I have the following code in send_email.php
// send mail code
Name : <?php echo $name; ?><br>
email : <?php echo $email;?><br>
message : <?php echo $message;?><br>
//$to = 'david_yg20@yahoo.com';
$to = 'garudamedia@localhost';
$subject = 'e-mail feedback';
ini_set('sendmail_from', 'admin@localhost');
ini_set('SMTP', 'localhost');
//ini_set('SMTP', 'smtp.mail.yahoo.co.id');
$message2 = "Name : " + $name + "email : " + $email + "message : " + $message;
mail($to, $subject, $message2);
Telah di kirim!
It suppose to send me feedback message regarding my webpage to my garudamedia@localhost e-mail.
1. It did work accept that the message only give me "0" number, why is that? What is the correct syntax ?
2. I tried another option which is to send the feedback e-mail to my david_yg20@yahoo.com e-mail. Yet, I have not find the correct codes to send the feedback message to my yahoo mail. I keep receiving 503 yahoo mail error authentication (or something similars). What is the correct syntax to send my feedback e-mail to my yahoo mail ?