39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for marsh4u

Hi all, am a web developer with average PHP skills and I need some help for you guys. I have a table online that has data and a link in one of he columns: i.e. after a reader performs a search, he has the option to download a file. Files …

Member Avatar for marsh4u
Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi all, Can i know how to do the checkbox validation........ i used the code below but its not validating..... [code]var val; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { if(form2.elements['contype[]'][i].checked) val=1; } if(val==0) { alert("Select type of your Contract") return false; }[/code]

Member Avatar for vicky_rawat
Member Avatar for pedramphp

I want to code like this but I am limited the Problem is I dont want to brint the If statement out of the heredoc what is the solution [code]echo<<<ENDSTRING <div> if($i==2) $i is 2 </div> <div class='ProDividerA'></div> ENDSTRING;[/code] thanks Pedram

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for Kavitha Butchi

Hi all, Instead of passing the variables to the other page and coding mysql queries there.. Is it possible that we can use the mysql(DELETE...) query within the anchor tags in the same page? <a href >... to delete a particular row in mysql table? Like having a link called …

Member Avatar for Kavitha Butchi
Member Avatar for adaykin

Hello, I have the following code, with 6 rows in the database for my query, although the mysql_fetch_row function is only able to get 5 out in my web page. I'm not sure what is wrong with my code, here it is: [CODE] $connection = mysql_connect("my server", "user", "pass") or …

Member Avatar for antwan1986
Member Avatar for chriscapetown

Hi. This is a piece of code that I wrote for a one of my modules in Joomla 1.5, and im afraid im not skilled enough yet to do this procedure in the correct way.. Please can someone help me structure this code in the right way - the actual …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for php_azar
Member Avatar for php_azar

hai all, in the parent window by clicking an anchor tag i am showing some data's fetching from the database in an iframe using get method.when we pass through the get method the datas may be hacked by the attacker.So how i can submit the iframe file from the parent …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for grr

I'm making a virtual pets script. Example of problem: User 1 creates a pet named "PET". User 2 creates a pet named "PET". Should be: User 1 creates a pet named "PET". User 2 creates a pet named "PET" but gets an error saying that the name is already taken. …

Member Avatar for grr
Member Avatar for devin.lawks

I have a php-based form mailer tied to a rather lengthy service order form, and was wondering if there was any effective way to manage the output from the form mailer so it's all laid out in an easy-to-read structure, like a table, perhaps? If I need to clarify at …

Member Avatar for antwan1986
Member Avatar for tanha

Hi. I have two forms with the following names and properties: 1. register.php --- ----- action="register-exec.php" --- method="POST" 2. register-exec.php --- action="register-exec.php" --- method="POST" After submitting the register.php, I used session in register-exec.php to store the value of the register.php for later use as follow: [CODE]session_start(); $_SESSION['bookTitle'] = $_POST['txtBookTitle']; $_SESSION['bookInfo'] …

Member Avatar for tanha
Member Avatar for nilantha_php

s12HCharges Summary For the Mobile Service No 0712069069 (Mr. . .) of Account 1863480 _________________________________________________________________________________ Service Package Description : Corporate package for 750 CommBill No : 7810912 (s0B &d#DCall charges &d@ Outgoing Calls - 750SP-1 25/04 - 24/05 931.00 (s3B TOTAL CALL CHARGES ...................... 931.00 (s0B &d#DValue added services usage …

Member Avatar for kuldeep04

Hello All, I want to convert my all PDF data into HTML format using PHP script.so, anybody can help me to do that?

Member Avatar for chriscapetown

Hi, Im having trouble getting this piece of code to function correctly. It inserts the data fine, and all works well, but I cant seem to make it only insert if there isnt already an entry with the same $text. What I want it to do is this: Insert the …

Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi all, i tried this code but its giving error fatal error: Call to undefined function equals() in D:\xampp\htdocs\demo\contractor_new.php on line 152 [code=php]<?php include 'database.php'; if(category.equals("sercategory")) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM service_category "); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['servicec']; echo "<br />"; } } else { echo 'error'; } …

Member Avatar for ishlux
Member Avatar for Rockout101

I have started a new website and I know basic HTML but I am clueless with PHP. I need to set up a login system where members can save their info on the site. I need to learn PHP, cookies, and a login system. Thanks.

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for cwarn23

I have been working on a php login system which is basically finished but needs one thing cleaning up. When the session is created/registered, a cookie is created. And according to firefox, the cookie will expire when the session ends. However, the session ends (according the the rest of my …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for OmniX

This is the best forum I have seen on the internet (and would liek to have something similar down the track) but for the mean time... Is there a possible tutorial on how to make the most simplest workable forum? Then slowly implement upgrades and features in time? Thanks, Regards …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for Besherek

Hi folks, I have a small Paging problem, was wondering if anyone could help me out with. I have a blog that I need to page after a set number of blogs. The Next and Previous links work fine and so does the Page number Nav. However, my page number …

Member Avatar for Besherek
Member Avatar for Kavitha Butchi

Hello All, I have this strange problem .. I am using require function twice in a single program to call two different programs.Each one of them has their own database connections. The page doesnot execute completely untill I hit refresh.:-/ It works as if those functions are executing one-after-the-other while …

Member Avatar for Kavitha Butchi
Member Avatar for shadowrider
Member Avatar for PatMcCrackIt

hi everyone.. I honestly don't know if this should be in the php forum section but here it goes. I am trying to create a fansite for a band and i would like to have all of their lyrics on my site. I do not want to create a new …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for 1andyw

My isp web server is separated into ‘www’, which parses php, html, etc; and ‘private’ which does not parse. What are the practical limitations of placing files in the private section. I am setting up a content management system for off campus work. Anyone know of a decent tutorial or …

Member Avatar for alphaseinor
Member Avatar for TashaAt

Does anyone here know PHP Job Site? I am urgently looking for help on this software!

Member Avatar for enim213

here's what i already have, whenever i click a specified letter like for example 'A' it must print out and count how many countries starting with that letter. The problem is whenever the count is greater than the specified limit, when i clicked to page 2, it shows also countries …

Member Avatar for enim213
Member Avatar for DMayo

I'm using CUROPTL_FOLLOWLOCATION and it works on my local server (a laptop running win XPand php 5) When i transfer the code to a linux server, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION seems to take forever and then does not redirect (my page does not display anything). I know this is the problem because when …

Member Avatar for Nameste

i installed it all correctly and everything, i'd recently tried WAMP5 and that didn't work either so i moved to XAMPP when i go onto localhost and type into the URL my file from notepad called index1.php it doesn't work i tried localhost/index1 and localhost/index1.php it doesn't work it says …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for isomillennium

Is there a way to allow the php tags with the strip_tags() function ? i've tried strip_tags($text, '<?>') and strip_tags($text, '<? ?>') but it doesnt work .. any help would be appreciated thanx ..

Member Avatar for isomillennium
Member Avatar for OmniX

I have been reading books and articles and I have seen various mysql functions (mysql_query, etc) being used inside php functions and those php functions be called everything the php programming requires a query, etc. So what do you think are the best practices, etc? Thanks, Regards X PS: I …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for FerrumBat

Hi, I'm struggling to get a relatively simple PHP/MySQL script to work. Basically, I've got two tables populated with entries from a database. PHP ver: 5.2.6 apache ver:2.2.9 Mysql ver:5.0.51b However I'm getting errors on the second table: [QUOTE]Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in …

Member Avatar for nav33n

The End.