39,388 Topics
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Hey everyone, Forgive me if this is a dumb question but I can't figure out why my data that I've typed in or selected in the form doesn't show when I actually send out an email once I click the submit button. I get an email stating the subject of … ![]() | |
please help me on my project on how do i make this upload music files also help me on making the upload path i don't know how to start. i really do need your help guys :( this the controller <?php if(!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('no direct script access allowed'); session_start(); //we need … ![]() | |
$name = $_FILES['myfile'] ['name']; $tmp_name = $_FILES ['myfile'] ['tmp_name']; i wont to know why the variable $name, is begin with name can somebody explain me this variables and parameters. | |
Hi, I want to display current date and time in my system..Therefore i have created following coding. <?php $today= date("F j, Y, g:i a"); echo $today; ?> This generates time based on GMT..But i want to convert the time to our country's local time which is more than 05:30 hrs.How … | |
` <? error_reporting(0); require_once ('settings.php'); include 'siteHeader.php'; include_once( 'adodb_connect.php' ); date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Manila"); function formatDateForTimeclock($timestamp) { if ($timestamp == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") return '<span id="open">Open</span>'; else return date("M j 'y - h:i:s A", strtotime($timestamp)); } function getDurationClockedIn($start, $stop) { if ($stop < $start) return ""; else return number_format( ( ( strtotime($stop) - strtotime($start) … ![]() | |
I created a file in php and under this i wrote a code to lock a table with read mode. Below that file i wrote a insert operation into the same table, but as we know that read lock only supports read operation, meaning you can only view what is … ![]() | |
hay how is everybody here, I have this form which should sign up users and send email to them to confirm they emails the users sign up OK but the Email don't go at all to the users email see my code and please need help on this. <?php if(isset($_POST['submited'])) … | |
Hi i have an html output and send to the folder using ob_start and file_put_contents('xxx.html', ob_get_contents()); my problem is save automatically this file after converting to pdf using html2pdf is it possible to do that:auto save the html to pdf using html2pdf cheers | |
Hope someone can help... Im no programmer and it will no doubt show in my questions... I have an iframe with the source of: email.php?ID=[email] The ID is passing an email address which will be different every time, I would like to use this variable as the address to submit … | |
Sorry, I am very new to AJAX, and I while there are tons of examples out there, it is hard for me to understand. If you could please help me out with my specific example I'd much appreciate it. The AJAX syntax is just very strange to me. Anyway, I … | |
Hi, Can anyone develop alibaba clone website in PHP? something like www.superbscripts.com ? Features like them, We want work from scratch. Thanks. Best Regards, Simon France | |
hi gud day please help me to my problem -(....i don't know how to create dailytimerecord system in php please please help me...our defense will be on Friday march,16...please help | |
Hi , I want to add a form , which will after any one like us on Facebook then on Google Plus, After likeing us on FB and G+ page automatically opend. How i can apply these validation and how i check wether any one like fb or G+ like. | |
Hi there, Good day ! I have a question related to private variable in php class. I want to make check if someone accesses private variable, an exception is thrown says "this is private variable" and rest of the excecution of code didn't stop. <?php class myClass { public $str; … | |
![]() | if a user opens my website url (x.com) how can I prevent him from opening the same url (x.com) in another tab/window? (another browser is ok) my application is all ajax, so there are no different links, the content of the page just changes all the time, and I can't … |
Hello, I'm posting again regarding as to why my php code won't process the delete.php Index.php: <div id="DeleteFile"> Delete A Script: <form action="delete.php"> </html> <? $path = "uploads/"; $handle = opendir($path); echo '<select>'; while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if (substr($file,0,1) != ".") { echo "<option value ='$file'>$file</option>"; } } echo … | |
