39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi, I made a web application and I am passing variables like this [CODE]www.mysitename.com/index.php?variableName=120[/CODE] but I found in some web sites that the url like this [CODE]www.mysitename.com/120[/CODE] I don't have any idea about this. Can any one tell me how can I do this in my website also Thanks in …

Member Avatar for Manuz
Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hi, Any idea how this effect is acheived or how a similar one can be: Like when posting a website on facebook it takes a screenshot of the website and holds it in a thumbnail image to display it back to the user. I need my users to be able …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for umandajayo

Hi guys; I am developing a website using joomla. and Im using Chrono Form and ChronoConnectivity extensions for form handling. So using ChronoConnectivity and I am trying to display some form values. Of course no problem I can display that particular data by using ChronoConnectivity. but I need to display …

Member Avatar for umandajayo
Member Avatar for ponbabitha

how to view a multiple item in one page to another page using php? please give your idea immediately advanced more thanks

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Witblitz

I hope someone can help me with a simple RegEx for a preg_replace. I need to replace something like this [code]0.00|2=399.0000[/code] so I'm only left with the value '2'. Would preg_replace be the most effective method to achieve this result? Another example [code]0.00|13=69.0000[/code] to lift out value '13'. Thank you …

Member Avatar for Witblitz
Member Avatar for canadian_angel

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-Transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/> <title>Teas of the World!</title> </head> <body> <?php // Script 10.6 - Teas of the World.php // This function displays a four cell table. function tea($types) { $types = array ("Chinese Green", "Japanese Red", "Korean Black", …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for tejasluvs

There is an invoice preview webpage. I want to set header and footer information off while printing it. I know we can edit the page setup settings. But I wanted to know if we can do something without changing the default page setup settings. With default setting inside page setup, …

Member Avatar for tejasluvs
Member Avatar for MANASkumarverma

How can i edit a text file on a server and how to receive it back in a text box.And at last how to check wether a particular word is there or not. If you can get any of this then please let me know at [URL="kvermamanas@gmail.com"]kvermamanas@gmail.com[/URL] You may tell …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for troilus98

I'm learning as i go on a side project i'm trying to do, but am having trouble finding the information i need. I'm making a website with individual user pages with lists specific to them; think netflix or gamefly. I have repeating regions of information for one object, and i …

Member Avatar for GioChaos

Ok, I know their's tons of threads.. with the same problem. But.. every code is different. I'm pretty good with HTML/Css but I havn't had time to catch on with PHP. So, I have a site I'm setting up. Which requires a SQL/Database. Which is already configured. I've filled in …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for chinjuuu

Iam also looking for freelance projects to work both in .net and php we are well established if anybody know info for getting real time projects pls tell me ... Thanks&Regards, Sateesh

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for debow

I have a form that get's pre populated from an events_result table. It has fname,lastname,event,results column. I have a link to Update which is an action call to function UpdateResults. I want to be able to use this one form to show the results and be able to update the …

Member Avatar for debow
Member Avatar for mar06

Hi all, Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I've got a complex SQL query that outputs categories, their related categories, and product name(s) and image(s) related to the main category. To resolve cross-join effects, i was advised to use group_concat on product information at the end of …

Member Avatar for Grantism

k guys so I have a login script, then an admin page, only for admins ><. But on the admin page I want them to be able to change there information, like email, username, password, account type, by the way my data base has all of these things acc type …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for wish02

i have this error and i dont know why. please help...thanks! Webpage error details Message: Unterminated string constant Line: 19 Char: 45 Code: 0 URI: [url]http://localhost/itams/user/checkIfReported.php?a=5[/url] the codes in checkIfReported.php is this [code=php] <?php session_start(); include "../configdb.php"; include "../opendb.php"; $_SESSION['a'] = $_GET['a']; $result = mysql_query("SELECT _status FROM assets WHERE _id='$_SESSION[a]'") …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for ajwei810192

