39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for jacob.irwin

Earlier today I created simple database (user and login fields), login, and registration PHPs. Now I need help going about the following enhancement: In a nutshell: I am trying to create a registration form like facebook's with php code (and link it a mysql database)... 1.) My updated registration.php has …

Member Avatar for petr.pavel
Member Avatar for anthonyjpv

I created a code in C# but cant see any resource online to convert it to php can you help me? Bitmap printscreen = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height); Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(printscreen as Image); graphics.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, printscreen.Size); printscreen.Save(@"C:\printscreen.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);

Member Avatar for anirban1087

Hi, I am working on a form which is as follows - +---------------+----------------+--------------+-----------------+---------------+ |Item_Code |Item_Name |Quantity |Rate |Amount | |[ COMBO BOX ] |[ COMBO BOX ] |[ USER INPUT ]|[ Auto Fill after| [ CALCULATED ]| |Generate Field2|Generate Field 1| |selecting f1/f2 | | +---------------+----------------+--------------+-----------------+---------------+ The user can either …

Member Avatar for petr.pavel
Member Avatar for Layerphp

Hi all, I'm using igallery plugin for my website and when ever i upload images to gallery they will automatically be saved into incremental folders like... if i upload 100 images they will be stored in "1-100" and if i again upload 100 images they will be stored in "101-200" …

Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello, I'm using curl to scrape information through sites. Since some sites don't have subscriptions, I would like to get information from their sites without constantly going to the site. I was wondering if you can sort their content when you've scrapped through site? Like if there was a list …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for coolest_987
Member Avatar for coolest_987
Member Avatar for mynameissiva

hi friends, I develop web pages using PHP for my college.. To upload into my college site, is need any framework ?? To run php file in my home PC. Just apache sever is enough ? Is any php file or framework need ?? Plz help me as soon as... …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for arunmag

Hi all, i am new to PHP. I want to learn more about PHP like website building and all other web related topics. I want good links or material for PHP. I am trying to build my own website and a small forum so I want tutorials, videos and online …

Member Avatar for the_one_9101
Member Avatar for ero100

I want to add SIZING OPTIONS to my website * i have created the database sizes with: size_id, size_list, and prod_id which is the ID OF the products tables as foreign key * i have issued a query to retrieve all the sizes according to the prod_id (product ID). as …

Member Avatar for ronin13378

Hey guys i have a contact form for my site working fine but when i receive the emails i get some unwanted texts(bold area) after the email section. name1: ryan number: 343244 message1: hey email: [email]ss@yahoo.com[/email] [B]clearField: [type Function] label1: NAME label2: E-MAIL label3: PHONE label5: MESSAGE countField: 5 arrayLabel: …

Member Avatar for kokoro90
Member Avatar for Tazz-99

Hello, Have you seen the URLs with a "/" after the file name? EG: game.php/items I'm wondering how you can use this data after the "/". I'm assuming this is PHP as URL variables are PHP. any ideas? Thanks :)

Member Avatar for steelshark
Member Avatar for gazzy1

I want to create a timer using php that will start counting the time when the student access the test page until it reach 10 minutes then it will submit the page and insert the data in to the database.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for lttleastig

Good day i would like to ask how to make a login system the password is encrypted with the code below. [CODE]HashBytes('MD5', REVERSE(UPPER(@ID)) + @PW)[/CODE] thanks in advance

Member Avatar for ahmedelhamahmy
Member Avatar for Tabone3

Hi, I recently begin to work with MYSQL, php and html and I have this problem. On the homepage of my site on the sidebar I have a section where it tells you the latest blogs that have been posted. Now here comes the problem. I wish that whenever I …

Member Avatar for reygcalantaol
Member Avatar for McLaren

Hi, where is the best practice to put js, image, css files when you make component? I put them in the same directory as component is. Is it good practice? Or should they be in media directory?

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for McLaren

Hi, would it be difficult to let's say add a record to another table on user registration? Lets say I want to add a records how many credits the user has in jos_credits table when user registers, in other words - add record with that user id and set credits …

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for anirban1087

Hi, I am working on a form which is as follows - +---------------+----------------+--------------+-----------------+---------------+ |Item_Code |Item_Name |Quantity |Rate |Amount | |[ COMBO BOX ] |[ COMBO BOX ] |[ USER INPUT ]|[ Auto Fill after| [ CALCULATED ]| |Generate Field2|Generate Field 1| |selecting f1/f2 | | +---------------+----------------+--------------+-----------------+---------------+ The user can either …

Member Avatar for Pnorq
Member Avatar for fabzster

Hi I have a join query which I use for a report ok I have a query to give me results for a report that will give me all the stores that sold policies from a group during a period. It works however I cannot get it to give me …

Member Avatar for fabzster
Member Avatar for rayden150

Hi can someone please indicate where is the error in the php code i wanted to sort of translate from java to php pleaase help: This is the Java Code: [CODE]public class Break{ public static void main(String[] args){ int i,j; System.out.println("Prime numbers between 1 to 50 : "); for (i …

Member Avatar for kekkaishi
Member Avatar for doctorphp

Hi everyone. I am trying to build a script where a user of my website can download files. I have a problem. My site has two different user types, Free and Premium at the moment the only protection I have on the script is to check whether the user is …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for mangopearapples

Hey guys, I'm having a little bit of trouble here. I have a variable called Latest1 and it's value is some HTML and PHP code. I have a function that does document.getElementById().innerHTML = Latest1; So when that happens, it runs the HTML code but for some reason it doesn't run …

Member Avatar for mangopearapples
Member Avatar for dyla123

Not sure if this is for PHP but anyway: I am wanting to make an API for a game the past few months and still have not yet figured it out yet. I am wondering does anyone know how to make one or who can get a website that can …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for shawtyred74

Hi, I am trying to create a playlist using a multidimesional array. Where the user will select a song to hear from a radio button and when they do they will hear the song on the url that I have for that song. I am not sure if I am …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar

I want to limit uploading size of the user image. How can i do this? User should upload only jpg file and it would be less than 100kb. and is there any way i can convert that image into specific resolution? Thanks....

Member Avatar for Gewalop
Member Avatar for petrakid

Hello, I created an events calendar which allows the user to add events. The events adding allows for daily, weekly, monthly (and yearly) events creation. Well, everything works GREAT, except for this one little problem that I can't get my head around. when creating a repeating event that repeats on …

Member Avatar for petrakid
Member Avatar for botak75

anyone can help me how to make coding like below. IF husband(L3) does not have a son (L1) AND do not have a daughter (P1) AND do not have the grandson of the son (L4) AND do not have a granddaughter from son (P4) THEN breakdown for men is 1 …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for cliffcc

How to show the result of counting in php? $room = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE roomid ='1'";

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jrotunda85

I've been messing arround with this for the past little while and I can't seem to figure out the best way to to about doing this. Essentially, I'm trying to create a three part statement. The first will check is a session variable isset & the user has a rolecd …

Member Avatar for jrotunda85
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi I had a mysql data base and had a date column in it. Date is like : date("Y-m-d"), I need to search in the data base between two days, select users who registered between 2009-12-13 and 2009-12-25. Please help me thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Sorcher
Member Avatar for mgranger96

I'm working on generating SEO friendly URLs from data taken from a database. I've been successful for the most part. The only issue I'm having is when I stripped the spaces and made them dashes, I lose the data being pulled from the database. If I leave the spaces in …

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The End.