39,388 Topics
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Hi i have a friend which he gave a php file that is link to their company website which he work with. but when i view source the company website i cannot find the php location. He said its not visible because they encrpt the php code into the server???? … | |
While i try to access the .htaccess file its saying access forbidden,which is obvious. But the listing of all other files also getting displayed,i.e no restrictions are imposed on those files which are under the same directory as the .htaccess. However i want to restrict everyone but myself from those … | |
this is my contacts class <?php class contacts { private $name; private $cno; private $clocation; public function __construct($name,$cno,$clocation) { $this->name = trim($name); $this->cno =trim($cno); $this->clocation=trim($clocation); } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getNO() { return $this->cno; } public function getLocation() { return $this->clocation; } } class DataBaseAction … | |
So I have this query but the error is wrong syntax around '%'$txt2',%' - what would I have to change this too please... thanks What I am looking for in the field is anything that has txt2, with things after it or just txt2 on its own without anything after … | |
Hi im using FIND iN SET in a query like below, but i get an error stating that im using wrong syntax and also Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table FIND_IN_SET($txt2, field)") or trigger_error(mysql_error().$sql); Hope someone can help with this, thanks | |
Hello! I have a signup form that is working fine. Here it is a text element for providing the email address: $email = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('email'); $email->setLabel($sessionSettings->tr->translate('email')) ->setValue('') ->setAttribs(array('id' => 'email', 'class' => 'required email')) ->setRequired(true) ->addFilters(array('StripTags','StringTrim','StringToLower')) ->addValidators(array( 'NotEmpty', 'EmailAddress', array('Db_NoRecordExists', true, array('user', 'email_address')) )); $email->getValidator('NotEmpty')->setMessage('Email address field cannot be empty.'); … | |
Hey guys, I am new to programming and doing everything on my own here. I have a website that I am working on, and i want to add things to a list that is on the side of the search page, and then i want to have it be able … | |
I have a problem that includes finding the maximums and minimums of certain variables in sequence. I want to nest the max() and min() functions as follows. $variable5 = min(max(($variable1 - $variable0), 0), $variable3); The PHP manual says/suggests that this type of nesting is possible. However, the code doesn't run … | |
Hello Friends!! I need some help here.... i build a website called E-Maintenance, now i need to make a form that user can choose date and the system will insert into database mysql after the user click submit, im searching on the internet and i found this Javascript calender, this … | |
Dear Friends, As usually I came with a PHP Problem. I've created a form. When user press the Submit button all the data will added to the database. I want to send an email with all data in form to my inbox when the user pressed a submit button. Summary … | |
I have hosted my website in linux platform. for some reasons am shifting it to windows hosting. do i have to make changes to the php code. Will the database be affected? Any help will be appreciated. ![]() | |
Hello! So I currently have a class titled Appliciation which contains a method called start. <?php class Application { /* * Application class */ public function __construct($IceTray){ $this->IceTray = $IceTray; } /* Starts application */ public function start(){ /* Confiures error reporting */ $this->IceTray->Error->configure(); $Path = $IceTray->Path; include APPDIR.'/paths.php'; $Path->start(); … | |
I am having some issues with the PHP Crypt Function, which hopefully someone can help me out with. I am designing a website for a sports club as a school project, and they don't want to pay for hosting that has a database. I therefore am having to make use … | |
I am trying to teach myself PHP, im trying to generate a form that validates in php Im having issues with my checkbox value calculations I know i should construct a function Im trying to make it so if the user clicks the mealplan box the appropriate price gets added … | |
Hi, This is going to be the least important post you will read, but if anyone can help me, I will still appreciate it. Every fall I have a small weekly football contest with my friends for fun. I have an html file with 20 games on it, players choose … ![]() | |
Hello I'm want to convert string to array $str = "[cat=[0=php,script=[js]],id=4,foo=bar]"; how to write `preg pattern` for change `$str` to : $str = "[cat=[0=php,script=[js]]_-_id=4_-_foo=bar]"; If convert `,` to `_-_` I can convert this string to array by `foreach`, but i can't convert `,` to `_-_` in this string I'm want … ![]() | |
I'm totally new to php and learning. I have a table name *persons* which has columns * FirstName * LastName * Gender * Subject * Hobbies **The Task:** was to dynamically populate a drop down list with the data of FirstName, display the selected record of the name chosen in … | |
Hi, I'm very new to smarty. I would like to learn more about smarty engine. I understand how smarty works like assign and display but how can I implememt something that able to switch template? I mean when I upload few different template with different name and CMS will auto … | |
I have the following file structure. Some files are dynamically added to a zip file and downloaded. uploads ----- 1 ---------- test.jpg ---------- another-test.jpg ----- 2 ---------- yetanotherfile.jpg ----- 3 ---------- evenmorefiles.jpg However, when I unzip the downloaded file it keeps that same structure (only with some files missing) and … | |
Hi.. I have a blog and one day I post a redirect page tutorial with php script within it. I saw that tutorial from a web and I want to post it to my blog too.. here is the script : [code=php] <?php function redirect($url) { if (!headers_sent()) { header("Location: … | |
Hello I am trying to parse a .json file.. it only has 1 set of data I don't think the $.each is the best approach but it's all I can find.... Here is my code: <script type="text/javascript"> function getQueryVariable(variable) { var query = window.location.search.substring(1); var vars = query.split("&"); for (var … | |
This class allows for the handling of normal and serialized cookies as well as switching between these types of cookies. Cookie Functions: Write Cookies Read Cookies Delete Cookies Use of this class is fairly simple. Step 1: Include the class source in your php project using the require or include … ![]() | |
hi all pls help me... how to create unique reference id for all users registering in my site...?? tnx in advnc... | |
I want to show movie trailer by click on movie button. i have done this by using colorbox. i had include .js and .css file in my template.php file. and i prepare following code for this. but i can't able to do this. plz anyone guide me. how can i … | |
Hi, Any tips on how I can make a smarter function? I have recently begun oop, so Im not allways sure if I do things in a "bad way" - both the amount of code, and the performance. Any advice on this piece is appreciated: class get_page_info { public $id; … | |
Hi All, I use Dreamweaver CS6 to write/edit both ASP (classic) and PHP. The new Adobe Dreamweaver CC is now subscription based, which I think really stinks (I hate subscription based software). Just wondering what is considered industry standard tool(s) for PHP? Is there a standard? If not, what are … | |
I need to set a cookie with an array as a value. Is the best way to run serialize() on the data? | |
I wrote four simple functions to manipulate .htpasswd file ( Apache ). ![]() | |
This code will display images within an email from the server. It will display an image with a choice of file extension which can be expanded to fit your needs. this code was originally developed for a emailing system where the images to be displayed where uploaded by the user. ![]() | |
Hi mates, I am looking for a way to cache a PHP page that it's different for each session user. For example if the paginating is used and if I have 10 pages each page contains 25 entries extracted from database, also these entries are editable when clicking on button … ![]() |
The End.