39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for wish02

Hi! I'm having problems in getting the value of the selected item and showing the items in the second dropdown. When I select a category on the first menu, the choices on the second menu appears but the selected choice doesn't show in the dropdown. And i don't get the …

Member Avatar for wish02
Member Avatar for keyroche

Hey, This is probably a newbie question, but that is somewhat what I am to PHP. I need to create a two column table within a while statement. [CODE] <?php $letter = $data['letter']; $getCats = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE catName LIKE '$letter%' ORDER BY catName"); while ($cat = mysql_fetch_array($getCats)) …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for /\/\ongoose

Hello Everyone, First off I just joined the forum! I've been looking for a good web developer community to join, hopefully I have found it! Anyways, to get to the point, I am building an application for my client's website (which I also built) which will consist of a user …

Member Avatar for SerjSagan
Member Avatar for nertos

Hi, how can I hide a url from jquery/ajax code for example: [code] function func123() { $(document).ready(function(){ $.getJSON('[B][/B]', function(res){ ...................... }); }); } [/code] Thx 4 help;)

Member Avatar for sergb
Member Avatar for SalientAnimal

Hi Can anyone please tel me why my code is not updating my MySQL database? The code does not return any errors. It does how ever tell me that the update is successful, but there is no update. Pelase let me know should you require to view the code running …

Member Avatar for SalientAnimal
Member Avatar for ElegantElephant

Is it possible to obtain the next insert ID without actually executing a proper insert query? I am writing a file upload script but the name of the folder the file gets uploaded to depends on the next insert ID of a certain table. Would appreciate any help with this.

Member Avatar for loganphp
Member Avatar for Pic

Hello ppl, i want to know if mysql save some text special chars like the \n i have the nl2br() function to tranform \n in to html <br>, but for BOLD or UNDELINE text ? is there a special char saved in to mysql db ? and is posible to …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for bobgodwin

I have some code that I'd like to add numbers to. I'm using [iCODE]$count=o;[/iCODE] with[iCODE]++$count[/iCODE] to generate numbers. They start at "1". How do I get them to start at "0"?

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for therest

Hi! I try to write my thumbnail creator script, no trouble with image load, resize cut, watermark, etc, but memory handling! Simple upload form used to submit file. [CODE]function makeLog($logthis) // this is only for tracking mem usage { $handler=fopen("log.txt","a"); fwrite($handler,$logthis . " \r\n"); fclose($handler); } function handleImgUpload() { $fTName=$_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"]; …

Member Avatar for lf.gene

Hi all! I'm not a very good coder and i'm down here with a question for you all. Firstly, is it possible to code php within javascript? How? function confirmation() { var answer = confirm("Delete class?") if (answer){ window.location = "deleteClass.php?id=<?php echo $row['idClass'];?>"; } else{ alert("Delete unsuccessful!") } } i'm …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for LordWEB

Hi, can someone give me idea how can I get information about namespace, class and method name and all parameters names for all public methods in class that extends MyMainClass? For example, I have script like this: [CODE] <?php require 'MyMainClass.php'; namespace myNameSpace; class MyClass extends MyMainClass { public function …

Member Avatar for LordWEB
Member Avatar for ayesha789

I can easily change settings in IE6 for printing Background Colors and Images. But How I can do same in Google Chrome. Please see attached image ...

Member Avatar for ayesha789
Member Avatar for nered

Hi, Iam not new to magento but it's my first time developing a payment gateway, extension for it. Magento is built on top of MVC framework so its extensions aka. plug-ins or modules are built this way> Block, Controller, Module. I have a sample code from the gateway provide on …

Member Avatar for mr_scooby

Just wondering if someone can give me some insight to understand how the hidden type works on a form. This form has 3 types of controls for storing the value of $id a radio button, check box and a hidden input(which has a button for each loop also). When it …

Member Avatar for mr_scooby
Member Avatar for phpDave

Hello, I created an online forum where users can post comments but when a link is posted it appears on the board in text and not as a link. Any suggestions on how to change this. I would like links that are posted to be links not just text. Thanks!

