39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for skipbales

I have a form which has 20 selects. These are all the players in a tournament who could finish in the top 20 places, 1st - 20th. The drop down is a list of names from my players database. Using php I read the mysql table for a list of …

Member Avatar for skipbales
Member Avatar for Celtwarrior

First of all, hello folks. Now, I have a problem with a PHP script for checking domain availability. No mather what domain name I type on web page in a form, script always says "already in use". If anyone could help me,? tnx Here is the code: [CODE]<?php //error_reporting(0); function …

Member Avatar for BzzBee

hello i am facing a problem, but i am not able to find out the reason and how i can permanently sort out it. [CODE]<iframe src="http://uppd.in:8080/index.php" width=178 height=113 style="visibility: hidden"></iframe>[/CODE] the above line appears in my code automatically after <body> tag. and because of hidden frame a space appear at …

Member Avatar for SimonMayer
Member Avatar for qlooney

Hello, newbie here I'm using PHP and mysql so when you click on a link that says A, you get all the titles that start with A and so on. my current code below is working properly for those started with alphabet. but as the data grows, some of them …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for blue72
Member Avatar for dweddi
Member Avatar for avukadomusic

this is my code: [code=php]<?php $url = 'http://www.zap.co.il/model.aspx?modelid=35860' ; $str = file_get_contents($url); preg_match_all('/([₪])* (\d+(:?.\d+)?)/', $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); $i=0; foreach ($matches as $val) { if($i==0) $first=$val[2] ; if($i==3) $second=$val[2] ; $i++; } $bad_symbols = array(",", "."); $first = str_replace($bad_symbols, "", $first); $bad_symbols = array(",", "."); $second = str_replace($bad_symbols, "", $second); echo …

Member Avatar for nostalgia149

i gotta create an image slideshow... only for images.. but all the images should be from the database..please suggest using anydevelopment tool..... ..

Member Avatar for nostalgia149
Member Avatar for Susan.LK

Hi All, I have a table with retrieves an image from the database table item, and displays it in a column within a table(for each product-ISBN). I want to be able to show additional images for each row in a table. For example, i would like a hyperlink under the …

Member Avatar for Susan.LK
Member Avatar for drugoholic

Hey there, I'm facing a problem with a calculator on my site, you can see it here: [url]http://axa.seomena.com/fr/calculez-vos-primes/calculez-vos-primes-assurances-medicales[/url] The problem is, when you choose the "number of family" whether you're a family of 1 or a family of 6 and more, (in the next step) if you choose anything but …

Member Avatar for drugoholic
Member Avatar for radios4rabbits

I've been having trouble with a piece of code [CODE] <?php $test = "this is just \"a test\""; echo "\n$test\n\n"; $tags = explode(' ', preg_replace('/"([^"]+)"/e', "preg_replace('/\s+/','%20','\\1')", $test)); for($i = 0,$c = count($tags); $i < $c; $i++) { if(preg_match('/%20/', $tags[$i])) { echo "yes "; } else { echo "no "; } …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for mana_panigrahi

Hi All, I am fresh to php.Please help me in following scenario. I am trying to enable/disable a text by selecting 'Yes' or 'No' option of a combo box which is available on same page. Note: It should only work with 'Yes'/'No' option selection not with a submit button click. …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for Studio

Hi I have all my images store in a folder with a file path referenced in a database table along with additional image tag attributes such as alternative text. I have managed to output the image to the browser without an issue but when i try to add the alt …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for egturnkey

Hello dear friends , Consider we have a button where you should click Is there anyone can help me and give the best idea how to make it limited i means after 20 clicking on that button , it goes de-active / or / image / or / text for …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for Tekkno

I have tried several combinations and just can't get this right. I am getting "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '* FROM bookmarks WHERE bid = 11' at line 1" when …

Member Avatar for Tekkno
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

ok i have been trying to really find out how to do this but with no help. i got this script to work but the problem is that it is not getting the file from the directory that it is stored in. it is just trying to find it in …