Hi, I have the code as in the following: [CODE] <?php $name= "Test"; $phone= "123-456-7890"; $email = "myemail@mymail.com"; $comments = "Test Only"; $string = "<message>\n<name>" . $name . "</name>\n<phone>" . $phone . "</phone>\n<email>". $email . "</email>\n<comments>" . $comments . "</comments>\n</message>"; //If file exists. append, otherwise create $file = "messages.xml"; $fh …

Member Avatar for ajwei810192
Member Avatar for stcbnet

Hello sweet members of this lovely forum, i must first thank you all for your efforts and assistance rendered to my request. Though i have barely stayed for two days now on this great forum but i have learnt something so far! so i say a big thanks to you …

Member Avatar for stcbnet

Am having serious problem with creating and installing membership registrations and login database, the most troublesome is the area of creating a database table on the mysal php5 +, Please anyone with a brief and understandable A to Z Coding of these tables should please post it to me, i …

Member Avatar for stcbnet
Member Avatar for khanan
Member Avatar for asher2010
Member Avatar for QWaz

Hi, I am wondering if there is a way to check if a url has an $_GET[] attached to it. I would like to: 1- Send the url from a search option in the site through the url. However the search page can search 3 different things, "X", "Y", "Z". …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for shadiadiph

Hi I have never really bothered with javascript before but i am having alot of problems with a ajax php form my php code returns [code] if ($states==false) { $result = 'nostates'; $result = trim($result); return $result; exit; } [/code] And my javascript alert returns nostates but always executes the …

Member Avatar for shadiadiph
Member Avatar for ayesha25

need help with this error in using pear with wamp 5.3.0 Fatal error: Call to undefined method MDB2_Error::setFetchMode() in C:\wamp\www\

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for dalip_007

hi everyone i am doing this <?php $strXML1 = "<chart caption='COST OF TURNOVER' subCaption='' showPercentValues='1' pieSliceDepth='30' showBorder='0'>"; echo $strXML1; ?> can anyone please tell me why echo $strXML1; does not out put anything. how can i do this. Thanks in advance.

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Member Avatar for riskiana

Hi, can u help me? i've got problems. this is my table: No Status Date/Time Aging 1 registerd 2010-06-21 11:44:51 0 hours 2 in progress 2010-06-24 12:39:12 40 hours 3 closed 2010-06-24 12:40:18 40 hours(total aging) how to get aging if time count only at 08.00 until 21.00 and only …

Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi all, I have ubuntu and just installed sqlite then edit the php.ini file accordingly but for some reason the class named ¨SQLiteDatabase()¨ reports as undefined. The error is as follows: [CODE]Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SQLiteException' with message 'SQLiteDatabase::__construct() [<a href='sqlitedatabase.--construct'>sqlitedatabase.--construct</a>]: unable to open database: /var/www/vhosts/cwarn23/base' in /var/www/vhosts/cwarn23/php.php:3 Stack trace: …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for luskbo

I have a question that I hope someone can help me with. I have a website that I am loading dynamic content from a database. In my files and instruction I reference the contact page, that is only because that is the file I have been testing this on. Here …

Member Avatar for luskbo
Member Avatar for Kedora19

The problem is, I'm beginner with php and have no idea what the difference between ajax and json. So if someone could clear that up first, that would be great. Now on to the bigger problem I found this validation script on this website: [url]http://www.position-absolute.com/articles/jquery-form-validator-because-form-validation-is-a-mess/[/url] I have it working succesfully …

Member Avatar for Kedora19
Member Avatar for Zagga

Hi folks, I have a tiny blog script that is just for personal use. It works fine. I was wondering if it was possible to post entries to this blog via email so I started looking at email parsers. The ones available for purchase are far too overpriced for my …

Member Avatar for Zagga
Member Avatar for Virangya

hello, Im creating a registration page and i want to keep the user entered data after a generation of an error message. form and the validations are in separate pages and validations belongs to a class. html form <form id="frmregister" name="frmregister" method="get" action=""> <tr> <td><label>First Name </label></td> <td colspan="2"><input name="txtfname" …

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The End.