I have a search page where you select the letter of the alphabet
and the person's information who's name beginning with that letter is displayed.
This function is placed on the web page to search and display the information.
Everything works except one thing.
The problem is if there are 3 pages page one is OK, but when you select next to go to page two the information on page two is no displaying.
Can you see something I missed or have any suggestion?
function search_display($org_code, $field, $searching, $find, $let, $stat_type, $contact_field)
//db connection and selection
$mysqli = db_connect();
db_select($mysqli, $org_code);
/**-----------------------pagination begins ------------------------**/
//how many rows to show per page
$rowsPerPage = 11;
// by default we show first page
$pageNum = 1;
//if $_GET['page'] defined, use it as page number
$pageNum = $_GET['page'];
//counting the offset
$offset = ($pageNum - 1) * $rowsPerPage;
//alphabet listing search except all
if(!empty($let) && $let !== "All" )
$query = "SELECT p.patient_id, p.last_name, p.first_name, p.id,
FROM pat p, contact c
WHERE p.id = c.id
AND $field LIKE '$let%'
AND p.pat_status = '$stat_type'
AND p.org_code = '$org_code'
AND p.org_code = c.org_code
AND c.$contact_field = '$contact'
AND p.deleted = 'N'
ORDER BY p.last_name, p.first_name
//table begins
echo "<table width=\"100%\" height=\"332\" left =\"4\" align = \"\" border=\"0
\" font face =\"arial\">\n";
$num_service = mysqli_num_rows($result);
for($i=0; $i < $num_service; $i++)
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
list($id, $last_name, $first_name, $id, $contact_number) = $row;
//zebra stripping
if($i % 2) //alternate row colour
echo"<tr height=\"10\"><td width=\"20%\" height=\"10\"
bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\"><span class=\"style20\">
<a href =\"../search_form.php?\"> $last_name</a></span></td>
<td width=\"18%\" height=\"10\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\">
<span class=\"style20\"> <a href =\"../search_form.php?
<td width=\"9%\" height=\"10\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\"><span
class=\"style20\">$id</span></td><td width=\"17%\"
height=\"10\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\"><span class=\"style20
}//end of for loop
/**----------------pagination continue-------------------**/
echo '<br>';
//how many rows we have in database
$result = mysqli_query($mysqli,$query) or die('Error, query failed');
$numrows = mysqli_num_rows($result);
//how many pages we have when using paging?
$maxPage = ceil($numrows/$rowsPerPage);
$self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
/** creating 'previous' and 'next' link plus 'first page' and 'last page' link
print 'previous' link only if not on page one **/
if ($pageNum > 1)
$page = $pageNum - 1;
$prev = "<a href=\"$self?&page=$page\">[Prev]</a> ";
$first = "<a href=\"$self?&page=1\">[First Page]</a> ";
$prev = '[Prev]'; /* we're on page one, don't enable 'previous'
$first = '[First Page]'; // nor 'first page' link
//print 'next' link only if we're not
//on the last page
if ($pageNum < $maxPage)
$page = $pageNum + 1;
$next = "<a href=\"$self?&page=$page\">[Next]</a>";
$last = "<a href=\"$self?&page=$maxPage\">[Last Page]</a>";
$next = '[Next]'; /* we're on the last page, don't
enable 'next' link*/
$last = '[Last Page]'; // nor 'last page' link
// print the page navigation link
echo"<center> ". $first . $prev . " <strong>$pageNum</strong> of
<strong>$maxPage</strong> pages " . $next . $last."</center>";