39,387 Topics
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Been designing websites for years - tried to avoid anything MySQL/PHP - deep programming related. Quickly coming to a realization I need to give it a try... UGH. I tried to get my feet wet with MySQL 1 year ago (to the day, apparently... weird?) and was quite unsuccessful. Now, … | |
Hey guys, The problem: I have a 3 question quiz which obtains the questions and answer options from a database. At the moment, I've managed to display all 3 questions on one page under one form. What I'm trying to do: Display one question per page. I've tried to google … | |
I'm using an html form to submit data directly into a mysql database using a php script. For some reason the pictures will not be uploaded fully into the database. This is when I don't use a multipart/form-data tag. When that occurs the pictures partially upload but when I put … ![]() | |
pLZ GUIDE ME I AM NOW WORKING ON MY ONLINE EXAM PROJECT BUT SOME PROBLEM IS THERE. I HAVE A FORM WHICH HAVE A jump menu. text field and Submitt button. i want that when i select the desire thing from the jumpmenu and then click on submit button it … | |
<?php require_once('../../../../../Connections/Class5th.php'); ?> <?php function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "") { $theValue = (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? addslashes($theValue) : $theValue; switch ($theType) { case "text": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "long": case "int": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? … | |
I found out some years ago that some woods will actually fluoresce under UV light and that I can photograph that glow. In fact, I estimate over 10$ of the 3,000+ actual wood species samples I have glow under black light. I have worked on for some time the TAXA … | |
I am working on a simple click/attack game. Here's my code... HTML: [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <title>Random Number Game</title> <script src="rand.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="http://ie7-js.googlecode.com/svn/version/2.1(beta4)/IE9.js"></script> <![endif]--> </head> <body> … | |
I wanna use Tinymce editor in php ( Dreamweaver ) but, this parts contain 2 field for adding news part so i should use two editor in my page but, i can only add one of the editors in page i wanna add the other one in the same page … | |
Hi, I am trying to implement a customer records page, where you can modify and save the changes on one page. What I am trying to do is, post a action using a link (or better button) and then execute a function depending on the action posted. My code is … ![]() | |
Hi Frendz, I need to create one socket programming to read data from port of my server using php and this is my code <?php $host = ""; $port = 4321; set_time_limit(0); echo "Start to Create socket....<br>"; $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP) or die("create():".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($socket))); if($socket) { echo "Socket Created!<br>"; } … | |
Hello, I have a project on hand. I have to build a portal. I am basically a UI person which development skills. Which technology is better for portal development? PHP vs java vs .net vs Ruby? Also if there are any developers with experience in portal development, Give me a … | |
Hi, I try to search related title but can't find any match. Here my case. I'm planning to allow user to insert record. If user put 3, mean 3 row of table will expand. Each row have textfield, select menu. Can refer to attachment. I'm using javascript to do that. … | |
[B]Hi Guys I have the following code for html and php. when i click on the button to calculate bmi it doesnt work.... can someone please help it is urgent...[/B] Heres html code: [CODE]<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function Calculate(str) { if (str=="") { document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML=""; return; } if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code … | |
I know that this has been discussed several times before and that "PDO (PHP Database Object) works with multiple databases", "PDO supports dynamically generated prepared statements" (meaning that it can bind parameters from an unknown amount of parameters, which MySQLi can do with a bit of trixing). But I've never … | |
Hi I'm just learning how to use php and I'm testing out how to use a SQL trigger. What I need to do is print out the fields value before the trigger and then again after the trigger has been activated and changed the value. When I try to do … | |
