Hey Guys,
I am making a web application using ASP.NET.
I have not worked on ASP.NET before. I wanted to ask what all software do i require so that i can start building the application.
I will require databases also.
Also, is it compulsive to use asp.net with C# or VB?? Can't the application be made just with asp.net??
I am familiar with php and MySQL but i can't make the project these.
Please suggest.

I'd say you'd need some version of Visual Studio (like Visual Web Developer Express) and SQL Server (SQL Server Express, which should be installed along with web developer, though you can of course use MySQL as well)

You can use c# or VB code just like you would JavaScript (in special script tags), but ASP.Net does need either VB or C# code and it is not recommended (anymore) to keep your actual code in the same file as your ASP markup.

Can I install Visual Studio 2005?? Will it be enough to develop the application??
Since i asp.net would have to be used with C# or VB, this means that i'll have to learn both C# and asp.net???

Can I install Visual Studio 2005?? Will it be enough to develop the application??
Since i asp.net would have to be used with C# or VB, this means that i'll have to learn both C# and asp.net???

You can install Visual Studio 2005, then you'll use .Net 2.0 which is still very widely used. Of course if you want to use SQL Server you'll have to install that aswell (might be included in VS2005)

Basically you learn C# and ASP.Net is mostly the markup <asp:DataGrid id="someid" runat="server"></asp:DataGrid> and such things, sometimes using <%= this.ClientID %> and such which in the end is all still either C# or VB

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