39,316 Topics

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Hi all, Since I have a new provider where the error_reporting settings are more tight, I'm having difficulties with the following. The error message is: [INDENT][I]Strict Standards: Creating default object from empty value on the following line:[/I][/INDENT] [CODE]$settings->paths->absolute->site = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/qb/";[/CODE] Does anybody know how to get rid of this error? …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for BrianDickson

Hi all, I'm after the opinion from experienced website devs. I want to build a website provides articles, of which some are restricted to subscribers. I will want to give users the ability to comment and rate articles. So I will need the following functionality: [LIST=1] [*]authentication [*]forms [*]user profile …

Member Avatar for BrianDickson
Member Avatar for freiheit

Can anyone tell me how to achieve this (if there is any?) Cause this is causing kinda big declination from the sum results i was expecting.... Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for marksubmissions

is there anyone know how to modify the content of the body that the function mail() in php sends?

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for sugikrish

Hi frnds, I want to store images in database and retrieve. I can successfully stored. But i dont know how retrieve it. If any one know pls help me. I paste my code here. [B]fimg.php[/B] [code] <body> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="insert.php" method="post" name="changer"> <input name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="102400" type="hidden"> <input name="image" accept="image/jpeg" type="file"> …

Member Avatar for sugikrish
Member Avatar for knaresh

Hi I am new in PHP. I have one query is it possible to give short cut keys like f1, f2 etc.. for saving data, opening any page directly by pressing button. please reply me, I am waiting

Member Avatar for keval_hack
Member Avatar for RicardoE

Hello people! I need a php application, client changed his mind in the middle, so I need it fast! Please recomend, php code generators, tools, IDE's Frameworks, everything that is easy to learn and use. (I've already trying symfony but I find it complex to use)

Member Avatar for keval_hack
Member Avatar for Manny7

Hi, i want to ask for the question in the subject this post. Well -- what way is for you the best and why? I think right now, if is better the shopping cart make with support SESSION or after add the item to the cart this item save into …

Member Avatar for keval_hack
Member Avatar for keval_hack

[B][COLOR="Green"]Prerequisites[/COLOR][/B] No special development tools are required in order to take advantage of Google's mapping API; all that is necessary is a text editor, Web browser, and a public Web server from which the scripts can be served. Note the server must be public, you can't develop on an internal …

Member Avatar for Charls Frdinand

Hello guys! I'm trying to make a script for a school website, so the principal can send mails to all of his students, teachers or other admins, it should be very simple but the page just keep coming blank or sending me syntax errors. Right now it's showing the following …

Member Avatar for Charls Frdinand
Member Avatar for 68thorby68

Hi All, I have an issues with a mysqli procedure. I am running PHP 5 with mysql server 5 and when I run the script below I get an error "Class 'mysqli' not found" Do I need to update my PHP ini? and / or add a library? or something …

Member Avatar for 68thorby68
Member Avatar for QWaz

Hi, I have built a form that send the info to the database. However I need the form to put the id of the entry into the url so I can get it on the next page. so that I can add more info. The form goes over 2 pages. …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for jhudson0219

I have been trying to teach myself PHP. I installed PHP with the install for AppServ on Windows(just reference info). When I tried to see if I could get a proper output I was having trouble. This is what I used that showed the right results, but according to all …

Member Avatar for Xufyan
Member Avatar for CodeBoy101

How do I detect all the names for the field values in a URL in PHP? Is there a function to take all of the strings that come between the "?" and the "=" in a URL or is there a simpler way?

Member Avatar for CodeBoy101
Member Avatar for reza.adinata

Hi all, I am trying to make a script for maximal hit counter using below codes. So if user hit for bigger than 2, it would re assign the file of hitcounter.txt into "0" (as if in resetting) .. I tried this code but it does not work [CODE]<?php //database …

Member Avatar for reza.adinata
Member Avatar for mugojoe

My web host recently updated their version of PHP and some of my code is no longer working. I created a band website that stores news items in a MySQL database. I created an update page (news.php) where the band can log in and add, update, or delete news. I …

Member Avatar for shadiadiph
Member Avatar for joyal8x

Hi , i see some web app encrypt digits that result like [COLOR="Green"]™ª—¤W«›™žU¡ ™¦[/COLOR] but i don't know what's encrypt type. who can tell me about this encrypt?

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for rajabhaskar525

hi all, i am new to php. i want know about how to import contacts from yahoomail,gmail, orkut, facebook, xing,..........like. if anybody know about these. help me. share with me. ........

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for OmniX

I have a starting base and I had the idea of using an array name similar to the checkboxes where you would use checkbox[] and let it repeat through a for loop, in this case file[]. But when I go to access it via $_FILES['file[$index]']['name'] it errors. I think there …

Member Avatar for dhwaniparikh
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, the following script works fine and updates with no issue, except on, wait for it..... Internet Explorer!!!!! Any advice would be appreciated. [code] <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function showUser(str) { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6, …

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for sajidk25

Hi every on.I new in php.I m trying to insert date from 3 dropdwon to my date table.It is working well but in table the date is showing always 00-00-0000.plz any one give me a solution.My scripts are followings: [CODE]//table -- Table structure for table `date` -- CREATE TABLE IF …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for shubhamjain1

I am thinking to make a PHP library for better syntax of PHP (in functions). Currently I feel that its too clumsy and unorganised. There are many functions without any use and many useful functionalities can be added to older ones. Like instead of learning all GD functions for common …

Member Avatar for Jothe
Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hi Is there any way using PHP to delete everything in the public_html directory? Or even better everything on my server? Im trying to impliment a backdoor into one of my websites as Im working with another developer I really don't trust much. Thanks

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for amarg

How to retrive the different value from two different table using join query

Member Avatar for alanwdaniweb
Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav

I m working on advertise website for that i need to select random values from the database so please help me Thanx in advance

Member Avatar for anupam294
Member Avatar for dalip_007

I want to select a single column from a table but cannot use "mysql_result" query. is there any other way to output the data of that specific column? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for garcon1986

I'm sorry, i'm a newbie in php. And i have a lot of problems when i develop. So this is another problem i met. form.php: [CODE]<form method="post" action="process.php"> <h1>BESOIN </h1> <br><br> <label>Sujet:</label><input type="text" name="sujet" />&nbsp;&nbsp; <label>Date: </label><input type="text" name="bdate" class="datepicker" id="datepicker1">&nbsp;&nbsp; <label>Nature:</label> <input type="radio" name="nature" id="nature" value="exprime" >Exprime</input> <input type="radio" …

Member Avatar for Hubermanb
Member Avatar for Mike516

I have the last update time but i would like to compare it to the current time and subtract it and get an answer in seconds. Basically being able to see how long ago it was refreshed. [code=php] $refresh = filemtime("stats.php"); $update = date("m/j/y h:i", $refresh); echo "Last refreshed: ".$update. …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for andymelton

I have been studying PHP/MySQL on and off again for the past few years and I decided the only way I was going to learn it was to create my own web application. We're going on a road trip in a few days and I got the idea to create …

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Member Avatar for justinmyoung

Hi I'm trying to integrate a google checkout button with a basic php variable - and am having trouble with formatting. Here is the code: [code=php] echo "<h2>" . $row['name'] ."</h2>"; echo '<form action="xxx" id="BB_BuyButtonForm" method="post" name="BB_BuyButtonForm" target="_top"> <input name="item_name_1" type="hidden" value="Item"/> <input name="item_description_1" type="hidden" value="Watch Repair Service"/> <input name="item_quantity_1" …

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The End.