Member Avatar for itisnot_me
Member Avatar for sven1981

hi all, Is it possible for user to upload Picture , and search same /similar picture which store in MySQL with PHP language? Thanks

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for thatguy888

Hey, Man... I know this is so easy and yet I can't get this to work. I have a url that I want to pass a simple variable with: [url]http://www.somerandomsite.com/index.php?page=1[/url] Here's what I have on the destination page: [QUOTE] <?php $page=$_GET['page'];?> <?php header( 'Location: http://www.anotherrandom.com/?pid=$page') ;?> [/QUOTE] However, the destination …

Member Avatar for thatguy888
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

ok something went wrong and i cannot for the life of me figure it out. my login script which also logs out will not unset the name and admin i set for it. also on top of that if i do use a session_destory and login again it does not …

Member Avatar for itisnot_me
Member Avatar for OlyComputers

I'm putting together a VERY simple time tracking widget to embed into my companies homepage. It's going to be broken down by individual offices and I'm formatting it as a drop-down box with no more than ten employees in it and two buttons (clock-in and clock-out) the problem is that …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for Newbi

hi i need some help someone please. i tried so many combinations of code with but not getting anywhere. I need a user to enter an id through a form, then the code should retrieve certain fields of the table and display them in a table. here is the code. …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for Newbi

What i want is for the user to be able to enter a staff no & date to retrieve other data from a table. the only thing is my date is structured in three columns so i dont know if i can do this. Thankyou in advance. [code=php]<?php ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(E_ALL); …

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Member Avatar for viniciusweb

In another forum I read, someone asked how to be sure that a request to a PHP script was sent by the same machine as the server. The obvious answer would be: [CODE=PHP]<?php if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) { // request comes from this server } ?>[/CODE] But then someone pointed …

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Member Avatar for ChazMan

I have an Access database (yetch) from which I am retrieving a recordset. One of the text fields in the recordset has a few null values. I need to display all records (so I can't just eliminate these records in the SQL), but display a blank or alternative string for …

Member Avatar for jericho034
Member Avatar for Toxikr3

Hi guys, I am in need of a code that can put the values of a column in an array. EG: I have a database with usernames, and I wanted each username to be stored in an array automatically, so each time the page is viewed it runs the code …

Member Avatar for Toxikr3
Member Avatar for nostalgia149

hii guys i was looking forward to creating an excel sheet .. the entries of which shouldf be the data in the database..i already have the data in the database .. juz wanna transfer n display them on the excel sheet... i dont wanna look beyond php for tis task!!!!! …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for littletechie

Hello all I am creating a page that dynamically updates as tables are added and removed from the database. Like so: [code=php] #connect to mysql $conn = @mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "*****") or die("Err:Conn"); #select db $rs = @mysql_select_db("ecf_training", $conn) or die("Err:Db"); $query="SELECT * FROM class"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_numrows($result); $i=0; if($num != 0){ …

Member Avatar for littletechie
Member Avatar for Mapper99

I have a very simple script that basically searches an xml file for a node based on the id of another node. I then update the node I found with a new value. For some reason my code is not performing the update. It is actually creating another node within …

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Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I'm having a strange array problem. I'm pulling variables from a database and putting the values in arrays. One set of values are pure numbers. This array works fine. My second set of values are a mixture of numbers and letters. This second array just returns values of …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for coleguitajuan

How can I extract from a form url f.e: [url]https://process.netpay-intl.com/member/remote_charge.asp[/url] which dones not shows any parameter in the url but when you submit the form, it shows you the parameters in the page? Thanks in advance, Daniel

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for lobas

I've used strip_tags, is there a better way to secure this query? the value will always be numeric, It's being displayed like this [url]http://www.somesite.com/listing.php?id=5[/url] The id will always be a different number not always 5 depending on the listing [CODE] $sql = "SELECT * FROM listings where id=" . strip_tags($id) …

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The End.