39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for cussel

> hi guys, i've two array 3d $data and $array_bold, then i want to bold value $data be based value $array_bold, how i can do this??? <?php $data = array( array( '0'=>array( '0'=>'chelsea everton villa liverpool', ), array( '0'=>'milan inter juventus napoli', ), ), '1'=>array( array( '1'=>'madrid barcelona altetico getafe', …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for scaiferw

I'm dipping my toe in the water of salted passwords by upgrading an older webapp, and would like to present the rough outline of how my system would work in the hope that those with more experience than I might tell me if I'm going in the right direction; In …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for timwhelan

I am trying to turn off a block in drupal using existing code. <?php $node = node_load(arg(1)); $type = $node->type; if(substr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 0, 13) == '/our-people') { return TRUE; } else { return in_array($type,array('3_column_interior_page', '3_column_faculty_bio_page')); } ?> I wanted to add a page that will not show the block... <?php $node …

Member Avatar for timwhelan
Member Avatar for nunuaziz_

Drop Down List codes: <form class="selectfb" name="getFb" method="post"> <select action="getFb.php" name="natureOffb" class="selection" > <option disabled value="--Select Nature ofFeedback">--Select Nature Of Feedback--</option> <option value="Feedback" >Feedback</option> <option value="Enquiry">Enquiry</option> <option value="Compliment">Compliment</option> </select> </form> How to retrieve the data from database after I select a nature of feedback? The value that has been retrieve …

Member Avatar for GliderPilot
Member Avatar for daniel36

can anybody tell me event name for check box for using in jquery.such as for drodown it is 'onchange' .thank you.

Member Avatar for daniel36
Member Avatar for daniel36

is it possible to convert 09 to 9 by any function?if yes,please tell me.It is required to me.Thank you.

Member Avatar for daniel36
Member Avatar for Venter

public function display( ) { $query="SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY RAND() limit 5 "; $result=mysql_query($query)or die("cannot select DB"); $num=mysql_numrows($result); echo "<table>"; echo "<tr>"."<td style='overfolw-hidden;width:400px;'> Question: </td>"; echo "<td style='overfolw-hidden;width:40px;'> OPTION A </td>"; echo "<td style='overfolw-hidden;width:40px;'> OPTION B </td>"; echo "<td style='overfolw-hidden;width:40px;'> OPTION C </td>"; echo "<td style='overfolw-hidden;width:40px;'> OPTION D …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for daniel36

Is there any function for changing a numeric value to string?suppose i passes '5' then it should return 'five'.

Member Avatar for daniel36
Member Avatar for cheelo007

I've been trying to make dynamic queries, where the user determines what will be queried. The reason is because I'd like the images being displayed in my gallery reflect the category selected by the user. mysql_query("SELECT(whatever category they chose) FROM products") below is the generation of categories as links. (not …

Member Avatar for gon1387
Member Avatar for mehnihma

I am bulding a code for my site and have few problems 1. When I run this few times, it updates table ps_stock_available but with wrong values and after some time is stops to update that table? The problem is in the last query, two queries above are working ` …

Member Avatar for gon1387
Member Avatar for MMadhavi

I want to show google map of selected theatre. first user have to select city then they have to choose theatre as per selected city. i have used drop down box for both. then, after selecting theatre, when he clicks on show button i want to show google map of …

Member Avatar for MMadhavi
Member Avatar for cheelo007

Hello, I'm sure I'm missing something small. If a category doesn't exist in the database yet, how can I have the query accept a value of 0 without reporting an error? The $subcategory is what the user selected. The result should either be 4 images or a blank place holder …

Member Avatar for cheelo007
Member Avatar for dancks

addproduct.php snippet (there are lots of other inputs, not sure if that matters): <form method="POST" action="add.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <p>Picture:<input type="file" id="pic_upload" name="pic" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> add.php: if(isset($_FILES["pic"])) { if($_FILES["pic"]["error"]==0) { $name = explode(".",basename($_FILES["pic"]["name"])); $target = realpath(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))."/images/".$name[0].session_id().".".$name[1]; $temp = $name[0].session_id().".".$name[1]; if(!move_uploaded_file($_FILES["pic"]["tmp_name"],$target)) { add_error("Picture specified did not upload"); } $_POST['pic']=$temp; } …

Member Avatar for dancks
Member Avatar for jonathan.flesher

I'm new to MySQL and following a tutorial in a book to design a PHP MySQL website. Following this tutorial, I created a PHP page from which I can update entries in the MySQL database. What's strange is that only specific entries in the database will not update, while others …

