39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for gunnarflax

Hi! I have a problem with binding parameters dynamically in my mysqli_stmt objects. As I don't know how many parameters which will be put into this function I must bind the parameters dynamically. Though I cannot understand what's wrong with this method: [CODE] public function execute($unprp_stmt, $data){ //Prepare the stmt …

Member Avatar for gunnarflax
Member Avatar for maxelcat

Hi Am trying to get email sending right from a form - am getting mighty confused! the form has a field where the user enters their email. I then want this form to goto these addresses: users email - called $email below conferences@domainOne admin@domainTwo Here's my php: [CODE] $email = …

Member Avatar for itisnot_me
Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello, I'm trying to create a search engine for my databse. I be able to select multiple tables [CODE]$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table1, table2, table3 WHERE ...");[/CODE] I was wondering if this even works? If it does, how do I get rows from different tables? [CODE]while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ $fromtable1 …

Member Avatar for andrewliu
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

ok so i believe that i should know this but i have not really dove into dates with php. Ok so what i am trying to do is find the latest date between 2 dates. And if the dates are the same then find the latest time then echo out …

Member Avatar for itisnot_me
Member Avatar for sha11e

I just re-installed XAMPP and I'm getting an error that I've never gotten before. Notice: Undefined index: username in C:\xampp\htdocs\acc_terminator\unicode.php on line 3 Notice: Undefined index: password in C:\xampp\htdocs\acc_terminator\unicode.php on line 4 Notice: Undefined index: account_level in C:\xampp\htdocs\acc_terminator\unicode.php on line 5 Those lines are: $xusername = $_SESSION['username']; $xpassword = $_SESSION['password']; …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for gazzy1

i want to create a timer for my php page i created the page that only 20 second i want that the time should be as 00:00:20 (hh:mm:ss) plz help my scipt are.......................................................................................................... <tr> <!-- countdown script --> <td style="text-align:left;font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana, Arial;">Time Left: <input type="text" name="seconds" size="3"> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var …

Member Avatar for tiggsy
Member Avatar for irphan

Hi, this is irphan . i am creating social networking site and need a friend system like facebook] . i don't have any idea aout this .can anyone help me?kindly tell me how many tables would require to manage friend system and how can i manage them. i am working …

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Member Avatar for galz1452

<?php require("verification.php"); require("connect.php"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title></title> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style type="text/css"> .style4 { font-size: 24px; color: #fe5800; font-weight: bold; } #apDiv1 { position:absolute; left:267px; top:352px; width:118px; height:79px; z-index:1; } .style10 {font-size: 12px; font-weight: …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for patharianidhi

Hi I would be really thankful if someone could please help me with this: I have a file upload script that uploads csv files to the web server. After the file upload another script called extraction.php starts which reads the contents of the file and puts them to the respective …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for vizz

How to count number of rows from database after every 2 seconds without refreshing page " [COLOR="Red"]id sender receiver message[/COLOR] " these are database fields I want to count and display number of message received after every 2 seconds, like OUTPUT:- " [COLOR="red"]Messages (1)[/COLOR] "

Member Avatar for ndeniche
Member Avatar for icehiro

I want to fetch some data from my database which something weird came out. [CODE]<?php include("conmysql.php"); $selectdb = @mysql_select_db("vote"); if (!$selectdb) die("Connect database fail!"); //find number of people supporting $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(support) FROM address WHERE support=1'; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (!result) { die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); } echo …

Member Avatar for icehiro
Member Avatar for debasishgang7

I wanna write a script which will count the number of occurrence of a given string from a text file. Suppose a text file content many phone numbers and many of them occurs several times on that text file.I am gonna provide a particular number and i want that script …

Member Avatar for debasishgang7
Member Avatar for thijscream

hey, i have the following webpage: [URL="http://www.thijscream.nl/wijnkado/mouserend.php?id=0&sid=0"]http://www.thijscream.nl/wijnkado/mouserend.php?id=0&sid=0[/URL] there everything if fine, the footer is on the bottom of the page. but now i have a page with some artikels on it and then it's still on the same place instead of lowering to the bottom(as shown on the link below) …

Member Avatar for gunnarflax
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi, How to change date format in my sql.By default it is taken as 2011-03-05 but I want to change as 05-march-2010. need your help Thanks

Member Avatar for mgranger96
Member Avatar for TronCraze

Hi all, I have a question regarding PHP login systems. Is it possible to have a login system within another login system. Here's an example: I login to a site and PHP creates the session. I then want to access another page with some higher-secure content so I ask the …

