39,388 Topics
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Hi, I have this website where there will be chat rooms. I would like to have a form(php script) of rules of conduct before people gets access to the chat rooms. The options: Yes to continue to the chat rooms, No to send them back to the Home page. Thanks … | |
Hi While learning how to create and manage a session, I got through session time out technique, I got throw 2 ways : 1. Setting up garpage collection directive in php.ini file and 2. Create a session variable named, say, EXPIRE that holds the value [code]$_SESSION['EXPIRES']=time()+360;[/code] at the beginning of … | |
Hi, I am developing a website for a local group and want to include photo album. My idea is that users could create albums and if they belong to the same group, they can upload photos to the album. But I want to make it quite efficient and quick loading. … | |
Hi, i have class "User_registration" and in this class i need use many class: "Location", "Links", "Mail", "Module". i create include all class in file: include 'class/location.php'; include 'class/links.php'; include 'class/mail.php'; include 'class/modules.php'; Now create "User_registration" class. [CODE]<?php class User_registration{ public function insert_to_db($name, $country_code, $home_page) { //work with data return … | |
Hi team, Thanks for the view.. So here is my question... Here's what I am trying to do... I have a form that people fill in to send an email to selected people. They fill in the form and it now goes to a database to hold it until approved … | |
I want to do something very basic and have tried many ways without success. I have a simple database table consisting of four fields. All it is doing is showing affiliated clubs. One field is 'webaddress' which is the http address. I want to make "title' into a hyperlink so … | |
hello I want to make an image slider.I have two pages. If the person clicks on the first page the image enlarges and the slider will be shown with next and previous button. I also want to show the titles of these images.Please help me Thanx in advance | |
hello... i am not sure..is there any chance to open my webpage in firefox. for example i am browsing mywebsite using IE. when ever i click link of the page then automatically it will open in firefox. this option is not for all pages only for specified page. thanks. | |
Hi, I want to open user's uploaded .doc,.docx,.txt or .pdf as html (open in browser) I can open pdf without doing any extra coding. but i can't open other formates. I want to open files when user click on the link "Show File" at that time file will be open … | |
Hi,Pagination Problem : It shows the pages i.e 1,2,3 as number of records, but further records are not shown when clicked on page 2 further 3 and soo on.. [B]Database Connectivity:[/B] [CODE]$query = "SELECT * FROM photos ORDER BY id DESC limit 1,2"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while($row = … ![]() | |
Hi everybody! Please help me very fast!!!! I am programming with php in linux platform. When I create a file (example index.php) , that is UTF8 as default. Now I want to set cookie or session , but I cannot! I get an error about sending headers! Please help me … ![]() | |
HI, I have a form that has more than one checkbox. I need to store the checkbox value in mysql. I am using php code.I am not sure of the code of storing the checkbox value to the database. Your help will be much appreciated. Thanks Tryphy | |
I have a code for adding information on the site post page [CODE]<?php if (isset($_POST['photo'])) {$photo = $_POST['photo']; if ($photo == ''){unset($photo);}} if (isset($_POST['id_photo'])) {$id_photo = $_POST['id_photo']; if ($id_photo == ''){unset($id_photo);}} $cat = $_GET['cat'];?> <script type="text/javascript"> function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0 eval(targ+".location='"+selObj.options[selObj.selectedIndex].value+"'"); if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0; } </script> <script src='style/jquery.js' type="text/javascript"></script> <script src='style/documentation.js' … | |
I have made a php page that allows someone to send out an email to one of our representative with a sample text that they approve wind power. It's just a form that when submitted it sends out to whomever they checked and also sends me an email saying that … | |
Hi all, by using form and post method in my program. It seems like my values of calendar are not able to insert into my database. I'm using jquery's datepicker and php to code. Please advice. Thanks | |
give php code for dropdwon list : when we select database value in dropdwon list i.e username and there password show the fornt of dropdown list | |
