39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for moobaa

Hi Everyone... I am trying to do some Object calls within a PHP script which is INLINE within HTML. However the "->" PHP syntax is effectively closing the <?php start tag. How do I escape this syntax within the PHP to ensure the browser doesn't perceive it as a tag …

Member Avatar for moobaa
Member Avatar for j_p36

I have tried to wrap my head around regex and have failed pretty miserably. Here is my problem. how would you do the following with regular expressions in php. replace [CODE]<use xlink:href='#gpPt4' transform='translate([B][U]261.7,184.3[/U][/B]) scale([B][U]4.50[/U][/B])'/>[/CODE] with [CODE]<use xlink:href='#gpPt4' transform='translate([B][U]261.7,184.3[/U][/B]) scale([B][U]4.50[/U][/B])' onclick="alert('a variable name from php')"/>[/CODE] where the bolded/underlined sections (only used …

Member Avatar for j_p36
Member Avatar for j_p36

Ok the problem I am having is difficult to explain. I'm working on a project for work and I am allowing people to upload a variable number of tables (up to 5 maybe 10 later). Then I am taking the uploaded tables and normalizing them (I'm fairly sure all the …

Member Avatar for j_p36
Member Avatar for KBL

Hey this is a code to print the times table of a particular number entered by a user, The thing is I want to validate the form so that it checks to see if what is entered is numeric, and ranges from 1 to 12 if not I want it …

Member Avatar for colweb
Member Avatar for elamigosam

hi Does anyone here know how to make a table with html and make it so that people can sort the diferent colums of info, in php and SQL

Member Avatar for leela83
Member Avatar for A_Dubbs

Hey everyone, I just started learning PHP a few weeks ago and I have a question about classes. In Python you can import classes from other documents so that you can use them in your new document without having to write the class again in the new document. How is …

Member Avatar for LethargicCoder
Member Avatar for danielagaba

hi i'm pulling multiple rows of data from my database to display in a csv document but every row it displays is the same as the first row. appreciate the help. [CODE] <?php session_start(); include 'include.php'; connect_db(); $filename = date("Ymd")."_summary.csv"; header("Content-type: application/csv"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename"); $date = date("Y/m/d"); $sql = …

Member Avatar for colweb
Member Avatar for prem2

Hi , I have a doubt in Mysql.I want to compare two tables and bring the unmatched records from both the tables. Thank You, Prem

Member Avatar for limodetroit
Member Avatar for chris evans

Hi, im working on a project that involves sending and receiving SMS. im using MySql for the database, Ozeki server for the phone. iv bin able to test incoming mesages n it works fine but i need a script for sending back ACK texts automatically upon receiving incoming messages. sm1 …

Member Avatar for egoche

Some of the fields in a form are desired but not required. As a result of these fields being left alone, PHP will return errors similar to: "Notice: Undefined index: manager in C:\wamp\www\form.php on line 12". My current question is how do you tell PHP to disregard a field if …

Member Avatar for egoche
Member Avatar for xirian

Hello to everyone.Sorry if the question has been already made, but is like i need to waste 1 day to find what i'm lookin for so if someone could tell me please how to pass data from ajax to a php page in resonable way(meaning that i don't need to …

Member Avatar for xirian
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i am having a doubt. i am having a login page in which we should give username and password. so here is my question when we give wrong password a popup wil cum that 'invalid password' and that username and password fields are getting empty. i should get …

Member Avatar for pclfw
Member Avatar for venet

I have been programming in PHP with globals enabled since around 2005. I have started to develop on a more professional scale now, and with security at stake, I need to make the change. Trouble is, I haven't been able to find a tutorial that answers my questions regarding globals …

Member Avatar for venet
Member Avatar for prem2

Hi Daniweb Team, I am MCA graduate 2010 passed out and i have done my final year project in PHP platform.I had a confusion in starting a carrier in Php or Java.I have known both the languages .My country is India. I do no what much of scope is available …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello, i am doing email concept. in this user can set the automatic email option i mean when user registered there account then he was set receive emails at this time on this day... how to set this...any suggestions plz...