Member Avatar for ahmedelhamahmy
Member Avatar for sharkqt

Hello everybody :) for the past 3/4 months i have been learning nonstop in various subjects ranging from html css javascript ( also jquery framwork ) and php i have also been able to put up a static website ( using only htm and css ) after learning more about …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for vijaygupta

Hello , I want to add muliple radio button on click of a radio button and this to happen in sub radio buttons also any kin of help appreciated thanks

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Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello, I was thinking what would be a best way to create another column if a list is too long? Say I have a <ul> tag and doing a while loop output <li> tags. Would it be good to just use like a while loop and set the condition to …

Member Avatar for petr.pavel
Member Avatar for AntiQuark

I am trying to create a regular expression that can parse both variables ($src and $src1) and get the result of Prop, Nam and Tra. (Ignoring any information after). [ICODE] <?php $src = "{{Data#Prop=11a|Nam=33a|Tra=46b}}"; $src1 = "{{Data#Prop=11a|Nam=33a|Tra=46b|extra=384v}}"; preg_match_all('/\{\{Data#Prop\=([a-z 0-9]*)\|Nam\=([a-z 0-9]*)\|Tra=([a-z 0-9]*)????\}\}/Umis', $src, $st); ?>[/ICODE] For both $src and $src1 the …

Member Avatar for petr.pavel
Member Avatar for gunnarflax

Hi! I have a question regarding a problem I've faced dealing with object oriented PHP. I'm used to always return a value after a method has been executed and then use the returned value in other methods. But that's because I've always done that in procedural programming. So I wonder …

Member Avatar for gunnarflax
Member Avatar for lit108

I have a script which parses xml feeds, the url's to the feeds that are being parsed are in a table on my database. Below is the query for storing the url's in an array [CODE] $getUrls = "SELECT * FROM sscape_blogroll"; $result = mysql_query($getUrls); $urls = array(); while($row = …

Member Avatar for petr.pavel
Member Avatar for vijiglad

hi, please help.. I need php code to upload file from one FTP to another FTP.. thanks/regards vijay

Member Avatar for petr.pavel
Member Avatar for shadowscape

hello fellow developers, i have built my website, how it works is it includes the header and footer through php and the rest of the content is in its corresponding file, but would it be possble to have the rest of the content in a mysql database and create pages …

Member Avatar for shadowscape
Member Avatar for xxreenaxx1

I am stuck on inserting the data into mysql via php. Its a foreach method and I am just stuck [CODE=php]include '../Database/take_an_exam.php'; $intNum = 1; $intnumber = 1; while( $info = mysql_fetch_array( $sqll )){ echo "<input type='hidden' name=\"Que_ID\" value=\"{$info['Que_ID']}\" /> "; echo " $intNum, {$info['Que_Question']} <br />\n"; $intNum++; for ($i …

Member Avatar for petr.pavel
Member Avatar for jacob.irwin

Earlier today I created simple database (user and login fields), login, and registration PHPs. Now I need help going about the following enhancement: In a nutshell: I am trying to create a registration form like facebook's with php code (and link it a mysql database)... 1.) My updated registration.php has …

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Member Avatar for anthonyjpv

I created a code in C# but cant see any resource online to convert it to php can you help me? Bitmap printscreen = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height); Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(printscreen as Image); graphics.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, printscreen.Size); printscreen.Save(@"C:\printscreen.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);

Member Avatar for anirban1087

Hi, I am working on a form which is as follows - +---------------+----------------+--------------+-----------------+---------------+ |Item_Code |Item_Name |Quantity |Rate |Amount | |[ COMBO BOX ] |[ COMBO BOX ] |[ USER INPUT ]|[ Auto Fill after| [ CALCULATED ]| |Generate Field2|Generate Field 1| |selecting f1/f2 | | +---------------+----------------+--------------+-----------------+---------------+ The user can either …

Member Avatar for petr.pavel
Member Avatar for Layerphp

Hi all, I'm using igallery plugin for my website and when ever i upload images to gallery they will automatically be saved into incremental folders like... if i upload 100 images they will be stored in "1-100" and if i again upload 100 images they will be stored in "101-200" …

Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello, I'm using curl to scrape information through sites. Since some sites don't have subscriptions, I would like to get information from their sites without constantly going to the site. I was wondering if you can sort their content when you've scrapped through site? Like if there was a list …

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The End.