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Junior Application Developer
37 Posted Topics
Re: if you look at the page phpinfo() generates, is SMTP even enabled? | |
Re: I guess you could put your my.domain.com in your /etc/hosts file, but that would only work on the computers where you put this. Not from anywhere else. | |
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Re: Isn't the MailMessage.To property a MailAddressCollection though? can't you use Mail.To.Add(sToEmail)? Which .Net version are you using, I get a compiler error just from trying to assign anything to To. | |
Re: Debian stable (used to be the most stable one from what I know) | |
Re: [code=cpp]#include <ofstream> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ofstream ofs("test.txt"); ofs << "Hello there, file" << endl; ofs.close(); }[/code] something like that maybe? | |
Re: I had very similar output in one of my project, it seems I declared a double somewhere, but didn't instantiate it... [code=cpp]double somedouble;[/code] I don't know if this is applicable to you, but now that I've instantiated it, it seems to be better... [code=cpp]double somedouble = 0.0;[/code] | |
Re: That would have been [code=cpp]PriceFeed pf(tickers); // Error on this line[/code] | |
Re: I'd say keeping the books and images in seperate tables then so that you're not limited to the amount of columns you define. | |
Re: I'm guessing he doesn't understand the 'free' part in free and open source software... I have to admit that I too am frustrated, but mostly because even with all those distributions out there I still can't find the one that really feels like a perfect fit for me. Unfortunately I … | |
Re: [QUOTE=pysup;999441]Hi All, [CODE]import os os.system("C:\Program Files\Winamp\Winamp.exe") >>'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command. [/CODE] Anybody has the solution. It must be simple but I am not able to get it :([/QUOTE] Shouldn't you be doing it like [CODE]import os os.system("C:\\Program\ Files\\Winamp\\Winamp.exe")[/CODE]? | |
Re: You could try Kompozer ([url]http://kompozer.net/[/url]) But really you shouldn't use WYSIWYG :-/ | |
Re: [QUOTE=evilguyme;993301][CODE] error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>' (or there is no acceptable conversion) [/CODE] on that line i have recName = getline(myFile,open); thnx for the help once again :)[/QUOTE] That is probably because (for as far as I know) getline … | |
Re: If you call a function in form2 from form1 then you can pass parameters Otherwise I have used the Program class which is automatically generated by Visual Studio when you create a windows application. Everything in there is usually public static and then you can pass the variable to program … | |
Re: Can the Console class even be used in web services? You can return any object of array of objects (except for certain objects that implement certain interfaces, like IDictionary) from a web service. If you're using it in a windows application then the web reference you create to connect with … | |
Re: Hey Dan08, I personally haven't heard of adept. I know Synaptic, gtk-application, aptitude, apt-get and dpkg, might it be one of these you're referring to? I personally always find it very useful to try and open an application from a terminal if it isn't doing what I want it to … | |
Re: [code=csharp]string msg = "RED ROSES AND A YELLOW ONE"; string needle = TextBox1.Text; int offset = msg.IndexOf(needle); while (offset >= 0) { Console.WriteLine(msg.Substring(offset - 2, 7)); offset = msg.IndexOf(needle, offset + 1); }[/code] is this anything like what you mean? | |
Re: [QUOTE=Devendra1;966383]Q1. Can PHP be used to created desktop based applications OR it is used only for web based applications ? Q2. Does PHP has PERSISTENCE technologies like JAVA has HIBERNATE and EJB ? Q3. ARE there any APIs to work with PHP ?[/QUOTE] A1. PHP can be used for web … | |
Re: I can't help you with the everything through default.aspx, but about the object life-cycle I can say this: If an object is created server-side and not saved in something like viewstate or a session or something similar, then everytime a request finished (the page has been generated and shown to … | |
Re: Um... Build your (non-installer) project and copy the contents of your {projectfolder}\bin\Release (or \Debug) folder? Otherwise, there was a way to set .zip file as the favored distribution method. Don't remember how it works though :-/ | |
Re: Look in your /media/ folder after you mount your disk, usually there is a folder created there (often just called disk) and everything on your C: drive will be there. | |
Re: Since PHP is server-side, it can't actually disable the back button, all you can really do with it is prevent that data is lost when people do, sometimes. | |
Re: There seems to be a Process.Exited event and also a Process.WaitForExit() function, maybe they could be of use? | |
Re: You could do it server-side or client-side, I guess. For server side you make sure that the radio buttons' value is submitted to the server and then check which was selected there (like [code=php]something.html: <form method="POST" action="handle.php"> <!-- your form here --> </form> handle.php: if ($_POST["radiobuttongroupname"] == "something") header("Location: index.php"); … | |
Re: have you tried [url]http://www.gnome-look.org[/url] (or [url]http://www.kde-look.org/[/url] for kde)? | |
Re: I'd say if they make mistakes then they should be able to edit them later on and if they shouldn't be able to make mistakes some client-side validation. For as far as I know, once a form has been submitted there is no way to stop it half-way through it's … | |
Re: try [code=bash]until [ $(echo "$myVar" | grep -e '^[a-zA-Z]*$') ] do read - p "Enter some text" myVar done[/code] | |
Re: I don't particularly notice any real slowness on ASP website (except http:\\[url]www.asp.net[/url]) unless I'm working on development copies (since they're always compiled once you load them for the first time (in a while) asp controls [B]can[/B] be heavy on a page, especially if they use things like the viewstate a … | |
Re: Yeah if your drive is already partitioned or they are actually seperate hard drives then it shouldn't be a problem. Ubuntu for example has a very easy disk management tool that it runs before you start installing, just pay attention to what you are doing. Other distros often offer similar … | |
Re: Have you tried looking at the autocompletesource, autocompletecustomsource and autocompletemode properties from the TextBox (as of .Net 2.0 I think?) |
The End.