39,388 Topics
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In another forum I read, someone asked how to be sure that a request to a PHP script was sent by the same machine as the server. The obvious answer would be: [CODE=PHP]<?php if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) { // request comes from this server } ?>[/CODE] But then someone pointed … | |
I have an Access database (yetch) from which I am retrieving a recordset. One of the text fields in the recordset has a few null values. I need to display all records (so I can't just eliminate these records in the SQL), but display a blank or alternative string for … | |
Hi guys, I am in need of a code that can put the values of a column in an array. EG: I have a database with usernames, and I wanted each username to be stored in an array automatically, so each time the page is viewed it runs the code … | |
hii guys i was looking forward to creating an excel sheet .. the entries of which shouldf be the data in the database..i already have the data in the database .. juz wanna transfer n display them on the excel sheet... i dont wanna look beyond php for tis task!!!!! … | |
Hello all I am creating a page that dynamically updates as tables are added and removed from the database. Like so: [code=php] #connect to mysql $conn = @mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "*****") or die("Err:Conn"); #select db $rs = @mysql_select_db("ecf_training", $conn) or die("Err:Db"); $query="SELECT * FROM class"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_numrows($result); $i=0; if($num != 0){ … | |
I have a very simple script that basically searches an xml file for a node based on the id of another node. I then update the node I found with a new value. For some reason my code is not performing the update. It is actually creating another node within … | |
Hi all I'm having a strange array problem. I'm pulling variables from a database and putting the values in arrays. One set of values are pure numbers. This array works fine. My second set of values are a mixture of numbers and letters. This second array just returns values of … | |
How can I extract from a form url f.e: [url]https://process.netpay-intl.com/member/remote_charge.asp[/url] which dones not shows any parameter in the url but when you submit the form, it shows you the parameters in the page? Thanks in advance, Daniel | |
I've used strip_tags, is there a better way to secure this query? the value will always be numeric, It's being displayed like this [url]http://www.somesite.com/listing.php?id=5[/url] The id will always be a different number not always 5 depending on the listing [CODE] $sql = "SELECT * FROM listings where id=" . strip_tags($id) … | |
[code=php]$url = 'the web address I want to get the first and second numbers close to $' ; $str = file_get_contents($url); preg_match_all('/ ([$]) *(\d+(:?.\d+)?)/', $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); $i=0; foreach ($matches as $val) { if($i==0) $first=$val[2] ; if($i==3) $second=$val[2] ; $i++; } $bad_symbols = array(",", "."); $first = str_replace($bad_symbols, "", $first); … | |
i have wamp server installed and running properly if its a simple php application. The application even connects to the database properly. I am trying to develop an application in cake php. i have cake properly installed in my webroot folder c:\wamp\www\cake_1_2. When i browse through this folder using [url]http://localhost/cake_1_2[/url] … | |
Hello im juner, a new php developer, i already finished with a [B]register.php[/B], [B]login.php[/B] file. My problem is when the [B]main.php[/B] is accessable after login by correct username and password stored in mysql database, the main.php composed of the following link: changepassword.php addsponsor.php deletesponsor.php when i click the changepassword.php link … | |
ya i have this site i am working on and at first it was working fine, im not sure what i did but now it says i registered but when i login i get the error saying invalid username. So i went and looked at PhpMyAdmin and it did not … | |
I am interning at a company and they have had me build a simple website which basically displays a list of their servers and they update entries, create new entries and so on. I am new to php and mysql and just web design in general. My question is do … | |
Hi, Folks!! I am trying to finish one of my project. I need help with image upload and attach it in email as attachment. If you have any source or script which you think might can help me. Please share. I will highly appreciate your help,. Thanks for concern thanks … | |
Hi, I have a table in MySQL that I want to update it if the row exist or insert the record does not exist. [CODE=php] mysql_query("REPLACE INTO `$it` (file_name, directory) VALUES ('$insert','$dir_http')"); // or die ("Insert query failed"); [/CODE] I was following this: [URL="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/insert.html"]http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/insert.html[/URL] But every time I run REPLACE … | |
We need to develop various websites for internet browsers. Really need some help with this, maybe even full time help. Let me know if you are a great web developer, and have develop websites for internet browser before, maybe you can help us with this | |
I am having a problem using the script below. I want to be able to built a database table in html (using an 'id' to select which) and then be able to delete the rows selected by the checkboxes. The building of the table works perfect. But when selecting row's … | |
Hello all, It seems I'm on a wild goose chase, either that or this is going to be a lot harder than I imagined, and I imagined it being pretty difficult. I posted in other forums here asking for help on this issue, it was suggested that PHP may make … | |
Hi there, I am trying to update a node in an XML file using PHP. Here is the XML: [code=xml]<users> <user> <id>1</id> <firstname>Bob</firstname> <lastname>Marley</lastname> </user> <user> <id>2</id> <firstname>Bruce</firstname> <lastname>Springsteen</lastname> </user> </users>[/code] How can I go about searching the XML file for all tags where "id=2" and setting the firstname and … | |
I have several URL's that display random data from a database. I would like to know a better (more secure) way to display the data. Right now it uses the real table and column names and I would like to disguise them somehow. Here is the syntax of the URL: … | |
Even after reading up on it I'm not sure how to use if(isset(... for what I'm I'm trying to do. Can someone point me in the right direction please before I pull my hair out? My code [code=php] if(isset($_POST['email1'])){ mysql_query("INSERT INTO rating_invite SET user_id='$_SESSION[user_id]', email='$em1'");} if(isset($_POST['email2'])){ mysql_query("INSERT INTO rating_invite SET … | |
hello friend, i want to make a simple bus booking system, i made a page for it, now i want some thing. please see attach pic, in this pic, u see two push button 2 and 3. my first question is : how we can show button as push button, … | |
Hi All, We have a website by name, [url snipped]. It was integrated with Payment Options, viz., PayPal Pro (Master Card, Visa Card, AMEX and Discover Bank) and PayPal. While making payment through PayPal Pro, we don't face any issues. The order flow is there. We could see them through … | |
Hi, I am using a date in DB in this format 2004-07-15 and Showing the date in the format 15-July-2004 using this code [CODE=php]echo "<tr>"; echo "<th bgcolor=#FFCC00>LA Start Date</th>"; echo "<td bgcolor=#FEE9A9>" .date("j-F-Y",strtotime($row['LAPeriodStart'])). "</td>"; echo "</tr>";[/CODE] Now I want all the records from this date field for the month … | |
Can anyone help me with the mail function? The mail is sending with the code below: [code=PHP] // Set up Email Parameters $from = "Condolence Submission"; $subject = "Condolence"; // To send HTML mail, set the Content-type header. */ $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n" . 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . … | |
how to reverse array values without using array_reverse in php. Please can anyone reply for this thanks in advance Punithapary | |
i need the architectures in php if any. if anybody know respond immediatly | |
hello, i want to create a program to fetch the xml files data to mysql database. here is my code [CODE] <?php include 'mysql-connect.php'; $m=1; $n=".xml"; while($m<6) { $str=$m.$n; $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load( $str ); $params = $doc->getElementsByTagName('BookData'); // Find BookData $k=0; foreach ($params as $param) //go to each … | |
Hi everybody, I've joined this group to learn php better. I'm striving to get into the IT stream. I did mca working with media as of now. Thanks, Francis K Peton |
The End.