39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, I have recently finished a CMS with a static layout, and I have to say i couldnt have done with without this forum, i have learnt so much!!!!! what im aiming to do next is to take it to the mext level, where users can add/edit/remove sections which …

Member Avatar for sugumarclick

hi all,.. how to display recommended items from my site to the products available How to display recommended item for a product to my customer... I have downloaded history_rec and recommender modules.. please help me with this issue... I have attached a screenshot for how i am expecting my site …

Member Avatar for phpbeginners

Hi all I am new in php, I want to block the user to return on the previous page? suppose I have page1 when he/she goto page2 he/she cannot return to page1 (session of page1 expired) thanks to all.

Member Avatar for phpbeginners
Member Avatar for masterjiraya

[CODE=PHP]<body> <form method="post" action="script name"><font color= white> <b>Check Your Favorite Pass Times:</b><br> <input type="checkbox" value="TV" onClick="validate(this)"name = 'n1'>Watching TV<br> <input type="checkbox" value="Hiking" onClick="validate(this)" name='n2'>Hiking<br> <input type="checkbox" value="Surfing" onClick="validate(this)" name='n3'>Surfing the net.<br> <input type="checkbox" value="Building" onClick="validate(this)"name='n4'>Building Web Pages.<br> <input type="checkbox" value="Reading" onClick="validate(this)"name='n5'>Reading a book.<br> <input type="reset" value="Reset"><br> <input type="submit" value="compute"><br> <?php …

Member Avatar for masterjiraya
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi, I am showing my output using this. It shows all the records on web page where month is July(07) But I want it show all the records like: there are 29 records found, I also need 3 records per page, How I will do paging for these. please guide …

Member Avatar for ayesha789
Member Avatar for snadboy6371

I have cron to run every day 12 am I have set that page but I get error message to my mail address /bin/sh: /home/myre1378/public_html/expired.php: Permission denied and /bin/sh: /home/myre1378/www/expired.php: Permission denied I have checked by setting both the paths in public_html as well as www but still same issue. …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for bratbo

Is there any way to ensure that a particular code is executed when a session ends e.g to remove temporary files og database entries ? similar to the Session_OnEnd in the global.asa file in an asp application ?

Member Avatar for thewebhostingdi
Member Avatar for complete

I have MySQL running such that I can open a client command line and log on and make databases, tables, etc. I wanted to do some AJAX. Doing AJAX with ASP, SQL Server, etc is not advisable since both places where I am hosting my websites do not use the …

Member Avatar for Robert Plant
Member Avatar for nostalgia149

This is the script code i used for getting a slideshow of pictures.. can u help me with simple codes so that all these pictures can be retrieved from the database??? or let me know if i m getting wrong?? [code=JavaScript]<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Original: Mike Canonigo (mike@canonigo.com) --> <!-- Web …

Member Avatar for BlackPhoenix

Hi everyone, I am trying to create a system that will allow me to update the browsers of each client (person) currently viewing a webpage. Don't worry so much about why I am wanting to do this, but please critique my 2 solutions, and tell me which one is the …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

read: \"you fail at life =]\" yuh is being put into the database from a form submit obviously i dont want the backslashes. how do i get the backslashes rom being inserted into the mysql db table? my code is `$code = mysql+real_escape_string($_POST[code]);` then insert it with mysql query. how …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for Newbi

Hi i have this login script which works. it will work for passwords that i have directly entered into the database through phpmyadmin but wont login for the passwords that i have entered through the registeration script for which i have used md5. Understandable ! But as soon as i …

Member Avatar for tiger86
Member Avatar for skipbales

I have one major module left to accomplish to finish my basic website. I have a table of taverns, players at those taverns and of points for each player. I need to total the points for each player then print out a list of all the players at one tavern …

Member Avatar for Tivoilos

[code=php]<?php require_once("Actions/config.php"); if(isset($_POST['email_address']) && $_POST['password']){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE email_address ='$email_address' and password ='$password'"; $result = @mysql_query($sql); // Mysql_num_row is counting table row $count = @mysql_num_rows($result); // If result matched $myusername and $mypassword, table row must be 1 row if($count==1){ // Register $myusername, $mypassword and redirect to …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for Nathan Campos

Hello, I'm a Java developer and i have created a forum in InvisionFree, that uses a Invision Power Board, but i want to index my forum to Google, how i can do this, remember that my account is free, then i can't upload files for the root of my forum. …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for apease11