With over 15,000 wood names in the wood knowledge base I am building (at [url]www.prowebcanada.com/taxa[/url]) it has become practically essential to add a versatile search engine to extract queries from the MySQL files. I started with an online template and have brought it quite a way along but some things … | |
Hi I want to make a form that has multiple search option.I want to give a drop down box as well as check boxes.If the user selects the field in dropdown box the search will be done through that field and if the user wants to select through multiple fields … ![]() | |
Hi, I have one simple problem. PHP (CodeIgniter) code: [CODE=php] $query = $this->db->where('filename',$filename)->select('valid_until')->get('jos_reklama_banners'); $row = $query->row(); $valid_until = $row->valid_until; if($valid_until > time()) { $sql = "UPDATE `jos_reklama_banners` SET valid_until = valid_until + ? WHERE `id` = ?"; $query = $this->db->query($sql, array($days*86400 ,$filename)); //viena diena 86400 sekundziu //echo 'daugiau'; } else … | |
hi i have a code like this: <form action="11.php" method="post"> <table border="1"> <tr> <th bgcolor="#666600">Action</th> <th bgcolor="#666600">Name</th> <th bgcolor="#666600">Key Skills</th> <th bgcolor="#666600">Qualification</th> <th bgcolor="#666600">email</th> </tr> <?php include("connection.php"); $q="select * from tbl_faculty"; $result=mysql_query("select * from tbl_faculty"); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr><td><input type='submit' id='$row[faculty_id]' name='info' value='Info'><input type='submit' id='$row[faculty_id]' name='edit' value='Edit'><input type='submit' id='$row[faculty_id]' name='Delete' … | |
Hello, i have create a form for uploading file and it's works, but i dunno how to make people can download it.i hope someone can helps me.. | |
[CODE] $date = mktime(1, 1, 1, $month, date("d"), $year); $first_day_of_month = strtotime("-" . (date("d", $date)-1) . " days", $date); $last_day_of_month = strtotime("+" . (date("t", $first_day_of_month)-1) . " days", $first_day_of_month); $first_week_no = date("W", $first_day_of_month); $last_week_no = date("W", $last_day_of_month); if($last_week_no < $first_week_no) $last_week_no=date("W", strtotime("-1 week",$last_week_no)) + 1; $weeks_of_month = $last_week_no - $first_week_no … | |
Hello, I'm getting problems with my coding. I'm trying to take out tags from my preg_match_all. I'm still new and learning. [CODE] preg_match_all("/\<b>\\$(.*?)\<\/b\>/is", $res[0], $Price ); for($i = 0; $i < count($Price); $i++) { $Price = preg_replace("/<.*?>/is","",$Price); } foreach($Price[0] as $kgbPrice) { $PriceArray[] = "<div class='prices' id='kgbdealsPrice'>".$Price."</div>"; } [/CODE] The … | |
I've created a C script that rotates logs on my web server. It needs to receive 2 arguments, one whether the rotated log will be zipped and the other is the location of the log file. This works fine in command line but I cannot get it to execute with … | |
Good Morning All... I am really baffled with what I am getting from a form input using an image... Here is the form... Basically it is a single form with 4 separate input images, each reloading the same page, but changing the value of the variable 'name'. [CODE] <form name="display" … | |
hi i have a form where we can see all values from database and in this all row having three submit button named edit,del,info and i given id of the row is primary key of database table. when i press info i want that in next page i can get … | |
Hello I am looking to dump data from a MySQL database to an excel spreadsheet. I know I can dump it to a CSV file and import that way, no problem. But I want to dump the data to a specific spreadsheet in an excel and specific cells. I have … | |
Hi, I am working on a PHP form with a set of input fields, and 3 buttons. 1. The [B]ADD[/B] button will take the input and add it to a table displayed on the same page just bellow the input fields. 2. The [B]SUBMIT[/B] button will deposit the entire table … | |
I want to create one menu with anchor tag for e.g=> <a href="http://www.example.com/example.php" rel="facebox">Example</a> I want to write javascript function for that like $menu = array(); $menu['page name without extension'] = 'Page Title To be showed on page'; function MenuGen() { } In addition I want to add FACEBOX from … | |
Hello Say I have a document which is written in phonetic. Now I want to make this indic. How can I do that Say A will be আ B will be ব AA will be আ Ba will be বা T will be ট t will be ত etc...... Please … | |
Hi all, I am trying to select multiple rows from the database and then separate the rows into array values so I can use them throughout my code. This is what I have right now... [CODE] $result = mysql_query("SELECT url, image, placement FROM advert WHERE user='1'") or die(mysql_error()); //This grabs … |
The End.