39,326 Topics
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I am having problems getting my cookies to work on my site where I am using a combination of session_start, setcookie and include. I believe I have followed all of the rules by declaring session_start() as the first statement in every page on the site, however, I am also using … | |
Hi, I am working on login form.When i redirect a page its showing an error given below. Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\job\login.php:49) in C:\xampp\htdocs\job\login.php on line 50 need help. Thanks [CODE]<?php //Start session session_start(); $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="root"; // Mysql … | |
First of all hello :). Spend two days trying to integrate[URL="http://www.aurigma.com/"]Aurigma[/URL] the [URL="http://www.aurigma.com/Products/ImageUploaderExpress/"]Express[/URL]version In PHP. I am using Zend Framework I've managed to make the think to be `visible` but it fails to do what `upload.php` should do . Note : This is in the Controller [CODE] function onFileUploaded($uploadedFile) { … | |
Hey :D , take a look [url]http://www.dalilack.com/marketList.php[/url] click edit on the orange button EX : [url]http://www.dalilack.com/marketFormUpdate.php?Id=11[/url] the id of that user is 11, you can use 'hoho33' as a user name & 'shityshit' as a pass now you notice there's info for each member , and in order when that … | |
Hi, I have a problem adding the values of an array into a mysql database. The thing is I have two loops and if I add the INSERT in one of the then the other one gives the wrong value. But if I echo inside each loop it gives the … | |
Hi, How are you doin there? I'm just doing an example here. I wanted to access all elements that our user 'George' has. [code]$players = array( 'George' => array('Age'=>20, 'Hair Color'=>'Black', 'Cars'=>array('BMW', 'Toyota', 'Nissan', 'Shitty Cars lol') ), 'Mikayla' => array('Age'=> 16, 'Hair Color'=> 'Bruntte'), 'Mel'=> array('Age' =>21, 'Hair Color' … | |
Hi All, If someone can help me with this I would be eternally grateful here. I have created a form on one page with php validation. Once cleared through the validation I have Sessioned the inputted data to catch them on the "insert data page" on the "insert data page" … | |
Following is my error free code, it has no syntactical error but when I run it it executes the else part, which means my databse has not been updated.What is the problem? <html> <body> <?php $connect=mysql_connect("localhost","root","ila"); $query="create database if it not exists demo"; $db=mysql_select_db("demo",$connect); $query= "create table jlt(id int not … | |
Hi, I am using [CODE]ereg [/CODE] for validations of field and I want to allow some fields that are optional but ereg does not allow me to validate space or empty field.My code for validation is [CODE]while(list($var,$val)=each($_POST)){ if(!ereg($var,$admin_data)){ if(ereg($reki[$var],$val)) {$class="good";}//this condition is checking the values of all the fields but … | |
Hi experts., I need your kind help on about how to handle Naviswork ActiveX control integrated with HTML, PHP and Javascript. I need to display a Naviswork viewer in my website. For that, I created a Browse button to select Naviswork file. After selecting the file, the file path has … | |
i would like to write a function if that user id who do a post equal the same user id who logged in then he can after a while edit again his own post , then if its match go to the update page to make the edit ; [url]http://www.dalilack.com/marketFormUpdate.php?Id=11[/url] … | |
hello guys i have designed a student form which have 3tabs e.g General,parental info,Miscellaneous and i want to add breadcrumbs to that can some suggest me how to do i being trying it hard but not getting it right | |
Hello, I'm using php code to retrieving an array from database and place the result into checkboxes but after the last checkbox input there is text input (hidden by default) and the last check box name is 'other'. I want to make the text in visible if 'other' is checked … | |
Hi experts., Can anybody know how to select and upload multiple files using javascript [ with php too ]..? I dont want to use silverlight or flash..! I just need to do it in simple way.. Please help me..! Thanks., | |
Hi Frendz, I'm using the following code for generating the alert message. [CODE=php]echo '<script>alert("Your project has timed out. Contact your project Manager")</script>';[/CODE] Its working fine in my local server. But in online server its not working. whats going wrong with this? | |
I'm new to web develop, just started coding my own page I have the need for hiding the user's ip so I found the following code just trying to figure out how to use it on my website what will be showing on the screen is a hyperlink like this … | |
hey guys.!! i wonder how confugure ioncube in joomla.... can anyone help me? thanks... | |
Recently I have been working with Mysql and PhpMyAdmin a lot on Ubuntu, and I have stumbled across a very annoying error, or set of errors. I keep on getting a bunch of random loosely related error messages. These are the errors I get. When I try to log in … | |
After spending abut 8 hours frustrated (and growing very grumpy) :) I found a solution and wanted to share. On my site, I use cPanel. I found a couple of posts that saved me some serious headaches so I decided to share them here to hopefully help someone else. I … | |
Hi, I need forum in my site. It shouln't be a big forum, it's a student site. Now, which php forum is best to use - I'm using phpbb3. Is there any better solution, easy to moderate and administrate and which takes less space on server? Thanks in advance, Amer | |
Because using the <base> tag is giving me some problems lately, I'm curious about what the best solution is to use together with mod rewrite. I use mod rewrite a lot, and the <base> tag helps me to keep the links to my css files, for example, working. I link … | |
[QUOTE]Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8: Invalid SQL: UPDATE session SET newposts = newposts+1 WHERE NOT ISNULL(newposts); MySQL Error : Unknown column 'newposts' in 'where clause' Error Number : 1054 Date : Saturday, September 22nd 2007 @ 11:19:12 AM Script : [url]http://gjilaniforum.altervista.org/forumi/newthread.php?do=postthread&f=91[/url] Referrer : [url]http://gjilaniforum.altervista.org/forumi/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=91[/url] IP Address : Username : … | |
have planned to write my own light weight MVC for PHP, that will be used as base for my sites I develop. I have no problem with PHP, OOP, et al. I have trouble on how to actually load Models In controllers and use them amd loading Controller values into … | |
My code is below. Lines that are not indented are debug lines or things I've been trying to get this to work. Basically, the 'filename' hidden input's value is not setting so on submit, the code that checks the $_POST values is returning an error because 'filename' is missing. This … | |
I'm working on the Help system. In the Help system, there is the WYSIWYG Editor to allow users to input content. However, the content includes the text and image. My question is How to store the content of WYSIWYG Editor into database? I really appreciate all your help. Thanks! | |
I'm having a hard time to send a message to a certain e-mail account. I read that I should setup the PHP.INI at line where SMTP is located, which the default value is localhost. If the SMTP is to the computer itself which is or localhost then the mail … | |
Hi. Been trying to make a (basic) social networking site for my school but have had problems with users being able to add themselves as friends. Seems stupid but it is annoying! I have tried using the code: [CODE]<?php if ($_SESSION['MM_Username'] == '****') { ?>[/CODE] But it wont load dynamic … | |
Everthing is working fine but i am not getting emails on my id. Need help [CODE]<?php $to = "sikka.sourav@gmail.com"; $subject = "Contact Form"; // Include extra form fields and/or submitter data? // false = do not include $extra = array( "form_subject" => true, "form_cc" => false, "ip" => true, "user_agent" … | |
Hey, I have the following script... [CODE]if(!opendir($image_dir)){ echo info_msg("Ooops... This Album contains no images"); }else{ /* step one: read directory, make array of files */ if ($handle = opendir($image_dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && preg_match("/t/",$file) && $file != … | |
Hello, I am very new to PHP and hope that someone here might be able to help with a challenge I cannot solve (yet). I have created a simple hmtl form and corresponding php file which send some information to the designated email. However, I am not sure how to … |
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