39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for aditi_19

I have a question : When i combine php and javascript as in the code below, my current php page does not navigate to timesheet.php until i write document.write() in my javascript code? Why is it so? It slows down reloading the form and a white screen also flashes before …

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Member Avatar for gamshid

good evening i have a question plz . i wanna to display a link in my web site when the user click on it a pdf file is opened in the browser. but i dont want the user to print or copy or use "save as" properties is there are …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for abhi.agrawal87

I have been using class.phpmailer.php script for sending mail from localhost without smtp server. Everytime i try to send mail from my localhost then following error is generated: [COLOR="Red"]Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use …

Member Avatar for codejoust
Member Avatar for jhanjon

I have the following code to fetch images from an SQL data where a "gallery" id is set and a "artworks" id is set. BTW the "artworks" is really the images which I want to display. I am able to display the first image OK, however the "next" and "before" …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello... i want to do "images and text" which is in database...that content fetch in user's side....but sliding problem occuring...for example i have 5 images and 5 descriptions is der..so i want to show image[1],description[1] after some milliseconds image[2],description[2] .....etc like this...but all images are displaying once..that is my problem.. …

Member Avatar for dudegio

Hello guys! Anyone that has an idea on how to store audio files in any format in MySQL database and downloading them when clicked during the retrieval or display of the said audio file, please help me. I've been looking it in the internet but mostly just storing images and …

Member Avatar for vinay1989
Member Avatar for masocha

Can anyone tell me where l can get an open source Enterprise Architect software or similar UML modeling tool.

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for Taavi

Hello! I have been trying to make a news script where you can edit/delete news. I've looked for tutorials and tried to make mine too. But I still have some problems, and I don't know what is wrong. So, I'm posting the code here, maybe someone can help me. [code=php] …

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Member Avatar for Rakesh Nagekar

Hello Good Afternoon guys I am looking for querystrings can anyone please give details on that i looked on google but did not get effective results so please helpme Thank u in advance

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for coboldeveloper

I am also having problems in mail(). My php.ini values are (sendmail_from:"no value", SMTP:"localhost", smtp_port:"25"), my code is very simple and is as below - [code=php]<html> <body> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['email'])) { //send email $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ; $subject = $_REQUEST['subject'] ; $message = $_REQUEST['message'] ; if (mail( "kathie_hkg@yahoo.com", "Subject: $subject", …

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Member Avatar for vidhyaponnusamy

Hi I got the current time as follows $time=date("h:i:s") i got the result as 02:38:05 i want to add 10 mins with this time how can i add that,help me out Regards, Vidhya

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Member Avatar for Sheridan

Is there a way of disabling the browser back/forward buttons using PHP? Or is there a way of destroying the memory or history that the back/forward buttons use to traverse previously visited pages?

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Member Avatar for mindfrost82

I have a PHP script that is a combination of a purchased script and my own programming. It is a mess right now and not easy to work with at all. Basically, the purchased script is one that will merger PDF files into one and let the user download the …

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Member Avatar for sanjaypandit

[QUOTE]hi friends i am making a website depend on review on tourism places, but in it some weather data is needed according monthly for e.g. see this link [URL="http://www.holidays-uncovered.co.uk/united-kingdom/england/london.html"]Weather Link[/URL] in this u see there is a chart of avg. weather conditon of london city. i want show these data …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for michael123

how can I pass GET url which contains character "?" to php file. for example I have url: [url]http://www.mysite.com/file1.php?string=file2.php?a1=1&a2=2&a3=3[/url] I want to pass all string "file2.php?a1=1&a2=2&a3=3" into file1.php now on file1.php, if I use $v=$_REQUEST['string']; echo "$v"; I only get file2.php?a1=1 it lost rest "a2=2&a3=3" how can I fix this …

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Member Avatar for itsrahulk

hi folks, my reservation table is as below. [B]tbl_holiday_booking[/B] booking_id property_id checkin_date checkout date i am taking checkin and checkout date as dd/mm/yyyy please hellp me to check availability for the property in the above table. Thanks

