39,388 Topics

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Error is: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:\wamp\www\greenmusic\admin\sec.php on line 269. Code is: [CODE] <?php if(isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { echo $values=$_REQUEST['check']; foreach($values as $id) { $mdelete="DELETE FROM songs WHERE id='".$id."'"; mysql_query($mdelete); } } ?>[/CODE] Can anyone help me. I'll be thankful to you.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for kanio

Hello, i'm exporting mysql data to excel with php-excel library ([url]http://code.google.com/p/php-excel/[/url]). I don't know how to print new line in excel... i try "\n", "CHAR(10),"NEWLINE" without success. I have all exported data in one line, but i want to have each row in new line. Here you can look at …

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for ahsan1

[CODE]<?php if(isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { $value=$_REQUEST['check']; foreach($value as $ids) { $mdelete="DELETE FROM songs WHERE id='".$ids."'"; mysql_query($mdelete); } } ?>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for KamranArshad
Member Avatar for debasishgang7

I am designing a php,Ajax chat application with Mysql back-end.Its working fine.I wanna add an extra feature in this apps.I wanna show the users who is present in the chat room.When some one left the chat room it should write XXXX has left the chat room and his/her name should …

Member Avatar for debasishgang7
Member Avatar for jpknoob

Hi all, i am having issues with my php and sql script. I have created a an update form that is populated with the database contents, however, when i edit the fields, the update script fails to update the database. The form looks like; [CODE] <form action="update-stock.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" …

Member Avatar for KamranArshad
Member Avatar for pallavibhoite

Plz frenz help me. I want to display timetable of college lectures using PHP/MySQL. I stored the information about lectures in Lectures_Info table. It has following fields: Subject_Name- name of subject, Lecture_Start-start timing of lecture(like 09:00), Lecture_Day-Day of lecture(like Monday,Tuesday). I attached image for the format of timetable. There are …

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Member Avatar for jack jastin

Hello every body, I would like to ask here, Is there any plug in by which any of the web page that is in one programming language can be changed into another programming language. Thanks a lot.

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for leeZA1

Hi, I am looking for this page to display both the text and matching image. The text is coming from match table and the image from gallery, both linked via image title. Not sure if i am joining it correctly as i am getting 'parse error' on the 2nd last …

Member Avatar for jigarvyas
Member Avatar for nitnayak

Hi, I am using 2 text box. one text box contains date (25/04/2011 format),when i focus on 2nd text box it should show month of 1st text box. please give me the code for it

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for youvi

what will be the output of below queries if $option='name' where 'name' is a coloumn name of a database table which contains the value "GHTY_bbbb" 1.LOCATE('_', '$option'); 2.SUBSTR('$option',0,LOCATE('_', '$option')); i need to fetch the value before "_" from "GHTY_bbbb".if any error in above query please provide me the correct query. …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for youvi

SELECT name,SUBSTRING(name,1,LOCATE('_',name)-1) FROM `student` how to echo the substring??

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for karthik_ppts

Hi Friends, I need to get the data from the port that sent by an external device connected to my server's IP. I found the data sent by the device in my server using the TCP Port listner . Now i need to get the data to store in mysql. …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for ubi_ct83

Hello guys, i wanna built a form which user can enter a list of fruits in it and send to database with BLOB parameter in a same field.example: apple, grape, orange, banana, blackberry, avocado - from form to fruit_list[BLOB] anyone knows how to build the form which users can enter …

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for floatingDivs

Hey guys, This may be entirely impossible, but I've been wanting to shore up the security of a Wordpress CMS for a family friend. Obviously, anyone who goes to [url]http://site.com/wp-admin[/url] will see a login screen, which MAY be susceptible to potential hacking. What I'd like to do is the following. …

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for jrotunda85

So this may be a bit of a stupid question but I'm not sure I'm understanding this completely. Currently, my site uses sessions to store username and a UserID across the site; however, the session lacks the ability to remember a user should they close the browser. I want to …

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for xxreenaxx1

I am compairing two tables and on mysql it shows the once that are not matched as NULL. How would I go onto printing this on a php. so the once that are matched should just print the value. and the once that are not matched should print the original …