Hi, I had this working but after a few code revisions it has stopped. I am trying to set a variable; lets say I have [ICODE]$var[/ICODE] and am trying to set it to [ICODE]$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'][/ICODE] with the code: [CODE]$var = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];[/CODE] When I do this I receive a fatal error in …

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Member Avatar for stuckinmud

hellllloooo again does anyone know how i can tweak my files so that when someone has completed an email form, it stays on the same page and says Thank you - your message has been received etc? at the moment i have my form in my contact us html file, …

Member Avatar for stuckinmud
Member Avatar for codemaker

Hello guys, I actually have 2 questions:- 1- I'm using a form with a POST method. When I click the browser back button (the action of the form is the same page),I get a message from the broswer telling be that it should resend the data again. I'm trying that …

Member Avatar for codemaker
Member Avatar for stuckinmud

hi there could anyone please tell me how i would change this html to use php to email without opening microsoft outlook please? this is my html [code=html]<FORM encType=text/plain action=mailto:recipient@mydomain.co.uk> <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="90%"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width="30%"> <DIV align=right><B><FONT color=#ffffff face=Candara>Name:</FONT></B> </DIV></TD> <TD width="70%"><INPUT name=name> </TD></TR> <TR> <TD> …

Member Avatar for stuckinmud
Member Avatar for ramsri05

Hello, I need to convert a string variable to BIGINT and store it into the mysql database. I have used settype() but its removing my leading zero in the string. For example, [CODE] $new_id1="12"; $new_id2="345"; $zero="0"; $id="{$zero}{$zero}{$new_id1}{$new_id2}"; settype($id,"float"); echo $id; output: 12345 // Instead of getting 0012345 [/CODE] The above …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for w33n

My friend's mother is looking to start up a Social Networking site. I am a web designer and I am looking to hire a Developer, but I don't know what skills they need (ie. php, ajax, etc., ?) Also, for a developer, roughly how much would they charge for this …

Member Avatar for Nathan Campos
Member Avatar for scias23

i'm generating a dynamic form using php. but my problem is how to store each field values into a multidimension array of unknown size. to be clear: 1. i enter the number of entries i wish to submit 2. php will then generate a single form, but with specified number …

Member Avatar for scias23
Member Avatar for botter911

Hi guys, I have a script here which works good in sending. Cuz im making a form in HTML that verifies through the PHP the message is sending but its sending me blank contents here is my code: [code] <? function mails($string) { if(eregi("@",$string)) return $string; $string = str_replace ('!!!^', …

Member Avatar for botter911
Member Avatar for digital-ether

I'm trying to track all changes made to a PHP variable. The variable can be an object or array. For example it looks something like: [CODE]$object = array('a', 'b');[/CODE] This object is then persisted to storage using an object-cache. When php script runs again. So when the script runs the …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for khr2003

Hi I am trying to add a text in php where a "<" and ">" sign exits in a string, however when I view the string I get '%3C' and '%3E' respectively. I tried most of the php functions related to html entities such as: htmlentities html_entity_decode htmlspecialchars I viewed …

Member Avatar for khr2003
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

the idea i cant find anything about it via google. so hence this post. i want to have atleast 5 questions to ask that will be (key word: randomly) displayed when someone wants to reply. meaning the person has to answer correctly. i DO NOT WANT WHATS 5+5 KIND IF …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for itsrahulk

Hi Folks !! i have a string like this. [ICODE]"../images/gallery/New-Goa-Park-in/86ffbca77051448489aec640d288153a.jpg"[/ICODE] from this path i want only [ICODE]../images/gallery/New-Goa-Park-in/[/ICODE] how can i do it? Please help Thanks.

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for egturnkey

Hello Dear Friends, Consider we have an php file called index.php how can i add a code to (index.php) so that when it excute (run) on any website for example (anysite.com) it call an text file (license.txt) which is on my server and also in same time it record the …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for mynameis

I have an uploading script but i don't know what is the problem it always gives "Error". Here is the script [ICODE]<?php include ("include/session.php"); $username = $session->username; if ($_REQUEST[completed] == 1) { $newname = $username . ".gif"; move_uploaded_file($_FILE['mailfile']['tmp_name'], "./$newname") or die("Error"); } ?> <?php if ($_REQUEST[completed] != 1) { ?><b>Please …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for giddyupgirl

Hi there I am currently completing a uni assignment using php and I thought it was finished until the lecturer dropped a bombshell and added another requirement. I have a contact us page which was basically just a shell (dead) page, he nows tell us that we have to do …

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The End.