Member Avatar for b.wickham
Member Avatar for NardCake

Hello! I'm working on a simple messaging system for a project and I have this query and it isn't working for some odd reason, here it is: mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages SET user='$user', message='$msg', date='$date', to='$id', private='$checked' ") Here is my error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check …

Member Avatar for NardCake
Member Avatar for azgold472

I have the following code... <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost:3306","name","pass"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("barndata", $con); $today = date("Y-m-d"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM event where Date >= '$today' ORDER BY Date ASC LIMIT 0, 7") ; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo 'banner1.add("IMAGE","'; echo …

Member Avatar for azgold472
Member Avatar for matt_higgins

<div style="font-family:tahoma; color:#F00; "> <?php session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) echo "You are logged in as ".$_SESSION['user'], " to log out click <a href =logout.php>here</a>"; else die ("Please Register <a href =register.php>here</a>");?> </div> <?php $username = $_SESSION['user']; if(!isset($_SESSION['user'])) { header("location: login.php"); } else { $query=" SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='$username'"; $result=mysql_query($query); …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for nizam27391

Hi everyone. I'm currently developing a website for my university project. I want to ask about .htaccess for url manipulation. I already search through the web but couldn't figure out what i intend to do. I have this structure public_html - css - img - js _private - data ( …

Member Avatar for matthewl6970
Member Avatar for davy_yg

I get this error: Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [simplexmlelement.--construct]: Entity: line 23: parser error : Premature end of data in tag catalog line 2 in C:\xampp\htdocs\php_exercise\exercise3_1.php on line 7 Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [simplexmlelement.--construct]: in C:\xampp\htdocs\php_exercise\exercise3_1.php on line 7 Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [simplexmlelement.--construct]: ^ in C:\xampp\htdocs\php_exercise\exercise3_1.php on line 7 Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for cdoggg94

Basically I just dont know where to start.. I want to make a table that displayed as many images as there are in the DB. I want the table to only go 4 <td> wide, then move to the next line...etc.. I tried googling a few things, but I couldnt …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

error: Mail error SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. i think its bc of mail->port=465. but iam not sure. $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // enable SMTP authentication $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; // sets the prefix to the servier $mail->Host = "smtp.gmail.com"; // sets GMAIL as …

Member Avatar for jstfsklh211
Member Avatar for ronaldneck

i'm going to develop a new website using php programming.Let me know what are the basic needs to upgrade my website development.please help me any one.. Thanks for your response

Member Avatar for javedsai
Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos

Hi guys, I'm facing a weird problem with our Trustico Certificate. We have a webshop with customers that are logging in to make purchases of different products, all of this works nice untill the user changes his/her DATE on the Computer that he/she is using. If the date is changed …

Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos
Member Avatar for jasleen_kaur

Hi , I am pretty new to php. I am making my first project that is a shopping website. Problem I face is in my view cart page. I have created only one page for viewing cart and adding a product to cart and then viewing it. I mean I …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for ghersese

Hello, It is my first time to post here. I have been spending many hours trying to figure out how to get imagedata from my MYSQL database. I have tried these following codes but it wont work for me. view.php <html> <head> </head> <body> </body> <?php include "dbconn.php"; $sql = …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for shahai.ali

hi to all....i have a task to embed skrill and pyaza...but i only know that skrill and pyaza are moneybookers. but i don't know how to embed them using php?? is any api is there to access both these moneybookers.????

Member Avatar for shahai.ali
Member Avatar for CarterLangley

Hi guys, I don't know if this is posted in the correct area, so forgive me if it isn't but I couldn't find a proper area for this. What I would like to know is this. I have a computer running windows 7 professional. Connected to my home hub, I …

Member Avatar for CarterLangley
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

i am using xammp for my database. i have a col called "today_date" andy type "DATE". in php i am using function "now()" to store todays date. the format is year-month-day. now let say i have one more col called "today_date_time" and type "datetime". is there a php function that …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for knotholaze

Anyone can tell me how to run PHP code in android apps? I mean I need to write some php code which succesfully run on the emalutor. Can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for Mocabilly
Member Avatar for webline

Hi. Dear php coders... I need someone to help modify the attached ecommerce software. I want to skip "ADDRESS" step in chekout process. If someone knows this ecommerce platform and can help to customize it, please let me know where and what part of code i need to change. I …

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The End.