39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for tcollins412

i am writing a game in JavaScript. I don't know any php so i need help making a page were people can submit their game scores. Thank you.

Member Avatar for cossay
Member Avatar for kiranking

The process is as fallows 1. getwords.php which contains [LIST] [*]two input text fields [*]submit button [*]results div [/LIST] sends(post with ajax) the min and max integer value to do_search.php 2. do_search.php will process the post variable get the words from from database which as fields [LIST] [*]eng_id [*]eng_text [/LIST] …

Member Avatar for zit1343

I have a PHP code which grabs data from site and it should be updated every second, I don't want to refresh whole page, I just want to refresh the data. please suggest something.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for gazza7

Hi I'm testing a form with checkboxes, with the values extracted from mysql database with a query. Everthing works fine with the population from the query. But when submit the form, I only get the first part of the value. I am populating the checkbox values the album names e.g …

Member Avatar for gazza7
Member Avatar for blazeenterprise

Does anyone know how to create a form and when the person click on send it go to a differnet page and then emails the use a license key. Can i have a database with lots of license keys in and then when the user fills in the download form …

Member Avatar for blazeenterprise
Member Avatar for stangn99

Hey guys, I'm going to start working on a simple php/mysql project, and wondering if you guys could point me in the right direction. Here is what I want to do: 1. User is presented with a simple form asking a series of questions (including email address) 2. Based on …

Member Avatar for php2sheik

hi all, In my website i make online donation using the credicard.how to integrate paypal in my website using php. please send the script in php for online donation(payment). or any other useful links for that. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for orange_24
Member Avatar for sjjs1985

Hi all. I have an assignment i'm working on but I am getting some errors now. The page it is coming from is a login page. The customer has signed up and now i want them to login and store their data in a session. heres the errors Warning: Cannot …

Member Avatar for EricIskhakov
Member Avatar for cancer10

Can anyone plz explain wot does PHP stands for? is it Personal Home Page or Hypertext Preprocessor (as written on their official site)?

Member Avatar for Pramod Yadav
Member Avatar for NutanGadakh
Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for hzh003

Hey there. I am a beginner on PHP and I want to create a php page that part of its content will be changed after 5 seconds of its initial display. Like one flash object will replace the old already displayed one? What will the the easiest way to do …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for puvi

hi guys, i have enrolled to for brainbench php certification which is due in another month and half, but i havent prepared specifically for the test yet, till now i have just played around with some codes, done lil bit of trial n error stuff thats it. here is the …

Member Avatar for pauper2thedemon
Member Avatar for ankit.pandey3

<[CODE]?php require_once('upper.php'); require_once('database.php'); require_once('LoginStatement.php'); $LoginId=$_COOKIE['LoginIdCookie']; $query="select * from activity_participation where LoginId='$LoginId'"; $result=mysqli_query($dbc,$query) or die ('Not Connected'); //echo "<div class='search_output_data'> echo "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>"; while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr><th align='left' valign='top'>Activity Title</th> <th align='left' valign='top'>Date of Participation</th> </tr> <tr><td colspan='4' align='left' valign='top'><table align='left' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td align='left' valign='top'>".$row['Title']."</td> <td align='left' valign='top'>".$row['Date']."</td> …

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for octavia

Hi,i'm new in php. :) Now i have to use this as per project requirement. So i just started to learn it as fast as possible. As first attempt, i wanna add some data into mysql database table which has been created by MySQL Command Line Client. I installed php5 …

Member Avatar for Dragonbaki
Member Avatar for jogieglenmait

hey im trying to make a file database but it just goes on and on a single line.question is: how do i make a new line after an entry is made? <?php $user=$_POST['user']; $pass=$_POST['pass']; $file="fileone.txt"; $content= $user . ","; file_put_contents($file,$content,FILE_APPEND); $content2= $pass . "<br>"; echo nl2br(""); //?????? file_put_contents($file,$content2,FILE_APPEND); ?>

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for ForeverYoung

How do get the timezone for a user? Like GMT -5:00 or w/e the format is..

