39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for shortd81

If someone could help me out I would appreciate it. I installed it, check the code and still can't get it to work :cry:

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for lizzie09

Hello! I need help with using PHP to open .mif files. Does anyone have an easy way that PHP can read through the . mif file and generate the image? Thank you for your help!

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for ep2002

Hi all, I hope your weekend went well :) Question... What do you know about typo3? Can one create a solid DB with it? I was told their message board sucks as no one helps people. Does anyone have any useful boards where we can find support? Thanks so much …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Programming sta

I have been given the task of writing script files to implement a firewall of my choice, but do not have an idea how to start, could some one please advise.

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Aurelia

Hi everyone, I really hope someone here can help me. I've been searching the net for the last few years trying to find a way to get this working without any luck. I'm a complete novice to PHP-I just started in fact and I run a large stories Archive on …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for psydoc

I am looking for a script that will allow visitors to my web site to click an image containing a member's name, and receive a validation page. The href, attached to the image, would look something like this: <a href="https://www.mysite.com/validate.php?url=www.memberdomain.com" > If the domain is in the mysql database, the …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for chunguy

hihi, can someone help me with this problem; i want to be able to feed a value from a dropdown list A as a condition for items in dropdown list B. both dropdown list are in the same form. the values for both dropdown list are extracted from my mysql …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Young Teck 06

As I promised in my blog, here is the CVS files that I promised, this is basically a breakdown of the files and folders in the current Snapshot release. Click the link below to view the text file in CVS style that I put. [URL=http://www.da-hot-spot.com/phpbb2_cvs.txt]Click Here to View the CVS …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for mezoo

hallo my frinds i`am hazem from egypt and i`am member in php4egypt (php4egypt sub from php4arab) sorry ican`t speek english good but i learn it now this is [URL=http://php4egypt.com]php4egypt sit[/URL] and this [URL=http://php4egypt.com/mail/mail.zip]member news[/URL] i post this scrept only for Post Thread in your sit وأنا هكون معاكو هنا

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for tomphreak

I have created an online gift certificate order from. I have an html to allow user to create order, and two php pages to: 1. display order back to browser window,and 2. send email with order info to restaurant owner and myself and redirect to thanks.htm page. I cannot get …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Killer_Typo

I got bored and started some scripting the other day in PHP, this is just a sample that i wrote, just uncomment the part of script that you would like to see. IE remove the /* and */ around a certain area. i know its not great, but some beginners …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Static-FMX-Prog

I need help installing Cash Mod for Php-nuke 7.2! Will someone please install it for me? Everytime I try to install it and a bunch of error messages came up! :o ..Please help thanks

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for VictorCody

I need some help with attachment issues and noone is ever on thier support forum. Is there a guru anywhere with a few minutes to spare that would be willing to help me out? I would be forever in debted. Vic

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for sayangjoy

Hello Php`ers; :-| I run this website [url]http://frustratie.com[/url] and as you can see on the right i have some blocks. The block Shoutbox is to width as you can see , i like to have them the same as the other smaller one.. how can i change this? thanks :lol: …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for veilside

Ok, I installed a php program on my website, not nuke, i need forums so i installed phpbb on a stand alone database, when i deleted the php program and install phpnuke, it comes wiht the phpbb already, which u really must use to have all the member names correct, …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Static-FMX-Prog

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hello, Has anyone got the New PHP-Nuke thats out?..7.4?..well my got it..and i got 22 guest in 5 minutes..its a verry nice site yall really need to check it out!...and if ur a PHP user..you should buy it..its only $10 dollars..it willl come out for free in about …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Static-FMX-Prog

[FONT=Book Antiqua]Hello, Is CuteHTML Pro a good program to make PHP scripts?[/FONT] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Plz help asap..ty![/COLOR]

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Tsunami

Looking for php coders.I am looking for php coders for a online game i am curretly making with a friend.Once the game is up and running we will be having a store where players can upgrade their accounts with points which they will be able to buy with paypal or …

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Member Avatar for grwd

Hi guys an gals! Due to my own lack of PHP skills I need a little help. [b]Would one of you wise-ones be so kind as to provide me with code in the form of a function that will convert an Int64 number into a Base36 (string) and another function …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for resistor

is there any way that php can show a person's webcam, and their voice and also let them record it? and store it all in a database?

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for citrus_tango

Anyone know how to get around a restricted PHP_AUTH_USER on the uk2.net server for a php/cgi enabled site? I have a script that I need to run in php enabled that needs to bypass the file. Unfortunately the instructions from uk2.net on how to bypass were drafted by an IT …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for WP1

Hello All! What is a "lib.php" file, * How would one define it? * What does it do? * Why is it necessary? * When should it be used? If anyone could answer these questions or refer me to a very "BASIC" smile document/tutorial about this it would be appreciated. …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Killer_Typo

Ok, right now i have an array that the user enters into a form and when they submit it, it is loaded into a PHP script that i have set into an iFrame so that you can modify the mysql database in real time (sorta) but heres my problem. i …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for charter

Can any of the gurus out there please help? I am having a search problem with PHP and MySQL. I wish to search the MySql database from 2 criteria. Using 2 dropdown boxes. I wish to search from 1 dropdown box called searchtype and another called searchterm. The problem is …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for petenyce

Im trying to search a database and show the results. If a person types in a last name and first name it will search the database and return a result. Heres the cod ei am working with. but im running into errors. Any help would be great thanks. <html> <head> …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for ChuckD

I need some help with an event list module for PHPNuke 7.x. This is how we need it to work. It is going to be used on a Car Show site. The User will enter the Submit area and enter the following information that we need to store in a …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for neonet

halo every body: sorry ! my english not good,i only can use very simple english.. i use "fgets" get a webpage date,but website is use utf8.. when i use "substr" get some string,then i write into mysql. but mysql filed can't show big5!i don't know solution.... my mysql version mysql-3.23.58-1.9 …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for nikuki

I have a lot of skins I want to display on my website, each with their own page. (a lot meaning like, 40) I have the idea to create a form where I enter the desired filename and other information about the skin I want to inclue (date, description, etc.) …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for rex_b

I found this script to convert my phpbb threads and so forth to htm as an archiver. I can see the forums , then you click and can see the topics, then you click and it becomes a blank page where the posts are suppose to be. Any guesses? location …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for logicaweb

Hi all, Some time ago I saw a good code, I can not remember where or whether it was for a system or a separate... That code is probably made for online shopping... That's all I know but after a while I found it integrated in one website or they …

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The End.