39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for opteenslippers

For a website about tours I made a form to request for a quotation. There's quite a lot of input fields, some of them with dropdown menu's where the user can choose for example one of the tour destinations. I would like to know if I can pass variables from …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Capt Spaghetti

I am trying (unsuccessfully) to pass a variable to another php file. I am able to retrieve the information from MySQL, and present it on the web page but I am unable to pass the "hot link" ID to another php file. I am a beginner so it must be …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for natchattack

This is a simple problem but one of those that eats at your brains the more you think of it. I basically want to write a a variable to a php file ( the variable name itself not the contents ). The code i have below. [CODE] // we will …

Member Avatar for natchattack
Member Avatar for kracko

Hey ppl. I use apach and i've got a problem that i cant fix when i write this code .. [CODE] <img src="Z:/home/localhost/www/ImageGallery/Images/mmbg3xmx3g.gif" width="100px" height="100px" name="imgPreview" /> [/CODE] no image is shown. Whats wrong? The image surely exists in the specified path. And one more problem with this is that …

Member Avatar for kracko
Member Avatar for ManishS

How to upload fckeditor on my xampp server...and then how to use it.....

Member Avatar for rakibtg

any body tell me how to edit adsnese like ezinearticle.com or how to add my own css in adsense . is ezinearticle.com break adsense tos ? if not can i use it for my site . how should i use it in my site? adsense hack, adsense in custom css

Member Avatar for Kieran Y5
Member Avatar for ManishS

I made a Login and logout page but whenever i login and press backspace i am redirected to the login page .... what to do to prevent it from going to the login page even if i have not pressed logout option

Member Avatar for qazplm114477
Member Avatar for olivebibi

Good evening, I'm trying to generate an xml file based upon the result of an SQL query. I'm making some good progress so far but there is 2 problems I can seem to solve. My php code is the following: [CODE]<?php require ("Connection.php"); $db_handle = mysql_connect($server, $user_name, $password); //load the …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for jonow

Hello. To start off I am pretty bad at MySQL and PHP. I want to set something up that people can enter their cell phone numbers and it would be added to a server. Then I could go and send a message out to all of these numbers. I want …

Member Avatar for Bruce100
Member Avatar for happygeek

Many of the biggest forum-based online communities, including DaniWeb, are powered by vBulletin software. So it came as something of a shock when the BBC reported that a [URL="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-10714192"]vBulletin security flaw means that any hacker could "easily access the main administrator username and password for a site"[/URL]. But is the …

Member Avatar for Bruce100
Member Avatar for vinothtitan

Hi, I am using postgresql as my DB. My problem is quite silly but its ruining my time. I am trying to populate my table with the data base table values. I am able to do it. This is the case for existing tables. Now i am creating a new …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for raul8

I want to call a jsp form my PHP code. I caqme across that it can be done using XML-RPC. Is it possible & where I can find any tutorials for this? Thank You

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for lubalsd
Member Avatar for oyingragratz

hi guyz, i'm new to PHP and my first time to post here.. i would like to ask some help regarding CHECKBOXES.. ..I'm havng problem on displaying the values of the checked checkboxes to other pages...how would i do that? HERE IS MY CODE FOR THE FIRST PAGE: <?php $sql …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for Rated X

I am working on a assignment in PHP but cannot get my results to show up now on a separate page, or at all. After adding in my IF statements, everything stopped working but I am not getting an error message. Any help would be appreciated. I have supplied all …

Member Avatar for Rated X
Member Avatar for niche1

This works: $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM plan WHERE begin BETWEEN '2010-09-01' AND '2010-09-30'") or die(mysql_error()); I need some version of this to work where begin and end are currently timestamped columns in my table: $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM plan WHERE date("Y-m-d") BETWEEN begin AND end") or die(mysql_error()); What's …

Member Avatar for niche1
Member Avatar for mbirame

Hi folks, I am still quite new here, and brand new to Zend and PHP, so please forgive my ignorance...I'm sadly still very much a paint by numbers hack. :-D I'm wanting to do what I think is a fairly simple task: Collect info from one of my google calendars …

Member Avatar for CDTOAD
Member Avatar for dwdata

I have the need for a FUNCTION: Transpose($Song, $direction) The logic I need is pretty straight forward, but I am having a hard time replicating it using PHP functions. I will try to break it down to it's simplest form: I have a field that has several lines of text. …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for richardmorris

I want to be able to open a window with a variable. For example, I will use domain.com?reference=1234- This link will open a pop up window as follows: [CODE]<a href="javascript:popUp('http://www.domain.co.uk/staff/tpr/update_action_log.php?action_reference=<?php echo $row2['action_reference']; ?>')" title="Click Here edit this entry"><?php echo $row2['action_reference']; ?></a>[/CODE] When I open this window, it is always showing …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for dandixon

I am getting this error and i cant seem to figure out why [CODE] Warning: file_get_contents(C:/xampp/htdocs) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in C:\xampp\htdocs\ucuk\news.php on line 157 [/CODE] heres my code [CODE]<?php // Build SQL Query $query = ("SELECT * FROM heading LEFT JOIN sub_heading ON heading.heading_id = sub_heading.month"); …

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for hotice47

hi to all i am making a chat app using php/mysql i am faceing a problem here ..i want that user click on button and it give him a random online user from database...but dont know how to do it ..i am trying.. [CODE]{ $i=0; while ($i < $num) { …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for qazplm114477

Which php framework should I spend my time learning? Since there are so many, I was wondering which are the more popular frameworks out there?

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for DarkDot

So I have one page that basically reads the entries I have from my table and out puts them with a link around the date so that when clicked your supposed to be able to delete it. Problem is when I click the link nothing happens. Heres the code for …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for shipy013

Hello everyone. Will present you with a script that can change the templates on your site. Script is enough to insert into your admin panel and make mjskl database. In the theme folder there are threads that are arranged in folders in this case, there are three folders (three theme): …

Member Avatar for rexsinha

I want to develop an MLM website which will show member as binary tree. I also want to how to design database for the same.

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for Clarkeez

Hi. I have a PHP script on a form. It generates a mailto command with lots of variables pulled from the form fields. The only problem with it is that if someone types &, % or ; in the fields then it will only generate the email up to that …

Member Avatar for Clarkeez
Member Avatar for julianmoors

Hi Guys, I'm in need of a paginator at the bottom of a table which is being returned by Ajax's responseText. I'm having trouble as I can't seem to hook up the JavaScript with the one being produced by Ajax. I know some of you will say I need to …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for ben.matthews18

Ok I might just be being daft here but.. I am into the whole PHP thing at the moment and learning it at a really basic level.. I was on facebook recently and noticed this code in the url after I clicked some of the buttons; [CODE]'?ref=home'[/CODE] This showed up …

Member Avatar for richardmorris
Member Avatar for Smudly

Hey, I have a search feature that searches for words in my database. I am currently storing all searches that users make in a table called `search`. I need to list the top 10 words that are searched for the most, excluding common words like "the, and, or, etc". Because …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for DarkDot

So I'm trying to have a relatively simple script. I want to just have one entry in the SQL table and when new information is entered just overwrite that same entry. For the table I have the primary key as the variable ID. I'm not sure how to just extract …

Member Avatar for nonshatter

The End.