39,388 Topics
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I have used XSLTProcessor to receive XML data: $atb = new XSLTProcessor(); Often it takes a few seconds the data to load. I understood that there is a faster way to load the information. The current speed is like this: http://time-time.net/time/new-york-new-york-usa.php which is in most of the cases too slow. … ![]() | |
Hi Friends, I am working on a project which have the below requirements: 1. Each module can have a communication medium with other world as an API. 2. A router will be there to communicate with each of the module via their APIs using CURL or anything else. 3. Each … ![]() | |
Recently I am working on symfony. I have created a simple form and want to submit that form and send respons to user as email. In index i have written as follow: $product=new Product(); $product->setName('rohit'); $product->setPass('rohit'); $form=$this->createFormBuilder($product) ->add('name','text') ->add('pass','password') ->getForm(); $name='rohit'; return $this->render('EnsNewBundle:Email:ind.html.twig', array('form'=>$form->createView(),'name'=>$name)); and when i submit this form … ![]() | |
I am doing a project and I need to monitor a program I run through ssh2, I need to get info while it is running but i dont know how to do that really. First this is my code (part of it): $stream = ssh2_exec($con, "make run"); $data = stream_get_contents($stream); … ![]() | |
I am creating a type of ecommerce site , when the customer buys the product a email should be sent to admin regarding the product and customer details , I dont want to integrate payment gateways ![]() | |
Do you just love to code but hate maintaining the PHP environment? Do you think you’re spending too much time troubleshooting your code? If you are, the Zend Developer Cloud is for you!In this webinar we examine the galaxy’s latest, greatest developer solution; the Zend Developer Cloud, part of Zend’s … ![]() | |
I waste too much time when jumping over different pages to edit content, modules, menus. I need a product which can help me to do it easily and quickly and save a lot of time for me. Moreover, I would like to implement more functions for [SEO Joomla content](http://joomavatar.com/avatar/joomla/extensions/item/15-seo-compression-search-ajax-drag-drop-joomla.html). So … ![]() | |
Hey there everybody!:) I need some help to make a piece of code i made work. It current gets the login process right, however it doesnt save the cookies right:( (AC-Web.org is running vBulletin 4.2) <?php $sites = array( array( "url_login" => "http://www.ac-web.org/forums/login.php?do=login", "url_front" => "http://www.ac-web.org/forums/", "user_field" => "vb_login_username", "pass_field" … ![]() | |
Hi, I have a question related to Joomla pagination. I'm running Joomla 1.6, and I have on a certain position, let's call it "position_1", about 30 modules. I'd like to limit the number of shown modules to 10 and than have the numbers 1,2,3, depending on the number od modules … ![]() | |
I just saw a tutorial on a PHP site, and saw the super global $_SERVER['SERVER_SELF'] getting sanitized with htmlspecialchars. Us there any use for this? If you submit a post that has form action="$_SERVER['SERVER_SELF']" what difference does it make what the url is set when submitting a form, because the … ![]() | |
Good afternoon. What I'm trying to do is to get the username from the beginning of a field of data example 'username Membership Fee' or 'Username29473 Membership Fee' What I need to do is just get the 'username' or the 'Username29473' extracted as a value in a variable of it's … ![]() | |
Hello friends. I am currently involved in a project where we want to export data from mysql to xls, for this we have written a program that is in *jar format. What we want to do is execute this file through php after which we will send it to the … | |
I'm not sure why I suck so bad at this. I was recommended by my prof to use date as opposed to timestamp. I'm starting to think going back to timestamp would be easier due to built in php functions I can use. so in my original addproduct.php form I … ![]() | |
<form action="#" Method="post"> <input type="radio" name="cakes" value="blackforest"> <input type="radio" name="cakes" value="darkforest"> <input type="radio" name="cakes" value="vanila"> <input type="submit" value="submit"> </form> > Quoted Text Here here what the thing is i selected a radio button from those choices. now i did refreshing the page. the selected radio button will not display as … ![]() | |
i m displaying image from data base but it gives an error **failed to load given url** in fire bug and image not diaplyed on my website how i can solve these problem? ![]() | |
I am using curl function to login my web site using the Gmail username and password. Its working fine in my local environment but once i moving that file into my client server it returns the response "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized". provied some solution Thanks in advance, Ganeshkumar | |
hi all, please share the dode of connectivity from front end to database. thank you in advance | |
Hi I am planning to create web based association Management project. Can any one please provide me some sample or details which would me more helpful for me to develop the project. | |
I have a server which is hosting just a single site and because of this, I intend to redirect all traffic from domains which isn't mine to my domain. For example, if a random person decides for some reason to point their domain to my server, when my server gets … | |
A lot of code here. Basically I'm making an auction type site. This segment of code is for a user to upload a product: I'm pretty sure there isn't anything wrong with addproduct.php but for completeness I feel like I should post it. addproduct.php: <?php require_once('checklogin.php'); require_once('validate.php'); if(!isset($_SESSION['user'])) { //die("redirect"); … ![]() | |
Good Morning. Actually i'm doing online quizz project. so when ever user login details are true he has to take a test. so that i displaying questions randomly from database. when i press F5/Ctrl+r/browser Refresh Button the questions are changing simultaneously. What i require is the questions could not while … ![]() | |
I currently have a webpage (for example 'conveyor') with contains many buttons, when a button is clicked the user fills in the relevant fields on the page (page 2) and saves the record, which then turns the text on the button on 'conveyor' to red, to show the user a … ![]() | |
So.. i want to make and online TV Show website using wordpress but can't fugure how to do it. The shows will be embeded from various websites (youtube, vimeo). 1. In general TV Shows have multiple seasons and i want the links to be like friends/season-1/episode-2 is there a plugin … | |
I need help with a dynamic drop down menu. I need when I select a make. the corresponding model load in the second drop down menu [code=php]<?php $conn=odbc_connect("cisproject","" ,"");// database connection $make = $_POST['manuf_name']; if ($make){ ///////////////////////////////////////////////// $query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM Models where manufacture_id='$make'"); $result = @mysql_query($query); $rowModel = … ![]() | |
Hi All, I have made simple CMS with PHP/MYSQL. It make use of TinyMCE as Javascript editor. I can delete as well as add the contents. But How can I load the contents from database to TinyMCE for editing and saving? Here is my PHP code to add contents using … | |
I'm finding it difficult to configure public link in ajaxplorer. According to their documentation, this setting can done in server/conf/conf.php but the problem is there is no such file as server/conf/conf.php in the entire application folder. I currently using ajaxplorer 4.2.3. ![]() | |
I Used Several wordpress plugins to Get Five Recent Multiple Category Posts . But How can i manually do with a php code. | |
How to make an iframe embedded video not skip streaming an audio even if a submit button has been pressed, is it possible to achieve it without using scripts??? Note: I am streaming a YouTube video(hidden) | |
i'm doing online quizz project. so i'm fetching questioins & answers Randomly from database. when ever press referesh button/f5 the questions are changing. wat i require is when the session starts once.the questions could not be change even doing refresh.. thank u all. eagerly waiting for ur help | |
my controller code is- <?php class Site extends CI_Controller { function index() { echo "Under Construction."; } function signup() { $this->load->model('site_model'); $data['countries']=$this->site_model->get_countries(); $this->load->view('signup_view',$data); } function login() { echo "This is working."; } } ?> When i open signup page .the signup view repeats many time. |
The End.