I recently started working with PHP, and MySQL. And I have come with a little problem, I have tried a couple of things to solve it and they are not working. Well, basically I am trying to put a link on a page, but that page requires me to pass … | |
Hi guys! Im kinda new here and lately I'm developing a[B] PHP MySQL Module Generator[/B] that will help us to easily manipulate the database. since I want to make thing fast and I know lots of you agree with me that doing data manipulation stuffs like MySQL is boring so … | |
I am still fairly new to PHP, so I will do the best at explaining what I am trying to do here... I have a database table where I store a bunch of invoices. I am now trying to make a front end to run queries. I don't know how … | |
Hi, I'm trying to create a drop down menu with dynamically populated options. So, within a typical HTML form I have: [CODE] $conn = mysql_connect ("localhost", "xxxx", "xxxx"); mysql_select_db ("wkho_TTX", $conn); $query = "SELECT * FROM venues"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $num=mysql_numrows($result); $i=0; while ($i < $num) { $option … | |
Hello and Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with this noob php query. I am trying to create a "share this record" tool in which a User can send another User a link to a record by displaying all the users in the User Table with a … | |
Hi, i have this string: [CODE]$link = "http://www.first-link.comhttp://www.second-link.comhttp://www.third-link.com"[/CODE] i want to exract it to an array like this: [CODE]array[0] = http://www.first-link.com array[1] = http://www.second-link.com array[2] = http://www.third-link.com[/CODE] i wrote: [CODE]print_r (explode("href",$link));[/CODE] but now all the string is in array[0] only. i keep getting [CODE]Array ( [0] => http://www.first-link.com ) Array … ![]() | |
Hi everyone, I'm new study Facebook api. I use this code, but the resault is empty. Can anyone help me? Thanks. ps: i have replaced my api id, url ,secrect in it. [CODE]<form action ="index.php" method ="post"> <input type="text" value="what is?" name="search" style="color:#999;text-align:center;" onfocus="if (value =='what is?'){value =''}" onblur="if (value … | |
I'm trying to install jpgraph on AppServ 2.6 which comes php6. Anytime I try using the library I get the following error: The installed PHP version is (6.0.0-dev)is not compatible with this release of the library. The library requires at least PHP version 5.1.0. The version I'm using is jpgraph-3.0.7. | |
Hello friends .. I wanted a feedback form for my small site... Its pure HTML and i dont know anything about PHP .. I got a script which mails the form contents to the admin.. Here is the code [CODE] mail( "$webmaster_email", "Feedback Form Results", $comments, "From: $email_address" ); [/CODE] … | |
syntax error, unexpected T_STRING can anyone help? here id my code. and I'm using 000webhost if that helps [code]</script></span></td></tr></table><span id="content"><table width="100%" class="uportal-background-content" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td width="33%"><img height="3" width="10" title="" alt="" src="/media/org/jasig/portal/layout/dlm/skins/xp_style/skin/transparent.gif"></td><td><img height="3" width="1" title="" alt="" src="/media/org/jasig/portal/layout/dlm/skins/xp_style/skin/transparent.gif"></td><td width="34%"><img height="3" width="10" title="" alt="" src="/media/org/jasig/portal/layout/dlm/skins/xp_style/skin/transparent.gif"></td><td><img height="3" width="1" title="" alt="" src="/media/org/jasig/portal/layout/dlm/skins/xp_style/skin/transparent.gif"></td><td width="33%"><img height="3" width="10" … | |
hello... i am doing mail concepts. in this i want to send a dynamic attachments with email. actually user gets email with attachment. this attachment will be dynamic. how to create dynamic attachment for email.i tried this. but no use. anybody help. i have 'attachments.txt'file with content [CODE]User Name: <<name>> … | |
i want to find all occurrence of a string: "coords"" within another, but i only can found the first and the last ( stripos() and strripos() ) [CODE]<body> <img src="page.jpg" border="0" usemap="#fghf" /> <map name="fghf" id="fghf"> <area shape="rect" coords="10,71,258,236" href="#" alt="some_alt" title="some_title" /> <area shape="rect" coords="258,72,506,237" href="#" alt="some_alt" title="some_title" /> … | |
how to make a email form that can send one email to 20 email address, or from which website i can get a free copy of this types of emil form php script | |
I am starting a small download site.I want a best CMS software were i can choose my template or were i make atemplate acoording to my choice with out scripting |
The End.