39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for dhadha

this is just a simple code.My problem here is that I can't get or display subject loads of a teacher. $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM teachersubject WHERE teacherID ='$id'"); while($test = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $subjectid=$test['subjectID']; $getsubject=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM subject WHERE subjectID='$subjectid'") or die(mysql_error()); $getthis=mysql_fetch_array($getsubject); echo "<option value=".$getthis['subjectID'].">".$test['subjectCode']."</option>"; } mysql_close($conn); ?> This …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for guig

Hi there I have a huge difficulties with php checkbox inside do while loop. <?php do { ?> <p> </p> <div id="nazwa_firmy"> <form name="szczegoly_firmy" method="post" action="szczegoly.php"> <?php echo $row_wybieranie_firm['nazwa'];?> <input type="submit" name="firma_szczegoly" id="firma_szczegoly" value="Szczegóły" tabindex="1"> <input type="hidden" name="id_firmy" id="id_firmy" value="<?php echo $row_wybieranie_firm['id']?>"> </form> </div> <div id="adres_www"> <a href="http://<?php echo $row_wybieranie_firm['www']; …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for McLaren

This is not necesarily PHP, but algorithm question, I am just doing it in PHP. So don't know if its the best place to post. The problem is - I need to calculate maximum posible winning for a game, depending on bets. We are making dogs racing game, but the …

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for lsabinano

<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Date Picker</title> <link href="jquery-ui-1.8.24.custom/css/start/jquery-ui-1.8.24.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-ui-1.8.24.custom/js/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-ui-1.8.24.custom/js/jquery-ui-1.8.24.custom.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $("document").ready(function(){ $("#datepickerID").datepicker({ changeYear: true }) dateFormat:"%Y-%m-%d" }); </script> </head> <body> <form method="post" action="datePicker.php"> <label> <input type="text" name="datepickerID" id="datepickerID" value="<?php echo $datepickerID; ?>"><img src="../images/calendar-icon-vector-801455.jpg" width="21" height="21"> </label><br/><br/> <input type="submit" name="Submit"/> </form> …

Member Avatar for lsabinano
Member Avatar for <M/>

I wrote a php contact form but I can't figure out how to redirect a user to a different page... Here is my code: <?php if($_POST){ $name = $_POST['name']; //gets the entered name $email = $_POST['email']; //gets the entered email address $subject = $_POST['subject']; //gets the subject $message = $_POST['message']; …

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Member Avatar for <M/>

How do i store valid form inputs in a csv file? I am not sure how to start, but I know that php and mysql is involved.

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Member Avatar for mcafeeza

hi, if anyone could guide me on how to add a pagination script on this code? Thanks <?php error_reporting(0); include("config.php"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>MySQL table search</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.16/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <link href="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8/themes/base/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> …

Member Avatar for mcafeeza
Member Avatar for gamebits

I'm presently using nicEdit, small simple and inadequate for what I need, I aware of tinyMCE FCKEditor and such my problem is I need to make it a one time switch, I do not want to get my users through a series of trial and error, my demographic is older …

Member Avatar for moneeshot
Member Avatar for vestervang

I'm trying to make my first gallery with PHP and I'm having some problems i can't solve. My code looks like this: <?php include_once('config.php'); //Script der uploader og omdøber billeder if(isset($_FILES['billede'])){ $errors = array(); $allowed_ext = array('jpg','jpeg','gif','png', 'bmp'); $file_navn = $_FILES['billede']['name']; $file_ext = strtolower(end(explode('.', $file_navn))); $file_tmp = $_FILES['billede']['tmp_name']; $file_size = …

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Member Avatar for svilla

I have this PHP program: <?php echo 'Start of Soap Request<br />'; $client = new SoapClient(""); print_r($client); echo '<br />Start of Var_Dump<br />'; var_dump($client); echo '<br />Result Print<br />'; $result = $client->testws(array("PEITEM" => "1020000000", "PEMSG" =>" ")); print_r($result); ?> That access a web service on my iSeries. I can get …

Member Avatar for maba001
Member Avatar for rayidi

I want to store my array into my database using jQuery. Here is my code i'm using serialize(); function. Its storing correctly but when i unserialize(); nothing happening. Please help here is my code. <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#save-skills").click(function(){ var skills = $('input[name="skills[]"]').serialize(); console.log(skills); $('#loading').css('display', 'block'); var queryString = "skills=" + skills …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for chandbasha

Hi, PHP 5.2.17 (cli) (built: Sep 1 2011 17:22:41) Copyright (c) 1997-2010 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies [root@ip-10-130-243-182 mnt]# yum install php-pecl-memcached-2.1.0-1.el6.remi.x86_64.rpm Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration Repository updates is listed more than once in the …

Member Avatar for maba001
Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

Hi All, I have the following mobile re direct script working on one website, but not another, For some reason I am getting the error - Can not modify headers information - header already sent - etc etc On line 20 Any ideas why this would work for one website …

Member Avatar for hakeemtunde
Member Avatar for branding4you

Ok so now I am stuck, I looked at the http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/326436/php-read-text-file-and-save-into-databse page and understand some of it, Yet it is not what i require, substring does not count like I thought it would, like the left, right mid commands in excel. I want to count to the data I want …

