39,388 Topics
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i'm generating a dynamic form using php. but my problem is how to store each field values into a multidimension array of unknown size. to be clear: 1. i enter the number of entries i wish to submit 2. php will then generate a single form, but with specified number … | |
Hi guys, I have a script here which works good in sending. Cuz im making a form in HTML that verifies through the PHP the message is sending but its sending me blank contents here is my code: [code] <? function mails($string) { if(eregi("@",$string)) return $string; $string = str_replace ('!!!^', … | |
I'm trying to track all changes made to a PHP variable. The variable can be an object or array. For example it looks something like: [CODE]$object = array('a', 'b');[/CODE] This object is then persisted to storage using an object-cache. When php script runs again. So when the script runs the … | |
Hi I am trying to add a text in php where a "<" and ">" sign exits in a string, however when I view the string I get '%3C' and '%3E' respectively. I tried most of the php functions related to html entities such as: htmlentities html_entity_decode htmlspecialchars I viewed … | |
the idea i cant find anything about it via google. so hence this post. i want to have atleast 5 questions to ask that will be (key word: randomly) displayed when someone wants to reply. meaning the person has to answer correctly. i DO NOT WANT WHATS 5+5 KIND IF … | |
Hi Folks !! i have a string like this. [ICODE]"../images/gallery/New-Goa-Park-in/86ffbca77051448489aec640d288153a.jpg"[/ICODE] from this path i want only [ICODE]../images/gallery/New-Goa-Park-in/[/ICODE] how can i do it? Please help Thanks. | |
Hello Dear Friends, Consider we have an php file called index.php how can i add a code to (index.php) so that when it excute (run) on any website for example (anysite.com) it call an text file (license.txt) which is on my server and also in same time it record the … | |
I have an uploading script but i don't know what is the problem it always gives "Error". Here is the script [ICODE]<?php include ("include/session.php"); $username = $session->username; if ($_REQUEST[completed] == 1) { $newname = $username . ".gif"; move_uploaded_file($_FILE['mailfile']['tmp_name'], "./$newname") or die("Error"); } ?> <?php if ($_REQUEST[completed] != 1) { ?><b>Please … | |
Hi there I am currently completing a uni assignment using php and I thought it was finished until the lecturer dropped a bombshell and added another requirement. I have a contact us page which was basically just a shell (dead) page, he nows tell us that we have to do … | |
sorry if this is a noob question, but i am using the following code to read an RSS feed, and I am wondering how to call the variables (date, title,etc...). [CODE]<?php $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load('http://www.softarea51.com/rss/windows/Web_Development/XML_CSS_Utilities.xml'); $arrFeeds = array(); foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('item') as $node) { $itemRSS = array ( 'title' => … | |
I am presently installing a zen shopping cart on my very well established eCommerce site. The search engine uses an index.php to dynamically generate the pages. Will this affect my high ranking in the search engines? If yes is there a workaround like leaving the existing 500 pages of items … | |
Hi, I have a requirement where i have a windows server with IIS and PHP 5. My PHP script creates a file and windows OS is not allowing me to create a file using fopen function. It gives Permission Denied error. Can anyone give an idea where i can internally … | |
hello every one ..i am planing to do some coding but i dont know how to start... the idea is that i created a form in HTML which is submitted to the database...and what i want is the recourd should display in bold font if i did not view them...if … | |
Hi, I'm retrieving data from a database where it is being called onto a page based on what is in the database. What i want to do is organise this data into a sortable table whereby the user will be able to click on the column header and sort by … | |
[CODE]<?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $id2 = $_POST['credential_category']; $form = '<form action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '>"' . 'method="post">'; $form .= '<p> Please Enter Your Credential</p><br/>'; $form .= '<label>Credential:</label><br/>'; $form .= '<input type="text"' . 'name="credential"' . 'size="40">' . '<br/><br/>'; $form .= '<input name="submit2"' . 'type="submit"' . 'value="Submit" />'; $form .= '</form>'; } … | |