Member Avatar for arunss

Hello All, I have two tables. One for messages and one for comments. For each entry in messages table there will be multiple records in comments table. Now I want to select the top 5 messages and top 10 comments for each message. My table structure is Messages ---------- MID …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for UNARS

Dear All, Just a quick mail to say HELLO to all members here:) Look forward for long stay and good knowledge sharing. Thanks Samuel

Member Avatar for mr_scooby

Hey guys, have written a script that goes to an exchange mailbox and searches for unread emails and takes the headers and body data I require and add to an array. What I want to do is check if the body of the email contains images/text or only text, is …

Member Avatar for mr_scooby
Member Avatar for manugoel2003

Hi everyone... this is my first post... so I would be quite descriptive I am working on a Web App which is a Helpdesk Solution and is based on PHP and interacts with MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, Postgres SQL... we also support Linux based and Windows based installation... There is quite …

Member Avatar for smmandar
Member Avatar for rcavezza

I'm building an email application that filters emails with certain keywords out of my gmail inbox. Right now, it's working by running a cron job every five minutes and this is killing my server load. I'd like to know if there's a way to add a filter to IMAP so …

Member Avatar for bearcatFulton

I am looking to make a list of checkboxes from items in a database like so. [CODE] while($row = mysql_fetch_array($cropsResult)){ echo "<tr><td class=\"toBuyList\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"hay[]\" value=\"" . $row['cropType'] . "\" tabindex=\"5\"/> " . $row['cropType'] . "</td></tr>"; } [/CODE] I have not been able to get any items on that dynamic …

Member Avatar for haribo83

I am looking to build a fairly straight forward internal recruitment site which will include a job search. I need to be able to search on keywords in one field and postcode/location in another similar to guardian jobs ([URL="http://jobs.guardian.co.uk/"]http://jobs.guardian.co.uk[/URL]) Ideally there would also be an option to define radius of …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Dani723

Can someone check my code to find out what the PHP code error is on line 1 please, also, for some reason, after changing and editing the file, all the information is clumped together, but not when I c/p it, why is this also? Thanks. <?php/** Enable W3 Total Cache …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for EricIskhakov

Hi. my code works perfectly in Chrome but in IE when i go between pages my session is lost. does anybody know why?

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for Xufyan

i've installed a script in my website, here is the script description, [ICODE]http://community.serverstack.net/files/file/13-likeengine-free-facebook-like-script/[/ICODE] and here is the Demo of the script, [ICODE]http://likeengine.ssdemos.info[/ICODE] see the demo, all the results (likes) are appearning on main page and there is no next page option, i want the script to show a next page …

Member Avatar for arthurav

I have a database of questions for some tests. They will be uploaded on a website so that the users can browse them but I would like to make it hard for the users to copy them. I am using php to interface with the database. I have thought of …

Member Avatar for quasipickle
Member Avatar for mrlol

Hi guys, currently im creating a script to view summary report for each student and their assignments.. my database look like this: [CODE]Assignment Title | Group Member | Submit Date Title 1 John, Sue, Amir 2010-10-10 Title 2 John, Sue, Bob 2010-10-09 Title 3 Bob, Sue, Amir 2010-10-06[/CODE] I've created …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for tutur

Hi everybody! Please,help! My problem is as following: in a file XXX1.php we have a form with checkboxes: { echo '<form action ="XXX2.php" method= "post"> What you are looking for: <br /> <p><input type="checkbox" name = "wordprop[]" value ="Option1" >Option1<br/> <p><input type="checkbox" name = "wordprop[]" value ="Option2" >Option2<br/> <p><input type="checkbox" …

Member Avatar for tutur
Member Avatar for MysticalNomad

I have a PHP page opened directly from a URL with params in it: http://subdomain.domain.com/phppage.php?id=123456 The PHP page is [I]supposed to [/I]execute a very simple SQL statement to retrieve a single data row based on the id variable. The SQL execution is done this way: [CODE] $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $sql …

Member Avatar for MysticalNomad

The End.