39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for kokfui

<?php require_once("includes/connection.php"); ?> <?php require_once("includes/functions.php"); ?> <?php require_once("includes/session.php"); ?> <?php find_selected_item(); ?> <?php include("includes/header.php"); ?> <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $top_up_cash = mysql_prep($_POST['top_up_cash']); $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='$user_id'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $bidot_cash = $row['bidot_cash']; } $new_bidot_cash = $top_up_cash + $bidot_cash; $query= "UPDATE users SET …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Tempest will

Hi all, im currently trying to create a news feed, i have the basis of the code, as i can enter information and it is displayed on a different webpage, but i need all of the different updates to be displayed, and need a scroll bar so they can be …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dr.4030

Hello every body, I created some pages for downloading files directly from my website But i have problem with adding download link in php tags so is there any body to tell me how i can make download link inside the php tags. i wrote some things like this : …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi I am using the PHP include statement to enable publication of a piece of news. The news is filed as "news.txt" and the user has access to a directory to upload the file or delete old news but no access to the code. If the file does not exist …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hey people. i am asking if it is posible to check for the user status using php. i mean to know if the user if online or offline. i am trying to build a chatting system that alow me to know who is online and who is offline.

Member Avatar for 84hd0ns
Member Avatar for amit.hak50

I have a website pdf search engine called <URL SNIPPED> I don't want to provide my search engine for backlink so ,please don't remove my post,I need some help.. what is happening is the when you type "C tutorials" in search box it creates two instances like "C tutorials" and …

Member Avatar for evanism
Member Avatar for debasishgang7

I am using a XXS filter function to filter unwanted code.Here is my function xxs.php [CODE]<?php function clean($data) { // Fix &entity\n; $data = str_replace(array('&amp;','&lt;','&gt;'), array('&amp;amp;','&amp;lt;','&amp;gt;'), $data); $data = preg_replace('/(&#*\w+)[\x00-\x20]+;/u', '$1;', $data); $data = preg_replace('/(&#x*[0-9A-F]+);*/iu', '$1;', $data); $data = html_entity_decode($data, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); // Remove any attribute starting with "on" or …

Member Avatar for debasishgang7
Member Avatar for azegurb

hi all, I cannot understand for what reason and how is used [B]call_user_func_array[/B] Can anyone explain me in a very simple manner what is [B]call_user_func_array[/B]? and with examples if possible Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for agam360

Hello, I have a php code that can find a child node in my xml file, And my problem is that I want to delete the specific user when I find the child node. How can I implement it here? [B]mail-list.xml:[/B] [CODE]<maillist><user><time>2011</time><email>MUBnLmNvbQ==</email></user><user><time>2011</time><email>M0BnLmNvbQ==</email></user></maillist>[/CODE] [B]And here is the php:[/B] [CODE]$xml = simplexml_load_file('mail-list.xml'); …

Member Avatar for debasishgang7

I am trying to make a php Database Driven commenting script.I have to fetch comment and name from the Database according to page id.Suppose i have to fetch comments against the id 45.Then the "fetchcomment.php?id=45".It should fetch all the comments One by one Under the Page ???How to do this.The …

Member Avatar for debasishgang7
Member Avatar for slrobinson1983

hello all. heres my problem. i have a mysql database with 2 tables. the first table is called songs which contains records for all the songs on my site. its columns are song id and song title. the second table is called ratedsongs. its columns are song id (id of …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for newbiecoder

Hello I tried to make a contact form for my Flash website but when I upload it to my server it just doesn't work. Can you tell me what is wrong with my codes or doesn't it work because of a server-side problem? Here is my Actionscript code on Flash: …

Member Avatar for newbiecoder
Member Avatar for disposable_zero

OK I'm pretty green at this so do bear with me. What I want to do is have an area where people can upload files to me. I found a script that I'm trying to make work and I've almost got it there but I'm having an issue. Everything actually …