Member Avatar for branding4you
Member Avatar for mikelopez77

I have a email script that sends out information from the mysql database with the following code, but it only sends out one name and ID, but in the email it should send all 20 names and IDs. My question how can I get this fix and working right. Thanks …

Member Avatar for mikelopez77
Member Avatar for reemasmartin

hai everyone..i have run this file in my server.the following error is display Notice: Undefined index: name in F:\wamp\www\examples1\register.php on line 8 Notice: Undefined index: username in F:\wamp\www\examples1\register.php on line 9 Notice: Undefined index: emailid in F:\wamp\www\examples1\register.php on line 10 Notice: Undefined index: password in F:\wamp\www\examples1\register.php on line 11 Notice: …

Member Avatar for reemasmartin
Member Avatar for Dendei

Hi, im wondering how i get this to work? <?php $client = new SoapClient("http://localhost:8731/phpwcf/?wsdl"); var_dump($client->KundLandKodAlternativ()); $response = $client->KundLandKodAlternativ(); $array1 = $response->KundLandKodAlternativResult->WCFString1; $array2 = $response->KundLandKodAlternativResult->WCFReturnString; echo count($array1); echo count($array2); ?> the line `var_dump($client->KundLandKodAlternativ());` gives object(stdClass)[2] public 'KundLandKodAlternativResult' => object(stdClass)[3] public 'WCFReturnString' => object(stdClass)[4] public 'string' => array (size=4) ... public 'WCFString1' …

Member Avatar for Dendei
Member Avatar for andyy121

$construct .="keywords LIKE '%$search_each%'"; $run = mysql_query($construct); $foundnum = mysql_num_rows($run); i wont to know what display $construct?? i wont to know what is the function of mysql_query and what mean this ($construct); i wont to know what is the function of mysql_num_rows what can it do

Member Avatar for cigoL..:)
Member Avatar for archie.herbias

Why this code doesn't redirect to profile page? i need help.. <?php include('connectvars.php'); if(isset($_POST['login'])) { $con = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASSWORD,DB_NAME); $user_username = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,trim($_POST['username'])); $user_password = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,trim($_POST['password'])); if(!empty($user_username) && !empty($user_password)) { $query = "SELECT * from Account where Username = '$user_username'"; $data = mysqli_query($con,$query); if(mysqli_num_rows($data) == 1) { $row = mysqli_fetch_array($data); $_SESSION['user_id'] = …

Member Avatar for cigoL..:)
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

I have seen a couple solutions to this problem but none have worked so far. here is the error. [B]Fatal error[/B]: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in [B]C:\wamp\www\login.php[/B] on line [B]12 [/B]and the code [PHP]<?php // connect to the mysql server $link = mysql_connect(localhost, root, admin) or die ("Could not …

Member Avatar for ashishanand
Member Avatar for <M/>

I have a reCAPTCHA form and for some odd reason, the input field is probably 2px in height... I think something in php messed that up... can someone help me with possible solutions... I will post my php if needed and send you the link to the page for better …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for havish999

I have generated checkboxes dynamically and want to insert into att field in attendance table.. ie when user checks the checkbox P would be inserted and when he does not check A would be inserted.. I am trying out attendance system for students.. here is what i have tried.. <?php …

Member Avatar for Bachu
Member Avatar for muratsal
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Member Avatar for fcvolunteer

I'm working on a dynamic form where based on a visitor's selection of radio buttons certain <div> text and additional fields are shown or hidden. I would like to make some of these additional fields required but only if they are visible. Problem is: I can read php more than …

Member Avatar for fcvolunteer
Member Avatar for mbhanley

Hi all I am stuck trying to figure out the best way to get data as at the moment I have tried a few different ways to achieve this with no luck. What I am trying to do is update a block of php code that is in my sidebar …

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Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I am making a website to do with different tests so I need a script which can unlock test 2 after test 1 is completed. Then the same for 3, then 4 etc etc. I tried using MySQL to increase an INT so I could tell what the latest …

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Member Avatar for adishardis

horizontal scroll from while loop Hmmmm, I accidently posted this in the wrong forum. Is there a way to move it? Hey, ive been trying for several hours now to get the list horizontal with scroll instead of vertical. the divs stacks up to the right but wraps at the …

Member Avatar for adishardis
Member Avatar for <M/>

I have an error message that is supposed to show if you forget to finish filling out the captcha form, but unfortunatly it shows on the very top of my site right when you enter the page... I don't want it to do that... I want the error messages to …

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for mozan

hi here is a page for up load it has an upload script in it but it upload from computr. I want to upload from other servrt like transloader please check the script and tell me what should be chande thanks here is script [ICODE]<? //****************************************************************************************************** // ATTENTION: THIS FILE …

Member Avatar for arevindh
Member Avatar for <M/>

I am using reCaptcha and for some odd reason, I keep getting this error: **is_valid) { echo "You got it!"; } else { # set the error code so that we can display it $error = $resp->error; } } echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey, $error); ?>** Can someone explain to me what is …

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The End.