39,388 Topics
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I'm indeed to find a suitable and nice templates for my website. I need your help..thank you.. | |
Hey everyone I was wondering what you guys thought about having a php slideshow on a website. Is is a good idea? Why or why not? Could I put user controls into it? What are its benefits or downfall versus a Jquery slideshow. Thanks in advance hope to hear you … | |
Hi to all. Can anyone help me with this? I have PHP script the save record. But I want to have time limit in saving the record. When the local time is 4:00 PM, the user can no longer save their record. Please help. Here's my code; if($_POST['submit']=="Save") { $name … | |
I have recently encountered dis error while doing <b>page validation</b> for my site. I have been trying a lot ,but still could not find the solution. Being a newbie to PHP, I would be obliged if u guys could help me out. The URL of d site is, [url]http://www.dmcewriteups.co.cc/register.php[/url] I … | |
i am using log4php for my logging in my development. is it possible to use 2 appenders on a single logfile? i wanted to have a daily logfile, thus wanted to use LoggerAppenderDailyfile that have properties also of rolling, thus needs the LoggerAppenderRollingFile. or if there is a way to … | |
Hello everybody! I'm a SEOer at present, but i want to be a php programmer! because seo job very very vapidly, every day gain backlinks, gain and gain... tired! And now I know HTML, also some javascript knowledge, but can't write js by myself , just modify... IF I want … | |
I want a table that is auto computing like the ability of the microsoft excel that when I input a data in cell B1, C1 and D1( just an example on the features of excel ) it will compute an average in cell E1 which does not need to press … | |
Im trying to use a regular expression backreference to reference a hash key. Here's an example of the non working code so you can see what I'm trying to achieve (I hope!): [CODE] $str="String of text containing item1 and item2"; $x['item1']="Item 1"; $x['item2']="Item 2"; $str=preg_replace("/item1/","$x[\${1}1]",$str); print $str; [/CODE] I want … | |
im havin trouble gettin my login.php file to work. what happens is i register and all the information goes into the database then once registered its supposed to say thanks for registering but doesnt, so i thought never mind il just login, i go to the login page enter my … | |
Hello, I have my site set up so that everything is done with AJAX requests to a script depending on what action is taken. If my script returns an error - such as the user is not allowed to take the action they tried to take - it returns an … | |
![]() | Hi I got the code from here: [url]http://www.642weather.com/weather/scripts-image-handler.php[/url] And I wanted to put a date in the text overlay. I know that this is possible and easy to do but I don't know how to do it in php. Could someone tell me please. Thanks in advance. ![]() |
Is having a php slideshow a bad idea. I was seeking your opinion because I dont know how many people are doing this already but with php everyone can view it. I want to know the drawbacks and advantages to both. Just hoping to get the best possible advice thank … | |
I need to restrict access to other table id's by making a check against an (id) of a table named users and then check that the (user_id) of another table is the same i.e table1 id username password table2 id somedata user_id if table1 id is the same as table2 … | |
Hi, I'm a bit new to php and am hoping that someone would be kind enough to help me with my problem. What I want to achieve is as follows: I created a form in my .php file, once I click the add button I want another form to appear … ![]() | |
![]() | I am building a website with a forum that I am building myself. I just don't know how to let the user change their time zone. My server time zone is my time zone ([B]date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London');[/B]). Please could I have some help with this. Thanks in advance, Cameron ![]() |
Ok, so I have a website on a CMS. Love it, except I can't process and dynamic code like PHP. My problem is thus: I have a form that needs to be processed through PHP due to it's complex nature (the CMS can't fully process the info). Now, we have … | |
Good Day to All: This is my first post here, so I apologize upfront for any etiquette violations. Please feel free to point them out. [B][U]My Dilemma[/U][/B] I have built a site in WordPress that is a business directory site. The idea is that a business owner will have their … | |
How to run PHP on pocket PC without internet connection? (under WM2003) | |
helloooo i am trying this query to compare records of two different tables... i m geting this message!! no required out put pplzz somebody help me its really urgent.. values for these ($jobTitle $industry $stationBase $gender $maritalStatus)are coming from textboxes! here is the code... [CODE]$query = "SELECT *, MATCH(industry, gender, … | |
I have a problem with refreshing the page layout. Since I have all the contents load in a div, when the page first loads it loads a default link into the content div. When the user clicks a link I want that page to be stored in a session variable($last_page), … | |
I have a problem with passing session variables between folders. I have a working login, and several session variables are created after a successful login. The session works fine until I try to use a script that is located in a different folder or directory. All of my scripts include … | |
Hi. I have a website powered by Joomla. So far everything is going good. Now, for security reasons, I changed the admin directory settings by following this tutorial: [url]http://www.joomplaza.com/index.php/tutorials/242-change-your-joomla-admin-folder-name-or-path[/url] Now, this procedure did not work at all. So, after this I deleted the "myadmin" folder, and deleted the ".htaccess" file … | |
I am a newbie and am at a loss on how to clear field of a form. My current form is the tradition form that check to see if it has been submitted. After it has, validation of each field is performed and if all is ok a record is … | |
i have a div like [CODE]<form method='post' action='send'><div id='fail' name='cool'>300</div><input type='submit' value='submit'></form>[/CODE] now how would i call that into a variable in php? i tried [CODE]$cool=$_POST['cool'];[/CODE] but it didnt work. help | |
Here is the json show: [CODE]{ "results": [ { "title": "Conflicting Reports on Iran\u2019s Arrest of a Foreign Woman", "multimedia":[ { "caption": "Moktada al-Sadr spoke to thousands of supporters on Saturday, stating conditional support for the Iraqi government." } ] } ...] }[/CODE] I tried this code, but I can … | |
i have an email form and it wont work. i have made sure the email is correct and is working, but i keep getting the 'or die' error. Please help. here is the code: [CODE]<?php $to = "****@***********.com"; $subject = "Contact Us"; $name = $_REQUEST['name'] ; $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ; … | |
Slight problem when embedding HTML inside PHP. Problem #1 logon php page contains the form for user to login. With successful login, it brings up the user to the resume page. In order to maintain the uniform design throughout all the pages on the site, the logon page contains the … | |
Hi i have multilang website when you entered homepage default site if you are from polonia it redirect to you polonia page this script works perfect but the problem is if you are trying to see [url]www.server.com[/url] instead server.pl and if you are from polonia you not able see because … | |
I am a programmer and i use 64-bit windows 7 as my OS and i need a free localhost server i can work on my PHP and perl on. I also need it to have MySQL PHPmyAdmin. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Thanks :D | |
This is currently the code I am using: [CODE]<?php //connect to database include 'global.php'; $case = date(ymdHis); //get form data $p1_firstname = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['p1_firstname'])); $p1_lastname = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['p1_lastname'])); $p2_firstname = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['p2_firstname'])); $p2_lastname = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['p2_lastname'])); $p3_firstname = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['p3_firstname'])); $p3_lastname = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['p3_lastname'])); $city = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['city'])); //register into database $register_case = mysql_query ("INSERT INTO cases … ![]() |
The End.