39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for klemme

[B]I have one select list, which is populated from the DB like this:[/B] [CODE] <select name="position" id="position" onChange='itemdisplay(this.value)'> <option value="<?php echo $til_subject; ?>"><?php echo $current_subject; ?></option> <?php while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result)){ echo '<option value=' . $row['id'] . '>' . $row['linknavn'] . '</option>'; } echo "</select>"; ?> // Next to this list i have …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for jacob21

[CODE]validate: function () { contact.message = ''; if (!$('#contact-container #contact-name').val()) { contact.message += 'Name required. '; } if (!$('#contact-container #contact-phone').val()) { contact.message += 'Phone required. '; } [B]if (!$('#contact-container #contact-phone').length()<>10) { contact.message += 'Phone no should be of 10 digit. '; }[/B] var email = $('#contact-container #contact-email').val(); if (!email) { …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for riseguim

[CODE=php]<?php session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION["username"])) { header('Location: login.php'); exit; } ?>[/CODE] I have this code on the page I want to be password protected. Everything is working perfectly fine on Firefox, but in Internet Explorer it doesn't load the content of the page once the login information has been verified. Any suggestions? …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for lastgame2007

it doesn't have any error but also i doesn't update in my database? <head> </head> <?php include('connect.php');?> <body> <?php mysql_select_db("dbusers",$connection); $result=mysql_query("UPDATE tblinfo SET idno='$idno', name='$name', address='$address', birthdate='$birthdate', contact='$contact', email='$email' WHERE 'index'='$id'"); $result = mysql_query($update) ?> </body> </html>

Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad
Member Avatar for DILO3D

i have a text file contents as below. ++ myhost1 menu = sanjay title = sanjay host host = ++ gateway1 menu = Gateway1 title=gateway host= i need a php code to remove these lines. ++ gateway1 menu = Gateway1 title=gateway host= Can any one help me plzz ? thanks …

Member Avatar for DILO3D
Member Avatar for varoluscu_prens

Dear friends of daniweb.com; An annoying problem has been arisen in muy php code. Here is the code : [CODE] $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load("http://localhost/xampp/tsbs_yellow_pages/run/databank.xml"); $xPath = new DOMXPath($doc); $nodeList = $xPath->query("/Root/User"); [COLOR="Red"]//Everything is normal up to that point I think[/COLOR] $phase; $length_of_phase; $areaPointer=99; $i=0; //In these "if" blocks , …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for arjani10

Hello!Somebody can help me to restricted access only a part of my wordpress when asked to register to view it?I need something like this [CODE]<code for restrict view> content to hide </code for restrict view> [/CODE] Thank you..

Member Avatar for arjani10
Member Avatar for MasterGberry

So I am operating a website using the PHP Invision Power Board system, and it's kind of old. There are 10,000s of lines of code in it that are custom, and re-writing the website is probably more work then its worth at the moment. I want to take the URLs …

Member Avatar for pdhanunjaya
Member Avatar for infopost

Hi, I have ran into a problem with a script I am using that shows content to a visitor based upon their browser referer. Here is the relevant portion of the script: [CODE]<?php $allowed_referers[0] = "allowedwebsite.com"; $ok_mode = 0; if((in_array(parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],PHP_URL_HOST), $allowed_referers) && $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] != "") || $ok_mode) { } ?>[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for sainigks

Hi everyone, i want to make a script which can filter dir and files in a folder. i mean in a specified folder it create a list or dir's and files separately. i had try open_dir function in php but it list all data together. Plz help me do it. …

Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for 7kemZmani

Here is simple form contain multiple checkboxes options and textarea input: [CODE] <form method="post" name="form1" action="<?php echo $editFormAction; ?>"> <table> <tr><th colspan="2">BREATHING CIRCULATION</th></tr> <tr><th>#</th><th>Instruction Name</th></tr> <tr><td><input name="InstrCheck[]" type="checkbox" id="InstrCheck" value="Respirations normal rate"></td><td>Respirations normal rate</td></tr> <tr><td><input name="InstrCheck[]" type="checkbox" id="InstrCheck" value="Respirations effort normal"></td><td>Respirations effort normal</td></tr> <tr><td><input name="InstrCheck[]" type="checkbox" id="InstrCheck" value="Breath Sounds-normal"></td><td>Breath Sounds-normal</td></tr> …

Member Avatar for webdesigns12
Member Avatar for naru vaishnaw

here is my code for message i want to show message with avatar .i'm unable to create it any one help me for displaying message with avatar my message system [CODE] <?php require "database.php"; $userfinal=$_SESSION['MM_Username']; // get the messages from the table. $get_messages = mysql_query("SELECT message_id FROM messages WHERE to_user='$userfinal' …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for Annuscha

Wow this code is driving me insane. My problem is getting two arrays into a multiple INSERT query. I can't seem to find a way for the loop to insert both arrays. [CODE]$sql_data = array(); $sql_prefix = "INSERT INTO student_score(course_uid, student_uid, question_uid, answer) VALUES"; foreach($_POST['answer'] as $id => $answer){ // …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for bgx90