if (@$_GET['action'] == "Save") if(@$_GET[idnum]==null || @$_GET[fname]==null || @$_GET[lname]==null||@$_GET[midin]==null||@$_GET[gender]==null||@$_GET[bdate]==null||@$_GET[course]==null||@$_GET[year]==null||@$_GET[address]==null||@$_GET[cnum]==null) { echo "<font size=5><center>Fill-Up First the Provided Information<br><button type=button onclick=history.back();>Back</button></center></font>"; } else { @$result = mysql_query("insert into students (idnum,fname,lname,midin,gender,bdate,course,year,address,cnum) VALUES ('$_GET[idnum]','$_GET[fname]','$_GET[lname]','$_GET[midin]','$_GET[gender]','$_GET[bdate]','$_GET[course]','$_GET[year]','$_GET[address]', '$_GET[cnum]')"); if(mysql_error()) { echo "<font size=5><center>ID Number: $_GET[idnum]. Already Exist(it must be unique)<br><button type=button onclick=history.back();>Back</button></center></font>"; } else { echo "<font … | |
Hey. I have a website that is user submitted which has a repot button and the Google crawler keeps spamming that button. I am aware of robots.txt but it seems that nothing is working to stop Google from clicking it. So instead, I'd like to assign the link an ID … | |
Hey guys, I'm currently experimenting with WURFL; I tried to set up a WURFL File to track my own browser and later other devices and browsers. However, it is an example of the o'reilly book " Mobiles Web von Kopf bis Fuß" or English title Head First Mobile Web". Can … | |
I have installed php mysql and apache but when I run my php program browser ask me to download that file. but required output is not appear. | |
I integrated my website to an e-payment platform, and after processing the payment, it redirects to a page with a dynamic url that is like this: http://www.abcdef.com/paymentsuccess.php?TransactionReference=2012101020201015T&OrderID=61373444. and i have a page created as paymentsuccess.php. The question is this: what code snippet can I put inside this paymentsuccess.php to make … | |
i want to take the attendence of the students from database...if they once punch-in then i want to disable it upto clicking the punch-out button if browser 've been closed ! so how can i get it can pls anyone help me :) :)) | |
hi guys i keep getting this error message 1046 - No database selected select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration DATABASE_TEP_DB_ERROR and also at the end of the insulation i get this message any help please its doing my head in Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a … ![]() | |
We want to develop a website similar to http://shoesofprey.com/ functionalities for Interior Decor Objects using PHP Language. We want to use a custom script (without any flash functionality) for this purpose so that user can customize the product by changing the color, type and attribute and can also see 360 … ![]() | |
Hey everyone, No errors here but I was wondering..is there an easy way to simply "add" an administrator in a log-in script to redirect to a certain area of a website that the administrator can only access? Any advice would be greatly appreciated :) ![]() | |
hello! i have a function in my C# code that returns a string array. and when i test my function in WCF Test Client i get Name Value Type (return) length=4 System.String[] [0] "DE" System.String [1] "DK" System.String [2] "NO" System.String [3] "SE" System.String **code if i do var_dump on … | |
i have three db tables products product_id- Name 1 | hairoil 2 | lotion 3 | cream Countries country_id- Name 1 | UAE 2 | France 3 | UK Now i wanna that when select multiple countries for one product from Html form, then in third db table should insert … | |
Hey everyone, Been working on a php snippet which finds the names of all the files in a Directory and populates them into a drop down box. Which would then allow me to select that file, click a submit button and delete them. Here is what I have SO <?php … | |
Hi, just started to learn php so fairly new to the concepts. Need some help making a sticky select form from an array. This is what i have so far: print '<label>Select your favourite colours:'; print '</label>'; print '<select name="colour" multiple="multiple">'; $colours= array('R'=>'Red','O'=>'Orange','Y'=>'Yellow','G'=>'Green','B'=>'Blue','P'=>'Purple','Pi'=>'Pink'); foreach($colours as $colour => $cname){ if($csel === … | |
hello guys how are you today i am not good with function so i want to ask a question how can i do that by function i have tried but i am Failure also how can i protect the input by this way by using mysql_real_esacpe,strip_tags .... $getidtopic=$_GET['id_topic']; function isint … ![]() |
The End.