie button. i have done this by using colorbox. i had include .js and .css file in my template.php file. and i prepare following code for this. but i can't able to do this. plz anyone guide me. how can i … | |
Hi, Any tips on how I can make a smarter function? I have recently begun oop, so Im not allways sure if I do things in a "bad way" - both the amount of code, and the performance. Any advice on this piece is appreciated: class get_page_info { public $id; … | |
Hi All, I use Dreamweaver CS6 to write/edit both ASP (classic) and PHP. The new Adobe Dreamweaver CC is now subscription based, which I think really stinks (I hate subscription based software). Just wondering what is considered industry standard tool(s) for PHP? Is there a standard? If not, what are … | |
I need to set a cookie with an array as a value. Is the best way to run serialize() on the data? | |
I wrote four simple functions to manipulate .htpasswd file ( Apache ). | |
This code will display images within an email from the server. It will display an image with a choice of file extension which can be expanded to fit your needs. this code was originally developed for a emailing system where the images to be displayed where uploaded by the user. | |
Hi mates, I am looking for a way to cache a PHP page that it's different for each session user. For example if the paginating is used and if I have 10 pages each page contains 25 entries extracted from database, also these entries are editable when clicking on button … | |
This is not working: class Post extends CI_Model{ function get_posts($num=20, $start=0){ //$sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE active=1 ORDER BY date_added DESC LIMIT 0,20;"; $this->db->select()->from('posts')->where('active',1)->order_by('date_added','desc')->limit($num, $start); $query=$this->db->get(); return $query->result_array(); } } and giving me a: `[20-Jun-2013 17:42:21] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function select() on a non-object in public_html/codeigniter/application/models/post.php … | |
Hi, I have this bit of php returning the response, just for testing : header('Content-type: application/json'); $response = array(); $response["status"] = "ok"; echo json_encode( $response ); 1) Is this a wrong way to send a json encoded string back via jquery ajax? 2) I get NOTHING, No response from this … | |
hi guys, am working on a phpscript and have a date form, am lacking a php/javascript code to validate my date form. please help with the code. | |
hi guys, Do you guys have any php code where i could add a new class to a div element in a page? using my code am planning to read the file contents of an html page. I wanted to add a class "modify" to all DIVs which has a … | |
i want to create a form wizard, but i am not getting my forms one after another in one page. i am using `<input type="hidden" name="step" value="1" />`, `<input type="hidden" name="step" value="2" />` to get my forms step by step, when i forwarded from up_account.php to update_step1.php, then my form … |
The End.