39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for iWalletMobile

Tryin to fun this postback for gWallet and it keeps giving me a sig not ok. Doesnt make any sense to me, the SECRET is perfectly fine. Its asking for everything it should. The sig is verified against the hash which is sent back from gWallet after offer completion on …

Member Avatar for BTW8892

So i have a system, and i was creating a page to input player stats. However there are 5 rows that have be inserted per game from a single form. I have the code for the form and the insert code. I was just wondering if someone could help me …

Member Avatar for plantf7**344
Member Avatar for sesta

Hi every body I am anew web developer and i have a problem in my project i want to retrieve data from database by the checked checkboxes by example of my project : here is the print screen of the menu form : [url]http://i46.tinypic.com/2wfmx6w.jpg[/url] i want to know when the …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for tokenjoker187

I am trying to use the session start function but everytime I try to use it, it gives 2 errors: [QUOTE] Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/form/send.php:11) in /var/www/form/send.php on line 12[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started …

Member Avatar for tokenjoker187
Member Avatar for peck3277

Hey guys, I hope someone can help me with the idea behind this. I'm setting up a website in which members can have their own personal profile which displays all their information. I have 8 items that I want users to be able to make private or public. So in …

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello.. i want to do custom cursor in particular place in my webpage. i have number of images when mouseover on images then cursor image change as a custom cursor. how to do ?

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for sastudent

Me again (Huge Project...) This is the code for my image upload, but it is not working... I also want to set some parameters such as file size and to make sure that only photos are uploaded. The tutorials on the web is quite confusing...help please. Thank you [CODE]if(isset($_POST['submitted'])) { …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for starlight22

My membership script works fine, except I can't login, because this check.php script doesn't work. Login form action is check.php. Once I login with username and password, check.php gives me an error message "Please enter ALL of the information". The only information on login form is username and password. The …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for vilasdhobale

Some help me i want to intigreat Fingkey hampster to php application for visitor varification how to developed this.... please someone give me fingerprint PHP SDKs.. advance thaqnks ... Vilas Dhobale PHP developer

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for ayesha789

hi this is a code for [B]export to excel[/B]. I want to color the headers light blue and all result of query like one white then one grey and repeat. [CODE=php]session_start(); $a= $_GET["id"]; function cleanData(&$str) { $str = preg_replace("/\t/", "\\t", $str); $str = preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", $str); } # file name …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jedmund

Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out what the best way to store a certain set of data is. The data pretty much consists of a series two-dimensional associative arrays, one element representing a color (in RGB or hexadecimal, doesnt matter), and the other element representing an integer: frequency. (ex. …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for s2xi

Hi guys, I have a table that outputs all my contacts via a while loop from my database. my syntax is like this: [CODE]SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE id = $_SESSION['user_id'] ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT 5[/CODE] that pulls out all my data and only gives me 5 results. Now …

Member Avatar for s2xi
Member Avatar for vineet4008

hello to all, i want to connect to mssql which is using windows authentication Can anybody help me with that... i know the server name

Member Avatar for ivanichi

Hi, can you help me.. how to save value multiple dropdown [CODE] <select name="s1" id="s1" multiple="multiple"> <?php $sql=mysql_query("select * from setting_mp ORDER BY id_tingkat ASC"); while ($data=mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ echo "<option value=$data[id_mp]> $data[pelajaran]</option>"; } ?></select>[/CODE] I wish if there are three values, then everything will go in the field i want enter …

Member Avatar for ivanichi
Member Avatar for Jothe

High guyz am tryin to get hint from my database but i am managing to do so,though if i list the array am able. please help if any one has an idea here is the html code [CODE] <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function showHint(str) { if (str.length==0) { document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML=""; return; …

Member Avatar for Jothe
Member Avatar for tunde011

ok i have got values from a for loop, and will like to insert them into a database. [CODE] $brush_price = 5; for ( $counter = 10; $counter <= 100; $counter += 10) { $values = $brush_price * $counter; } $query = mysql_query("insert into brushprice(brushprice) values($values)") or die(mysql_error()); [/CODE] But …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for freiheit

Hello all I have this query [CODE]$query_Totals_i = "SELECT (kinisis_1c + kinisis_1e + ((kinisis_1c / kinisis_1b) * kinisis_1a)) * (1 - fpa) * 1.005 AS kinisis_1, (100c+ 100e+ ((100c/ 100b) * 100a)) * (1 - fpa) * 1.005 AS `100ara`, (super_1c + super_1e + ((super_1c / super_1b) * super_1a)) * …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for tiggsy

I've been going round and round trying to sort this. I have this in one of my programs: [CODE]drop table if exists temp2; rename table something to temp2; rename table temp to something; create table temp like something[/CODE] and it's not working, though it will work when I manually paste …

Member Avatar for nileshgr
Member Avatar for waren

Hello I'm new also with the php programming language i tried to put this code. I wanted to happen is when it submit it will email to me the name of the user. <?php $alert = $user->get('username'); if (isset($_POST['continue'])){ mail("waren@unicondouglas.com","User Login",$alert); } ?> <form name="frm" action="http://enpekei.com/products/index.php?option=com_igallery&view=category&id=0&Itemid=57" method="post"> Good Day! <?php …

Member Avatar for waren
Member Avatar for zia zia

Hi Guys, I'm making a login form. I want to add validation to it but don't know how to do it. I have just added the echo statement as an error message. I want the message to appear on the index page.Can anyone help? My php login form process.php [CODE]<?php …

Member Avatar for Zagga
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, At the minute I have a script, that ill post below, that simple echos out some information via ajax. My question is, how do i get the update without using meta refresh and without clicking anything at all? [code] <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function showHint(str) { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for aynamohol

I know, Here is something wrong in Image Output Section. Please, Help me to correctly show the images to 3rd no. column. [CODE]<html> <head> </head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <body> <?php include ('cont.php'); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM productinput") or die(mysql_error()); echo "<center>"; echo"<table width='500' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>"; echo" <tr>"; …

Member Avatar for aynamohol
Member Avatar for sastudent

I call the getTitle function but it only returns the last DB value. I presume that is because there are many rows in the DB with the same 'code' However when I call the function I want to get all the values for TITLE where code is something in the …

Member Avatar for sastudent
Member Avatar for mikecronauer

I am trying to set up a web based tool for my wife and I to use to balance our checkbook together. I am using HTML, Javascript (Ajax), PHP and MYSQL. I have read beginner books on all of these subjects, I can get data out of MYSQL, BUT can't …

Member Avatar for mikecronauer
Member Avatar for akulkarni

Hello, I downloaded a theme from wordpress and uploaded it to my domain server i keep getting this error Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_header() in /home/changeis/public_html/index.php on line 1 please guide

Member Avatar for akulkarni
Member Avatar for Azamcsn32
Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, I have a list of entries from users and want mysql to only display entries that are unique. The mysql statement is as follows [code] SELECT DISTINCT bids FROM `tbl_bids` ORDER BY `bids` ASC [/code] On running the query it is still displaying items that appear more than …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello.. i am doing group shopping cart. in this every product have group length. for suppose group length is 10 for abc product. then 8 members are registered for that product with there credit card details. when ever group length is reached to 10( group lenth means buyers of that …

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello... i am doing private chat concept. i want to alert beep sound when new user comes in chat console. how to do? i am displaying every thing when new user comes in user details will comes at admin side. but at the same i want to alert beep sound …

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for syamnath

Hi, I have an error when trying to send an email in WAMP. Following is the error. Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. 21sm3024664wfi.5 in E:\Projects\test\testmail.php on line 2 I dont know how to use the STARTTLS command. Does this error have …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

The End.