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, On a registration form im pulling a list of countries from mysql. When i select, say england, i want to populate the provinces of england select option. Im using a standard loop to do this. What i dont want to do is force the user to click a …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for niths

hi, I had a project page where we can see projectname and allocate memory text boxes. so my query is that wen we enter a project name and if already a project exists with the same name then i should get a popup. i mean it should not allow duplicate …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i am having a projects page, in which we can create a project by giving projectname and allocate some memory(we had restriction on memory i;e 60MB). so i had created a project and allocated some memory of 65MB. so now i wil get a popup as "insufficient memory" …

Member Avatar for niths
Member Avatar for QWaz

Hi, I am developing a website for a club and I am trying to get the next games to show up. I am trying to get some info out of one database and then use that info as a key for the next query, then display all the results that …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for alexgv14

Does anybody know how to upload pictures to a flickr group from their site. I am trying to use phpFlickr to do this. But just was wondering if anyone had any alternatives or has done this before.

Member Avatar for tustind

Ok, I am totally stuck. I've spent hours on this today, and I can't figure out what is going on. This is my .htaccess file: [CODE] RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^articles/([0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)$ /article.php?id=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^articles/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)$ /article.php?id=$1&page=$2 [L] RewriteRule ^topics/([0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)$ /topic.php?id=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^topics/(.+)$ /sub-topic.php?topic=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^authors/([0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)$ /author.php?id=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^preview/([0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)$ …

Member Avatar for tustind
Member Avatar for azegurb

hi all, I have installed wordpress in English language. But in my language there not any available languages in wordpress official site My language is [B]Azeri[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Azerbaijan[/COLOR] country which wordpress files must i make changes thanks beforehands

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ravi0703

Hi Everybody, I want to add Google Language Tool in my PHP Script. Is anyone having any idea on this. Please can anybody give me some solution on this... Regards, Ravi

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for izagaren123

ok i am currently having a problem with my shopping basket. it works fine when you go to a product and select to add it to the basket, it shows on there and you can go back to shop by clicking on the products link and add as many items …

Member Avatar for adsegzy

Hello friends, Am having a membership website and i need some help. How do i code any login required (member's) page to automatically (log out) request relogin after 5 minutes of idleness of the page? and how do i redirect the member back to page where he was loged out …

Member Avatar for genevish
Member Avatar for Scottmandoo

im trying to set up a calendar using the code from the following site, however i have only got up to the code displayed below, which the site says it should show a calendar however im getting this error. I do however want to set up the whole calendar to …

Member Avatar for Scottmandoo
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, In my projects page we can create a project i;e projectname and allocate some memory. we had restriction for memory allocation. when we allocate more memory than the available memory then it wil show a popup as 'Insufficient memory'. so wen we click ok button the page where …

Member Avatar for izagaren123

hey i have two tables in a database that i will like to join in the below code, but i cant. i can only use one table at a time. $result = mysql_query("SELECT name,price from products WHERE itemid = '$id'",$cxn) or die ("Unable to retrieve information from database"); if i …

Member Avatar for izagaren123
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello, i have to share products in facebook from my site. i used ths code for share. [CODE]<a href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http://<?=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']?>/blockbuys/details.php?route=product/product&product_id=<?=$fetpro['auto_id']?>&amp;t=<?=$fetpro['productname']?>"><img src="images/facebook.jpg" /></a>[/CODE] but product image is not displaying in facebbook. how to do this task? thnks.

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for macneato

Hi, So basically I have a php file that fetches database records and displays it. Now i would like to add the ability to edit each record using lightbox. here is the main file [CODE=PHP] <?php $username="root"; $password=""; $database="lhs_anniversary_banquet"; mysql_connect("localhost",$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); $query="SELECT * FROM …

Member Avatar for macneato

The End.