39,388 Topics
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So far progress overall has been going well in general on my pet project I call the TAXA project (nickname for taxonomy). The heart of it is a botanical tree on all the woods of the world. Since viewing it can make it easier for any of you to understand … | |
Hi i am using xampp server (php/mysql) and getting error like "Mysql packet size is 0.9990234375MB and it is lower than the size of the file GeoIPCountryWhois.csv which is 9MB. " So I want to change packet size to make it happen. can anyone please tell how to make it … | |
Hey, I have yet another question, so here it is. I have a roster page, and i have multiple players on the page. The players each have a unique playerid stored in the database. Now what i want to do is link up their name on the roster list that … | |
I have been working on this for a while now and have had no luck. I have tried this code on 2 servers and they both render the same results: everything loads up to the title and description. Does anyone know what could possibly be the problem and help me … | |
Hello, I want to secure my website the most possible using htaccess. And I believe this code covers any javascript injections and external data injection. But it doesnt work. I might have gotten something wrong. Can you help me fix this please ? I looked over the internet for similar … | |
Hi, I would like to post the stream from my website to facebook user wall by using facebook API.. 1. I have created the facebook application 2. posted the stream by application admin .. passed the parameter which required to this function.. $this->facebook->api_client->stream_publish($comments,'From:blinkbee.com',$action_link,$f_user_id,$f_user_id); 3.sucessfully posted the stream.. 4.Then i changed … | |
I need code for word to pdf convert in php. Have any solution. | |
Hello everybody i am new with php and i would to help with link click counter i have a database and a table which i store some links and the i have these links play.php?id=1 play.php?id=2 i wanna to know how many times has been clicked any links for example … | |
Hey guys, Apologies if this is posted in the wrong place, but couldn't find a suitable forum. Basically I'm making a website for a musician, and was contemplating using WordPress to allow him to be able to manage his own updates, as well as update his image gallery, new videos … | |
Can someone please help me get a simple working form to work on my site. | |
![]() | I have a database in a text file. I want to add the database from it to my MySQL database. I am new to php so i want the code of it and please explain if you can because it will help to increase my php knowledge. And after adding … |
In some large PHP ecommerce websites creating dynamic meta and title tags on each page is really difficult. Is there any PHP code which can call a function and retrieve data from database to fill the title and meta by comparing the url of the page. | |
hi everybody, i encounter a problem regarding PHP when i am doing my internship. i have a javascript which looks like this. <Script Language = "JavaScript"> function sent() { var text1, fTxt,dT; text1 = document.form1.EPTextField.value; dT = new Date(); fTxt =("You entered" + ": " + text1 + " " … | |
Hi all, I'm sorry my bad english. I have a problem with my calendar. How I can mark in a date cell half day booked? Which is better image from mysql or do in php code. Have anybody there any example or could you show me how to do? I … | |
I want to display some stand alone web pages from my server in a single web page when requested by the user. The pages are listed by topic. I thought it would be simple to use the include_once function and then use ($url) for the path to the file, but … ![]() | |
I'm trying to piece together an email order form. This form has a few different aspects to it. I am getting an error on my for proces, conf_order.php. Here is my form on order.php I dont think there are any issues on this page.. [CODE]<form method="post" action="conf_order.php"> <?php <input type="hidden" … | |
im trying to develop a search form. my target is when someone select date attribute on combo box he want to get calender to enter date for search form. can anyone help me... thnxx.. | |
I want a PHP cron script to be set up with cPanel cron jobs that would take backup of MySQL database. Regards, | |
I have problem with reading email. While reading email from server it prints some like, " --0016e6434b7e7427ab0489da3bab Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 this is just test " And the actually message body of mail is "this is test" What's the problem ? Please help THANKS. | |
Hello guys! I'm trying to make a script for a school website, so the principal can send mails to all of his students, teachers or other admins, it should be very simple but the page just keep coming blank or sending me syntax errors. Right now it's showing the following … | |
I have a form and at the bottom it asks if you want a shirt? it gives you a yes and a no radio button to choose. If the user selects yes I want a jump menu to display with shirt sizes, if they select no I want it to … | |
Hi, Right now i am working on alternative ways to open links in websites. Just check this plugin for firefox - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/879/ .. Try that plugin. You can see numbers attached to each link on a site. What i need is a similiar functionality, but without the plugin. Instead i … | |
Hi, I'm trying to send a MySQL query string from a C# application to a PhP submission page via POST. The problem I am receiving is when I try to use the WHERE clause it hangs up at the string I'm trying to compare to. [B]The Query[/B] SELECT * FROM … | |
Hi, Im currently building a script to monitor / check on my sites and report back to me with their availability, HTTP Status Codes, and importantly here, the PAGE LOAD TIME. Im currently doing this with curl requests, and this works for getting status's, and finding out many other things … | |
hi all, i am working on a project. my project needs videos tv( Playing videos flash player). my reference site is [URL="http://www.zooweekly.com.au/zootube/index.htm"]http://www.zooweekly.com.au/zootube/index.htm[/URL]. I need that type of flash player. is it passible to do it. can you guide me plz... ![]() | |
Ok, so I have tried probably 5 different pagination tutorials online and none of them are working out for me. So I am stuck on this last tutorial and cannot get it to work. So I am hoping someone on here can help me out. First I have an include … | |
Does anyone know how I would go about scripting one of these? Any point in the right direction would be amazing. Going to use it for when people visit my website, they put there phone number in (cell) and get sent a SMS verification code and they confirm the number … | |
Hi! How do I export the a html/php page to Microsoft Word or PDF? | |
Ok, Here is my error. Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context Here is the code. [CODE]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <!-- <hs:metatags> --> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <meta name="description" content="Free online dating and matchmaking for singles"> <meta name="keywords" content="dating service,on-line dating service,mate,partner,women,man,love,free on-line … |
The End.