39,326 Topics
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hi all i want to add all students grades in one form and then save each grade to the correct student i make 2 differents php page first one display all student id that is already registered in my website in this page instructor can add grade for each student … | |
Hi, all I want to get the data from the div tag, from this website [url]http://www.weather.com/outlook/travel/businesstraveler/hourbyhour/PKXX0008?begHour=7&begDay=4[/url] when you click on the firebug in firefox you can see there is a and under this div there are more divs there, I want to get the data (i,e,. only the 3pm, 25,25 … | |
Good Afternoon, I'm hoping someone can tell me how to resolve an issue that will apparently be pretty wide spread within our membership. I have an ad Directory that was created for our members to do member to member advertising with a component for public advertising, and everything came together … | |
I'm new in PHP how can retrive data from database using dropdown list ? I have created the dropdown menu [CODE]<select name="con_st" > <?php $sql = "SELECT distinct con_stat FROM contst "; $rs = mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { echo "<option value=\"".$row['con_stat']."\">".$row['con_stat']."\n "; } ?></select>[/CODE] any help? | |
I'm indeed to find a suitable and nice templates for my website. I need your help..thank you.. | |
Hey everyone I was wondering what you guys thought about having a php slideshow on a website. Is is a good idea? Why or why not? Could I put user controls into it? What are its benefits or downfall versus a Jquery slideshow. Thanks in advance hope to hear you … | |
Hi to all. Can anyone help me with this? I have PHP script the save record. But I want to have time limit in saving the record. When the local time is 4:00 PM, the user can no longer save their record. Please help. Here's my code; if($_POST['submit']=="Save") { $name … | |
I have recently encountered dis error while doing <b>page validation</b> for my site. I have been trying a lot ,but still could not find the solution. Being a newbie to PHP, I would be obliged if u guys could help me out. The URL of d site is, [url]http://www.dmcewriteups.co.cc/register.php[/url] I … | |
i am using log4php for my logging in my development. is it possible to use 2 appenders on a single logfile? i wanted to have a daily logfile, thus wanted to use LoggerAppenderDailyfile that have properties also of rolling, thus needs the LoggerAppenderRollingFile. or if there is a way to … | |
Hello everybody! I'm a SEOer at present, but i want to be a php programmer! because seo job very very vapidly, every day gain backlinks, gain and gain... tired! And now I know HTML, also some javascript knowledge, but can't write js by myself , just modify... IF I want … | |
I want a table that is auto computing like the ability of the microsoft excel that when I input a data in cell B1, C1 and D1( just an example on the features of excel ) it will compute an average in cell E1 which does not need to press … | |
Im trying to use a regular expression backreference to reference a hash key. Here's an example of the non working code so you can see what I'm trying to achieve (I hope!): [CODE] $str="String of text containing item1 and item2"; $x['item1']="Item 1"; $x['item2']="Item 2"; $str=preg_replace("/item1/","$x[\${1}1]",$str); print $str; [/CODE] I want … | |
im havin trouble gettin my login.php file to work. what happens is i register and all the information goes into the database then once registered its supposed to say thanks for registering but doesnt, so i thought never mind il just login, i go to the login page enter my … | |
Hello, I have my site set up so that everything is done with AJAX requests to a script depending on what action is taken. If my script returns an error - such as the user is not allowed to take the action they tried to take - it returns an … | |
| Hi I got the code from here: [url]http://www.642weather.com/weather/scripts-image-handler.php[/url] And I wanted to put a date in the text overlay. I know that this is possible and easy to do but I don't know how to do it in php. Could someone tell me please. Thanks in advance. |
Is having a php slideshow a bad idea. I was seeking your opinion because I dont know how many people are doing this already but with php everyone can view it. I want to know the drawbacks and advantages to both. Just hoping to get the best possible advice thank … | |
I need to restrict access to other table id's by making a check against an (id) of a table named users and then check that the (user_id) of another table is the same i.e table1 id username password table2 id somedata user_id if table1 id is the same as table2 … | |
Hi, I'm a bit new to php and am hoping that someone would be kind enough to help me with my problem. What I want to achieve is as follows: I created a form in my .php file, once I click the add button I want another form to appear … | |
| I am building a website with a forum that I am building myself. I just don't know how to let the user change their time zone. My server time zone is my time zone ([B]date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London');[/B]). Please could I have some help with this. Thanks in advance, Cameron |
Ok, so I have a website on a CMS. Love it, except I can't process and dynamic code like PHP. My problem is thus: I have a form that needs to be processed through PHP due to it's complex nature (the CMS can't fully process the info). Now, we have … | |
Good Day to All: This is my first post here, so I apologize upfront for any etiquette violations. Please feel free to point them out. [B][U]My Dilemma[/U][/B] I have built a site in WordPress that is a business directory site. The idea is that a business owner will have their … | |
How to run PHP on pocket PC without internet connection? (under WM2003) | |
helloooo i am trying this query to compare records of two different tables... i m geting this message!! no required out put pplzz somebody help me its really urgent.. values for these ($jobTitle $industry $stationBase $gender $maritalStatus)are coming from textboxes! here is the code... [CODE]$query = "SELECT *, MATCH(industry, gender, … | |
I have a problem with refreshing the page layout. Since I have all the contents load in a div, when the page first loads it loads a default link into the content div. When the user clicks a link I want that page to be stored in a session variable($last_page), … | |
I have a problem with passing session variables between folders. I have a working login, and several session variables are created after a successful login. The session works fine until I try to use a script that is located in a different folder or directory. All of my scripts include … | |
Hi. I have a website powered by Joomla. So far everything is going good. Now, for security reasons, I changed the admin directory settings by following this tutorial: [url]http://www.joomplaza.com/index.php/tutorials/242-change-your-joomla-admin-folder-name-or-path[/url] Now, this procedure did not work at all. So, after this I deleted the "myadmin" folder, and deleted the ".htaccess" file … | |
I am a newbie and am at a loss on how to clear field of a form. My current form is the tradition form that check to see if it has been submitted. After it has, validation of each field is performed and if all is ok a record is … | |
i have a div like [CODE]<form method='post' action='send'><div id='fail' name='cool'>300</div><input type='submit' value='submit'></form>[/CODE] now how would i call that into a variable in php? i tried [CODE]$cool=$_POST['cool'];[/CODE] but it didnt work. help | |
Here is the json show: [CODE]{ "results": [ { "title": "Conflicting Reports on Iran\u2019s Arrest of a Foreign Woman", "multimedia":[ { "caption": "Moktada al-Sadr spoke to thousands of supporters on Saturday, stating conditional support for the Iraqi government." } ] } ...] }[/CODE] I tried this code, but I can … | |
i have an email form and it wont work. i have made sure the email is correct and is working, but i keep getting the 'or die' error. Please help. here is the code: [CODE]<?php $to = "****@***********.com"; $subject = "Contact Us"; $name = $_REQUEST['name'] ; $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ; … |
The End.