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Member Avatar for Markstein

Hello, I need to have users fill out a form before they are granted to download any given file to generate sales leads. I do have a script which was custom made but am having some issues with it. I am wondering if anyone knows of a service (or script) …

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Member Avatar for digtokiller

Hello people, i need a code so when someone join my site, the site resize after the size of the screen on the coputer joining. cause i have seen my site on a small screen and big screen but they look different... sÃ¥ if the site could resize so it …

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Member Avatar for smvec

hi.. im dynamicelly creating text box in a html file using javascript.. [CODE]<script> function create_input_boxes() { if(document.getElementById("name0")) { return true; } var boxes=""; var num_boxes=document.getElementById("num_boxes").value; if(num_boxes) { for(var i=0;i<num_boxes;i++) { boxes+="<input id='name"+i+"' name='name"+i+"' value=''><br />"; } document.getElementById("textbox_container").innerHTML=boxes; } return false; } </script> </head> <body> <form id="theForm" action="dynamic.php" method="post" onsubmit="return create_input_boxes();"> …

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Member Avatar for SouthBay619

Does anyone know of any new shopping cart solutions for small to medium sized businesses? I am a web developer and over the last couple of years I have set up a couple ecommerce websites for clients. I have used osCommerce, Zen Cart, and X-cart for previous projects however I …

Member Avatar for codejoust
Member Avatar for valonesal

Ok Im am so very lost on what to do now, I have written the php code and would like to display the contents of what is being echoed through the url. Example is by entering mywebsite.com/index.php?dog=dogs it returns "a dog" mywebsite.com/index.php?dog=littledog returns "a little dog" What I would like …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for Reliable

Good afternoon all, I'm at the beginning stages of learning PHP. I'm trying to understand passing in functions. I have a video lesson so I can see what is being explained but for some reason i am still not getting it. [CODE]<?php function hello($word) { echo "Hello {$word}!<br/>"; } hello("Daniweb"); …

Member Avatar for Reliable
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi everyone I've been googling my time away trying to find a resource that explains how many php uploads http can handle at once and any extra info on the process and limitations etc. Does anyone have a link they could share. Google isn't being very helpful (or the problem …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for enzo420

hi hows it going? ive tried loads of times to fix this problem but its not happening here is the registration page code [CODE]<div id="apDiv6"> <form name="register" method="post" action="regform.php"><p> <input type="text" name="username" id="username"> </p> <p> <input type="password" name="pass" id="pass"> </p> <p> <input type="password" name="pass2" id="pass2"> </p> <p> <select name="usertype" id="usertype"> …

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Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, Ok.. i have some pages on my site that has a link like [code=text]<A HREF="<?php $websiteaddress ?>/webbuilder/downloads/download.php?filename=age_verification_popup.zip">Download</A>[/code] if you look carefully you will see using get in my below script i get the filename in this example [b]age_verification_popup.zip[/b] This is then sent to this script. [CODE]<?php @include ("/home/sites/genieuk.co.cc/public_html/includes/global.php"); // …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for nadnakinam

Hi to all, page1 -- login page page2 -- secured page 1 [COLOR="Green"] No Problem[/COLOR], If user logged out successfully using logout button. session ends and doesn't allow user to go to secured pages. But... [COLOR="Red"]Problem[/COLOR], if user press backspace or back button in browser staying in page2, directed to …

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Member Avatar for jay_412

hi guys,,, Can Anyone help me in my problem. I want to exclude the second and instead i will use the Am/Pm. I did exclude the seconds but I can't include the AM/Pm function. I used this code [QUOTE] <?php echo ('A'); ?> [/QUOTE] but this is static.. how could …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for lim dara

Is there anyone could explain me about how to write login php code by using build-in function of authentication. I have learn it from a book, but it have been done.[code][/code]

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Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi Please tell me how we can search PDF File , which is stored in folder like C:\Folder and then show in show.php page as dynamic link. also Upload new PDF File to Folder Please tell me how?

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Member Avatar for bombixallan

The End.