Hello. Does anyone know why strip_tags() is apparently returning an empty string in the code below? If I get rid of the strip_tags(), it works, but with strip tags, it displays the message about no ticket number being entered. I'm just sending it "http://[omitted].php?ticketNum=1", so there aren't even any tags …

Member Avatar for bgx90
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I'm impressed with Aptana Studio 3 and it is wonderful. I have decided to go back to eclipse after years of using Netbeans. In NB I was having option of [B]separating my files from project meta data [/B]but I cannot find how to do it with AS. Also in Netbeans …

Member Avatar for ulyssey
Member Avatar for mbarandao

hello: I'm trying to modify the following query so that it only select rows where [code]90 - DATEDIFF(CURDATE(),date) as days_remaining[/code] is greater than negative 15. (days_remaining > -15) [code]$query="select servicearea, date, customerid, clientID, 90 - DATEDIFF(CURDATE(),date) as days_remaining from servicesrendered where servicearea=' Oil Change ' and DATEDIFF(CURDATE(),date) > 79 group …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for the_carpenter

Hi... I've been doing ASP.Net for years, but I am very new at PHP. I need to redirect a user to a specific page based on the refereeing page. There's no way to calculate what the page should be so I figure I would have to use MySQL and look …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for heshanm

Hi all, I want to approve records in my page. For that i have created a search where data retrieves based on account_number. Now i want to approve records. For that i have created a page called [B]approve_page.php[/B]. But it seems to be applied for all the data. I just …

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Member Avatar for a2usmani

Hi Guys, I am try to make a logistic company website. Now the client wants to add "Tracking Parcels" option through tracking numbers. How can I add this thing to my website. I know nothing about this. Do I have to buy services from another website or do what? Kindly …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for 68thorby68

I am having problems getting my cookies to work on my site where I am using a combination of session_start, setcookie and include. I believe I have followed all of the rules by declaring session_start() as the first statement in every page on the site, however, I am also using …

Member Avatar for 68thorby68
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi, I am working on login form.When i redirect a page its showing an error given below. Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\job\login.php:49) in C:\xampp\htdocs\job\login.php on line 50 need help. Thanks [CODE]<?php //Start session session_start(); $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="root"; // Mysql …

Member Avatar for riseguim
Member Avatar for Robert Rusu

First of all hello :). Spend two days trying to integrate[URL="http://www.aurigma.com/"]Aurigma[/URL] the [URL="http://www.aurigma.com/Products/ImageUploaderExpress/"]Express[/URL]version In PHP. I am using Zend Framework I've managed to make the think to be `visible` but it fails to do what `upload.php` should do . Note : This is in the Controller [CODE] function onFileUploaded($uploadedFile) { …

Member Avatar for ibakir

Hey :D , take a look [url]http://www.dalilack.com/marketList.php[/url] click edit on the orange button EX : [url]http://www.dalilack.com/marketFormUpdate.php?Id=11[/url] the id of that user is 11, you can use 'hoho33' as a user name & 'shityshit' as a pass now you notice there's info for each member , and in order when that …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Annuscha

Hi, I have a problem adding the values of an array into a mysql database. The thing is I have two loops and if I add the INSERT in one of the then the other one gives the wrong value. But if I echo inside each loop it gives the …

Member Avatar for divyakrishnan
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hi, How are you doin there? I'm just doing an example here. I wanted to access all elements that our user 'George' has. [code]$players = array( 'George' => array('Age'=>20, 'Hair Color'=>'Black', 'Cars'=>array('BMW', 'Toyota', 'Nissan', 'Shitty Cars lol') ), 'Mikayla' => array('Age'=> 16, 'Hair Color'=> 'Bruntte'), 'Mel'=> array('Age' =>21, 'Hair Color' …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for phaedrusGhost

Hi All, If someone can help me with this I would be eternally grateful here. I have created a form on one page with php validation. Once cleared through the validation I have Sessioned the inputted data to catch them on the "insert data page" on the "insert data page" …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for geekme

Following is my error free code, it has no syntactical error but when I run it it executes the else part, which means my databse has not been updated.What is the problem? <html> <body> <?php $connect=mysql_connect("localhost","root","ila"); $query="create database if it not exists demo"; $db=mysql_select_db("demo",$connect); $query= "create table jlt(id int not …

Member Avatar for geekme
Member Avatar for saadi06

Hi, I am using [CODE]ereg [/CODE] for validations of field and I want to allow some fields that are optional but ereg does not allow me to validate space or empty field.My code for validation is [CODE]while(list($var,$val)=each($_POST)){ if(!ereg($var,$admin_data)){ if(ereg($reki[$var],$val)) {$class="good";}//this condition is checking the values of all the fields but …

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Member Avatar for Dragonbaki

Hi experts., I need your kind help on about how to handle Naviswork ActiveX control integrated with HTML, PHP and Javascript. I need to display a Naviswork viewer in my website. For that, I created a Browse button to select Naviswork file. After selecting the file, the file path has …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ibakir

i would like to write a function if that user id who do a post equal the same user id who logged in then he can after a while edit again his own post , then if its match go to the update page to make the edit ; [url]http://www.dalilack.com/marketFormUpdate.php?Id=11[/url] …


The End.