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for fawad123

I have this data in JSON: object(stdClass)#1 (2) { ["noun"]=> object(stdClass)#2 (2) { ["syn"]=> array(59) { [0]=> string(5) "drama" [1]=> string(13) "dramatic play" [2]=> string(8) "maneuver" [3]=> string(9) "manoeuvre" [4]=> string(3) "bid" [5]=> string(12) "child's play" [6]=> string(14) "playing period" [7]=> string(14) "period of play" [8]=> string(9) "free rein" [9]=> …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for ghost_from_sa

Hey guys im struggling to pass a session in php, i cant quite figure out why though. My friend used the exact same code as me but it doesnt want to work. This code is the database checker (which seems to work) maybe im over looking some thing?? [CODE]<?php session_start(); …

Member Avatar for ghost_from_sa
Member Avatar for pgmarco

Hi, I am somewhat new to PHP and MySQL and I am having a little trouble with what I want to do, which is assign a cell for each option selected and a price or insert the price into MySQL table depending on the option selected. Whichever is easier or …

Member Avatar for sergb
Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar

I am using the code as under but always getting 0 value means the same folder [code=php] $random_folder=array("folder1","folder2","folder3"); $folder=$random_folder[rand(0,count($random_folder)-1)]; [/code] Getting folder1 always.. What's wrong?? Please Help.......

Member Avatar for msm_eg
Member Avatar for michelleradu

I have to check the google maps ranking of specific websites for given keywords. I know how to do a normal google search and look through the results, but google maps is different and my code is not working. I've been looking all over the internet for ideas and some …

Member Avatar for pizzipie

I am trying to show a series of forms and process the related data by calling thru function calls. ie: foreach($Table as $value) { ShowTableForm($cxn, $Table, $labels[$Table]) 1. shows form for called $Table 2. allows data entry for $Table and Inserts $Table info into Database return() if($_POST['data-$key']='this') do that; if($_POST['data-$Table']='xxx') …

Member Avatar for gazzy1

Some one help me please i am facing problem in making the result of my sum function of mysql. i have three tables named as Ret001, Ret002 and Ret003. i also have Fields of Sims, Cards and Loads of each Table. i want to show the Sum Result of Sims, …

Member Avatar for cavalry

Hello i've used the cascade drop down menu from post: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread132703.html[/url] its work for English value only, but for Arabic it didn't work ? note :am using WAMP server+php+MySQL+html any idea

Member Avatar for cavalry
Member Avatar for dan1992

How can I do in such a way that when someone enters on Web,automatically from the database is shown his name taking information from IP desc if he is register [CODE] <?php $ip_demo = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); include"sec/db.php"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blog_name"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $name_demo = $row["name_demo"]; $ip …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for sparkles_links

I have a site am working on and I really want to put comment script on it. But I don't want a database.

Member Avatar for sparkles_links
Member Avatar for andydeans

Hi, This is a real simple answer but for the life of me i cant seem to work out. I am trying to display my notes on one side of the page however the notes are long and are running right across the page instead of automatically going into a …

Member Avatar for andydeans
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, My question is, I have a page (index.php) that creates an instance of a class (customers). In that page it opens a new page (edit.php or add.php, or del.php or search.php). I need to know when that new page opens is the class "dead", and how can I …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for nupur_gupta

I am developing a website related to network marketing which has a binary incentive scheme. i want a code which shows the downline of a member. a member can have 2 downlines and those downlines can have downlines as well. so i want a code which shows all the downlines. …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for wish02

Hi! My page does not redirect to "userReport_Asset.php" when i click the submit button. what happens is that when i choose an item, it is not shown yet in the drop down menu. when i click submit, it prints the item selected (i print the values to see if it …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for mr_furley

I have page1.php that has the a link to a popup. I need to send a variable to the popup window. I'm currently using this in the body: [code=php]<a href="#" onclick="actpopup(<?echo($act_id);?>)"><?echo($date);?></a>[/code] This is the function actpopup [code=php] url = "serv_act.php?act_id=act_id"; options = "height=175, width=300, location=no, scrollbars=no,menubars=no,toolbars=no,resizable=yes,left=50"; window.open(url,name,options); [/code] But for …

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The End.