Member Avatar for disposable_zero
Member Avatar for thephpdev

I have no idea what's wrong, I googled but I couldn't find the answer :/ it's probably really obvious but i'm rather new to PSQL Statement: [CODE] INSERT INTO drop_users VALUES ('John_Bucky','John_Bucky','a83b3735814aa577651a55b7c838a6a0',02-04-2011_02:20:55,'object', DEFAULT,DEFAULT,13,DEFAULT,DEFAULT[/CODE] Thanks for your time! ~Josh

Member Avatar for thephpdev
Member Avatar for clbembry

I'm trying to find a php script to get the url of the flv file of a youtube video, but all the scripts I find are from 2007-2008 and no longer work :/ Does anyone know of one that works?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for svmer

Hi please help me about SSL and SSH what is that and what is there using purpose coz some of my clients asking me for ssh access or ssh root access i don't know what is that. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for 84hd0ns
Member Avatar for phpDave

Hey, header is working just fine in f.f but not in i.e. I.E. seems to clear the Query String up to index and redirect me to the index page. If I cancel out the header func. page seems to work . Here is some of the code. [CODE]if ($Result1) { …

Member Avatar for phpDave
Member Avatar for Tehim

I'm trying to make a ban system for my website with the following features: -Tell user reason for the ban -Tell user date it'll expire -Tell user date it was issued -Tell user who they where banned by -Auto perma if user has been banned a total of 3 times …

Member Avatar for MagicMedia
Member Avatar for altarek

hello I have checkbox to display the months .Is good in the insert form But in the update form I want the months that have been checked in the insert form ,have checked in the update form i used this code to dispaly check boc [CODE]<?php foreach ($months as $key …

Member Avatar for altarek
Member Avatar for youvi

hello, See "ABC4_HUMAN" is a database value.i need to search this value using a character say"A" or by a word say"ABC".But i need to check this value only in "ABC4" part of the value "ABC4_HUMAN". please provide me the query using "like" operator.. thanks

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Bazzaah

Hello After some help please I have a website which links to a database. I would like to be able to echo the contents of the database onto a new page. The new page is generated with the following code; [CODE]echo '<tr><td align="left"><a href="word.php?w=' . $r['word'] . '">' . $r['word'] …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for professor123

can anyone help me, l have a laptop an a desktop and a crossover(network cable). l want to be able to connect the 2 and then use the laptop as a server from which l wil run my XAMPP AND THEN SET UP A PROJECT (e.g a website or any …

Member Avatar for professor123
Member Avatar for karthik_ppts

i have connected an external device to my server. That device send some data through one port. Now how to read that data from port and store in mysql using php?

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for ebanbury

Hello HOw do I format the output of my prices/numbers using number_format () In the code below I have the dynamic field from a recordset which shows the price. Currently the numbers are as such for example: 100000 and I would like them to be displayed as 100,000 or 1,000,000 …

Member Avatar for ebanbury
Member Avatar for stefh

Hi everyone :) Does someone have a solution to use single and double quote with php cli when passing code with the -r option? Example, this won't work:[CODE]$ php -r 'echo 'ok'; echo "ok";'[/CODE] I'm looking for a solution that allows me to use single AND double quotes in the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet

I have searched a million pages today, without any solutions. I can add images to MySql, Pull them from the database and show them successfully. My problem is that they are all in different width and height sizes. What I then tried to do is to set the size BEFORE …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for eagled2

Hello. I am working on a permission system for a site I am creating. First I will explain what I am trying to do, then I will explain the problem I am having. I am saving the active permissions for a user at login. The permissions are saved in a …

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Member Avatar for cliffcc
Member Avatar for jonow

I currently have am using Google Calendar for a website but I am creating a CMS system and want to be able to edit the calendar straight from my CMS system without having to go login to Google. Is there a way to do this? If not is there an …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rom.

hi there, I'm having trouble with my project, I can't wrap my head around the code. Any help would be greatly appreciated! in a database you have 2 tables. they look like the following.. table: workflow columns: id, title, content_id table: content columns: id, text list (echo) all the entries …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.