Member Avatar for Insensus
Member Avatar for dietdew12z

I tried searching for an answer, but I'm not sure how to word the question so that it fits into a search box. I found out a month or so ago that if you are accessing variable data like $_POST['user'] or after a mysql_fetch you can use $row['id'] but it …

Member Avatar for dietdew12z
Member Avatar for Joshua Kidd

Hello all, Is there any way that I can count the number of lines in one column in a table? Such as I want to count all the names in this column on First name: [url]http://www.globalvirtualairlines.com.../web%20app.php[/url] How would I do so? Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for evanism
Member Avatar for madgokuss4

Hi everybody, got a small ( possible large as it's driving me bonkers lol ) problem. I'm making a stock level checking script using php/mysql. I need to make it so that the script checks each item of stock in the database and if the level of an item is …

Member Avatar for madgokuss4
Member Avatar for mbarandao

i'm trying to redirect a successful login user to his/her specific directory in the root site. Could I request some guidance in this area?

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for joeyxaza

hi all, please can anyone help me, i would like to upload microsoft word documents and adobe pdf to a web page. can anyone be of assistance. thank you

Member Avatar for ubi_ct83

Hi guys, ive read an article about using PHP with Java here:[url]http://www.devshed.com/c/a/PHP/Using-PHP-with-Java/[/url] but im a bit confuse to get start with this instruction in this article.i pasted getting started page: [QUOTE]PHP doesn't come with Java support turned on by default, so you'll need to recompile it to enable this support. …

Member Avatar for Giggaman

I've searched & searched and haven't figured it out, any help is great! I need to display certain fields from my table, right now it only displays the first row of the table. I need to display all rows in the table. Code I have right now [CODE]$query = "SELECT …

Member Avatar for reygcalantaol
Member Avatar for prakashghai

Friends, I am zero in PHP, but still i have managed to do something to fulfill my requirement. I am stuck with one thing now..So i need help on.... I am using one html+php form to submit database into mysql. I created a display of that table through php script …

Member Avatar for reygcalantaol
Member Avatar for thijscream

i just made a website on a local webserver(xampp) now i'm uploading it to my webspace @ my hosting and i get the following error: Error : Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause what am i doing wrong? …

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for Sydney123

Hi there I have used a script available on the internet for a multiple drop down box ( Country/State/City ). Once the selection is updated I would like 3 different set of result to show in box : Result could be value or text. Using the below script I am …

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for tunde011

Hello there. I have a website and I think it has been hacked this morning, using some sort of cross scripting. When I go on my site, reload a page or click a link, it opens a pop-up and shows ads. What to do? and how do i prevent this …

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for leeZA1

If someone could help, that would be great.... Ok i want the data to be displayed together.... eg. 'week 1' displayed once then all the matches in a single table below, then prints 'week 2' follwed by the matches in the following table rather than continually stating 'week 1' and …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

The below function is showing error in the [QUOTE]"'<script[^>]*?>.*? </script>'si", // Strip out javascript[/QUOTE] line. How I can remove ?? [CODE]function smfeed_html_to_text($string){ $search = array ( "'<script[^>]*?>.*? </script>'si", // Strip out javascript "'<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>'si", // Strip out html tags "'([\r\n])[\s]+'", // Strip out white space "'&(quot|#34);'i", // Replace html entities "'&(amp|#38);'i", …

Member Avatar for abhi10kumar
Member Avatar for McLaren

Hi, I am trying to integrate facebook using library from this blog: [URL="http://www.key2market.com/2010/12/integrating-facebook-with-codeigniter-2-0/"]http://www.key2market.com/2010/12/integrating-facebook-with-codeigniter-2-0/[/URL] I made a test function: [CODE] function index() { $this->ci =& get_instance(); // Create our Application instance //(replace this with your appId and secret). $this->ci->load->file(APPPATH.'/third_party/facebook.php'); $this->data['facebook'] = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => $this->ci->config->item('id'), 'secret' => $this->ci->config->item('key'), 'cookie' => …


The End.