here is my code [code]<input type="submit" class="button" onclick="window.open('http://wwww.christiancouriernewspaper.com/upload.html',Upload','width=400,height=400')" name="<?php echo $form_id; ?>" id="<?php echo $form_id; ?>" value="<?php echo $submit_text; ?>" alt="<?php echo $submit_text; ?>"<?php echo $x_or_h; ?>><br<?php echo $x_or_h; ?>>[/code] if you go to this page.. www dot christiancouriernewspaper dot com / blogbase / contactpage.php you will see the SUBMIT … | |
I am new in this forum. I am a php mysql starter. please help me see what is wrong with this code: It is giving me parse error [code=php]<?php $dbhost='localhost'; $dbusername='root'; $dbuserpass=''; $dbname='users'; if (isset($_COOKIE['user'])) { echo "Welcome $_COOKIE[user]"; }else{ //connect to the mysql database server. mysql_connect ($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbuserpass); … | |
Hi, I am having a problem forcing a download from PHP. I am running 5.2 Stable. I have followed numerous tutorials and still can't figure it out. What I'm trying to do is force-download a file I made, because the browser likes opening it up inside, but it won't let … | |
I have a form that gives the user an option to upload a file. The field is optional, but if they do not upload a file I would like to insert a default image into the database. At one point it was working but I can't seem to figure out … | |
Hi all I'm encountering some problems switching to PHP 5.3. I am now using XAMPP 1.7.2. I had [URL="http://slaout.linux62.org/php/index.html"]this[/URL] database class extended and it worked when using PHP 5.2.9. But after the switch to 5.3 it doesn't. (Today I found out it was originally written for PHP 4 so it's … | |
Hi, I am using preg_match_all first time and i have problem with getting values from string. Example of the string: [CODE] $str = '... { "trailStart":"1980", "key":{"dim0":"Switzerland"} } ... '; [/CODE] Here is my example. I have to get out year and country (1980, Swizerland). Can anybody write pattaren for … | |
Please help me. I got this error while uploading in Server. I developed this code in windows based. But the deployed server is Linux Server. In windows server i didn't get this session error. Here is my code: [code=php]<?php session_start(); require_once('l2t_connect.php'); if($_GET['action'] == "send") { if(isset($_REQUEST['btnSend'])) { $key=substr($_SESSION['key'],0,5); $number = … | |
Hi all, I have completed a cms system but at present they have to use html tags to edit the information. I recently found out about wysiwyg, which i would love to impliment but im having issues. the two following files allow you to type something, then click edit, which … | |
Hello, I have a forum and i want to have a avatar system for each users avatar to appear on the side of his thread. but i am newbie to php and don't know how to do this. Can source code for this. Thankyou, Quickbird | |
Hey there, I have a class A that uses class B. Class B also uses class A. This is recursive and am wondering if you can redefine PHP classes like in C++. [code]class A{} class B{ private $classA; public function __construct($classA){ $this->classA = $classA; } public function someFunc(){ echo 'blah'; … | |
I wan to ask you master, how to detect all partners website in all world that have my link in there. Please reply me. Thank's for your attention. | |
Hi, PHP scripting language have an built in function to change between the timezones , you will need the PEAR package . In the following example show you how to convert from GMT system format to IST Format . [code=php]<?php // include class include ("Date.php"); // initialize object $d = … | |
Hello, Going to try to explain this as best I can. I have a bunch of stuff in a database and I need to display this info within a table. This isn't a problem at all but, I need it to only display 3 td tags per line and then … | |
I have a database with four tables: name, meaning, gender, origin, and i want to have the origin field automatically populated from the database rather than having to type the code for all the selections in the html. Below is what i've been playing with but I can't make it … | |
I'm in the process of writing a comment system for my blog. Each blog page will be on a PHP document with an HTML form where the viewer can type in their name and comment in a form at the bottom. [ICODE] echo "<form action='postcomment.php' method='post'>"; echo "<input type='text' name='PosterName'/>" … ![]() |
The End.