39,326 Topics
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Hi everyone, I'm having a problem on passing values from my combo box. Let me show you first my code. I have 2 files [B]test.php and view.php. [/B] This is what's [B]inside the test.php[/B] [CODE] while($row = mysql_fetch_array($strSQL)){ $data .= "<tr>"; $data .= "<td>"; $data .= "<input type='checkbox' class='memberchk' name='membersID[]' … | |
Hi folks, I have used my connection for all my scripts, but when I am trying to INSERT the BIRTHDATE of a register user scripts i get the ERROR below: [CODE]Check for mysql_real_escape_string() support. if (function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string')) {global $dbc; // Need the connection. $data = mysql_real_escape_string (trim($date), $dbc); } else { … | |
Hi i have a news table. I am using the query "select * from news_table where news_id in(8,3,6,1)". This query is working properly. But the problem is i need to return the rows in the same order what we give in the 'in' clause. ie, first record with news_id 8 … | |
Pls help me for video uploading..can you give me a codes for uploading? | |
hey, it has been a couple of months since i have been here, and let's get strait to the point. someone told me you can change the page title of a dynamic link with the .htaccess file. for example i have a page. [url]http://www.mywebsite.com/page.php?id=1[/url] i include this page for different … | |
Does anyone have an example of how to disable PHP Safe Mode for a specific directory? My PHP is configured as an Apache module. Thank you | |
Hi, How does a barcode reader stores barcode data? I heared that it stores as simple txt file. Let's say I've scanned 5 barcodes. Does it create 5 individual txt files with info in them or Does it create only one txt file and store information related to the all … | |
I have a Problem regarding wordpress Redirect. I have panel in Right-side in this there is one form page. its for contact mailing. In this form i have submit button. when i click on the submit button i want to get the thanks page on the left side body contain. … | |
hi guys, My project is based on online shopping so admin is the of the users of our s/w we want to provide an option of storing images of newly introduced products along with all details through a form.. and when customer logs in he should be able to view … | |
Am trying to get a php script working. I have done a few reviews and corrected a few errors but it doesnt seem to work properly still. Its a quote script and instead of picking up a random quote its picking up all of them. I have tried amending the … | |
hi i have a species database (php/mysql) with more then 1000 species in it. each species has multiple localities. i want to show these localities on a map for each species. is it possible to directly pull the data from the database and plot these points. i want to know … | |
Have no idea how such simple thing can not work :( [CODE]<form action = "<?php echo base_url()?>admin_/groups/preview" target = ""> <strong>Pavadinimas: </strong><br> <input type="text" name="title" /><br><br> <strong>Tekstas: </strong><br> <textarea name = "text" cols = "90" rows = "90"></textarea><br> <input class = "save" type="button" name="submit" value = "IÅ¡saugoti"/> <input class = … | |
Hello I am trying to create a one-field search form with fields that match fields in a database, carry out a search for records which match the word put in the search button, and show the results in a table on the same page. I have got myself a bit … | |
I'm creating a forum like this one and I need to display my topics by last post. I want to create it so that the topic gets bumped back to the top whenever someone adds a new reply, like most forums including this one. I have a timestamp on both … | |
hey, i have problem with paging,i need to use two tables to fetch data. i am submitting my developed code. i hope some body will help me. [CODE] mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("dummy1") or die(mysql_error()); $START=$_GET['start']; if(!$START) { $START=0; } $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM scrapmsg ORDER BY date … | |
Can anyone help me to find some questions for php practical interview test ? I need some question in the following pattern . 1) what is the output of the following program ? 2) Some tough multiple choice questions 3) Write a PHP program to ...... | |
Hi guys, I'm not great with PHP and the guy I normally work with who does know a thing or too about it is on holiday. Currently, I'm having problems using a contact form mailer which returns the following error when it is sent. Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session … | |
i am writing code and i keep getting the error: mysql_fetch_array: supplied arguement is not a valid mysql resource. here is the code: [CODE] <?php include"dbconnect.php"; $item=$_POST['item']; $query3="SELECT * FROM selling WHERE name LIKE %item% AND state='$state' LIMIT 0,30"; $result3 = mysql_query($query3); while($item = mysql_fetch_array($result3)){ echo "<img src='$item[pic]' alt='pic'><a style='color: … | |
Searched hours online to no avail. This should be fairly easy for anyone experience with PHP (aka not me!) All i'm trying to do is create a text search box and send button. 1. Users will add a keyword and click send. 2. Link to an external website that loads … | |
Hi,i have a small problem with the following... a users posts a vehicle to the database, the form allows for posting with 3 images. when i display the form using a while loop i need to display the images, my problem is that i want to check 3 images 0r … | |
I've seen over the last few days many people on the internet and various forums asking for how this is done. Now there is plenty of posts out there that explain how to do this. However I have yet to find one that explains how you work it into a … | |
[CODE]<?php $rainbowmsg =""; $var =""; $scale=""; $out=array(' Ann',' james',' rejo mathew',' sjo d emmanual',' mary varghese','devan','benqb','riya'); $links=array(' Ann',' james',' rejo mathew',' sjo d emmanual',' mary varghese','devan','benqb','riya'); //color arrays $rainbow = array('#C36546','#006633' , '#000099' , '#FF0000' , '#FF6699' , '#0099FF', '#FFFF00' , '#33FF00'); //get the message for( $j=0; $j<1; $j++ ) … | |
I cant update my data i know theres something wrong in my code...pls help me guys i need this code ASAP... :( [CODE] <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); $sql = mysql_select_db("luweegee",$con); ?> <html> <head><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='Style.css'/></head> <body> <table border=0 align='center' width=900 cellpadding=20 cellspacing=0> <tr><td class='title' colspan=2><h1>Update Record</h1></td></tr> <tr> <td class='borderBaba' … | |
Hi all, Can anyone help me ragarding my new project, im having a hard time working on the report part, computing the subtotal of the quantity per device!! thanks in advance attach is my code | |
Hi i have a requirement of uploading images to server in which i want to select multiple images from local system on clicking the browse button once.i found many scripts for single image selection but i want the script for multiple image selection.I want script related to PHP Javascript. Can … | |
I have made a couple of preliminary versions of a web machine as an HTA and as a web dialog plug in for Google's Sketchup. The machine has moving sliders (hence machine) that get populated with names of real objects in a hierarchical structure set by the user's associations e.g. … | |
Hopefully someone can help me. Explaining this may be a pain for ya, but I would really appreciate any assistance that you may be able to give me. Here is my scenario. -I am trying to import a csv file into phpmyadmin. -The MySQL database is for Wordpress. -The .csv … | |
Hello I would also like to have a form, where users can input their search criteria and then the results show on the same page in a table. Currently absolutely nothing happens.:-( [CODE]<?php require_once('Connections/iwalletc_localhost.php'); ?> <?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) { function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "") { if … |
The End.