I have cron to run every day 12 am I have set that page but I get error message to my mail address

/bin/sh: /home/myre1378/public_html/expired.php: Permission denied


/bin/sh: /home/myre1378/www/expired.php: Permission denied

I have checked by setting both the paths in public_html as well as www but still same issue.

Please help.

who run the cron? the root or the user?

who run the cron? the root or the user?

Crone is something that I automatically run by the server.. please any one who can help...

I know that cron is automatically run by the server. that's why I am asking you who run the expired.php in your server? Is it the super root user or any user. because you can setup your own crontab.

in you current problem can you check the permission of your expired.php file if it is 755 or -rwxr-xr-x change this by typing "chmod 755 expired.php."

hopes it can help you.

chmod 777 allow you to read write ect any permission so change your permission settings.

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