39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for priddysharp

Hi, I have written a php/javascript code to check a database for a variable, which is 15 seconds to display something, or 30 seconds. Then it sends the variable to javascript to run the countdown. It works in firefox, but when I try it in IE7, the countdown starts at …

Member Avatar for shedokan
Member Avatar for ditty
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Member Avatar for niladri.user

Why this error is showing? Please solve it!!!!!!!:'( :@ Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1464 bytes) I need a response immidiately!!!!!!

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi this is code to display the list of values with an checboxes now i want to store the values selected into database. i want the php tag how to store the array of values which have been selected pls help me out.............. $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM service_type "); …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for ishlux

Warning: Unknown: Your script possibly relies on a session side-effect which existed until PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised that the session extension does not consider global variables as a source of data, unless register_globals is enabled. You can disable this functionality and this warning by setting session.bug_compat_42 or session.bug_compat_warn to …

Member Avatar for Sanjay Sahu
Member Avatar for Shanti C

hello... Can any one please help me out? I want an image gallery script, where the images are displayed as thumbnails from many subfolders created dynamically and not from database... Please check out this url: [url]http://mig.sourceforge.net/gallery/index.php?currDir=[/url]. And i want to implement my galley in this way.. Please post me any …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi all... i have 3 pages ..... in the first page i have started the session......i want the values from the first page, second page and finally it has to be stored in the last page...... i want the tag for session start and how should i store the values …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for AnilChowdary

while running the program in fire fox this error is occuring " [U] [B]* This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.[/B][/U]" wat is the reason.

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for seangdy

Dear All I want to create dynamic page with php as attach file but i don't have any idea to create it. So please help me to code it:pretty: . Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for littlebears0404

i need some opinion on my final year project.. i need to make the proposal and the complete system in just 4 months in time....it's kinda hard..i'm just starting to feel miserable......i just dont wanna make it all again,,, can anyone help me by suggesting any system that can be …

Member Avatar for martin5211
Member Avatar for fiddler80

I'm in need of a shopping cart that features inventory control determined by attributes. For instance, I have 50 different products, which I want to make available to only 1 person in every County in every State in the US. The price for each product is determined by County: ie: …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for wdev

hey guys, This question might be discussed over thousand times but please help me on this one! I have a customer registration (html) page on which I have included form level validations using java script. On click of the submit of this page control goes to regist.php where I run …

Member Avatar for wdev
Member Avatar for mrt.work

HI, I have a tpl file which use the {php}{/php} to excute php file inside it. The problem is that in that tpl file, [CODE]$article_title[/CODE] is a string and i want to set it's value to use in php excutions so it looks like this: [CODE]{php} $var1==$article_title; {/php}[/CODE] NOTE: $article_title …

Member Avatar for grr

Hello, I'm trying to echo $pet_list['name'], but it only gives me one value of the array. part of core.php (which is included in create_pet.php) [CODE=php]$pet_list = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."uberpets_pet_species"));[/CODE] part of create_pet.php [code=php] if ($step == "1"){ opentable("Create a Pet"); echo "<center>Here you can create your first pet! Please …

Member Avatar for grr
Member Avatar for akshit

hey guys... i've encountered something which I think may tax ur brains... what im trying is this: There is this coaching institute. A person may come here either as a student to enroll for a course, or as a teacher. Now, if the person has come as a student, we …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for macneato

Hi, So I'm creating a website for clients that have tons of different courses available, they have opted to not place any course outlines within the site and instead, make the interested party request it via a email. Now, here is where my problem comes in, I would like to …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi... i have some values with an checkbox ...... $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM service_type "); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?><input type="Checkbox" name="contype" value="B"> <?echo $row['servicet']; echo "<br />"; } } after the execution of this code....the list of values will be displayed, e.g red,black,white,yellow etc......if he selects only two...... …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for AnilChowdary
Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for Shanti C

I heard that sql injections are causing to our databases by spammers... Can anyone please tel me how it is possible ? And very importantly how to escape from sql injections... I expect more answers from you...And Thanks for those ....

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for ashercharles

im working on this page where after theregistration page if there is any mistake the user should go back and make changes in the required fied ......the point is the other fields which have data shud be retained when he come back im using captcha in the page so using …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi , here is the code......here i am getting some values from the database and displaying it with an checkbox as given below,,,,i want to validate those checkboxes,,,,,whether the user is selected or not , as soon he clicks the submitt button......and here here the values are comming from different …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for sushilchandu

Hi, is it possible to print page setup with PHP Code Advaced Thanks...

Member Avatar for Shanti C

I have printed questions on faq.php... when click on that question it will go to faqview.php In that faqview.php , i want to print my previous viewd question... Can any one help me out... Help is urgent... Thanks..

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for AnilChowdary
Member Avatar for joeey

Hi everyone, I'm new to programming and I'm doing an online registration form for my project. I have a problem with my form. After submitting my form, a confirmation page will show up with the information displayed on the page. When I click submit on the confirmation page, It is …

Member Avatar for joeey
Member Avatar for vicky_rawat

Hi All, I am trying to create a donation page in php, User will only need to put the amount and then he/she will be directed to paypal site. Can you please let me have a sample code. Vivek

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for R0bb0b

This is actually a combination js, php, htaccess question so it could go in either one of those categories. I, like every combo server/client/ajax programmer like to mix my php with my js. I'm just curious about something, I know that you can configure .htaccess to refer to new extensions …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for besart

Hello, I am trying to develop a little application in PHP, but I need your help. When a user open an account or login, some information should be stored in his/her computer (cookies). And then if he/she logged out and try to open another account it should dipaly the message: …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for dimitrijejankov

Hi I'm a 15 years old student from Serbia. I have a problem.I wanna use C# to send some informations to php.PHP manages those informations.And later i wanna that some other person with the same application recives those informations.And the problem is i don't know how to do this. [B]Please …

Member Avatar for OmniX

Exactly what the title says with working demonstration please. I know the code but I am unable to get it working. [code=php] function q($a) { return mysql_query($a); } function a($b) { return mysql_fetch_assoc($b); } $abc="select * from table"; $bcd = q($abc); $cde = a($bcd); echo $cde[$column]; [/code] Thanks, Regards X …

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The End.