39,323 Topics

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Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

I have a couple of scripts from the same template but different version. I am using php and mysql. I need to know how to update the mysql database and the script from version 1 to version 2 with a single click.

Member Avatar for Dan Fredeinburg
Member Avatar for EpifaniaPersons

Hi Everyone! I am new here, and the main purpose of joining this community is getting some help. Actually, I am designing a PHP website where I need to fetch US vehicles data into PHP. I have already used this source to get the vehicle's dataset from here https://www.back4app.com/database/back4app/car-make-model-dataset. Still, …

Member Avatar for RayPalmer
Member Avatar for ezeiruchibuike

Hello there, I created a "users" table on MySQL and created a few columns namely "accountbalance", "ledgerbalance" and "dailybalance" (all three: BIGINTs). I created a test user and added some random figures. I am trying to retrieve the value of this columns (unique to the user) and them pasted separately …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for martin5211

FPDF is a class that provides a useful way to deal with PDF documents using dynamic content. Sometimes, according to a special circumstance, also would be valuable to send directly the PDF as attachment e.g. send an invoice automatically after processing a payment. In this example we use a html …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for jagathg

I've converting my website to PHP from just static HTML. In the process, my PHP Index file is pulling old information from an unknown source Here is the specific problem. When I add a paragraph tag to my div id="main" section, I get "Get the Management Certification you need to …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Kimberly_11

Hi, I would like to duplicate the pattern, the function will have 2 parameters, which is row and column. It will duplicate the pattern on how many rows and columns. My function for pattern is correct but how can I duplicate/replicate it. Thanks <?php $row_col_array = array(); function honey(){ $l …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for syscore
Member Avatar for abu taher

I want to auto generate the id number. I write this code. But it's not work. I don't make primary key for id in database. function getData() { $data = array(); $data[1] = $_POST['name']; $data[2] = $_POST['fname']; $data[3] = $_POST['address']; $data[4] = $_POST['phone']; $data[5] = $_POST['class']; $data[6] = $_POST['qualification']; $data[7] …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for mekus51
Member Avatar for palash889
Member Avatar for larry29936

The following code works without errors on my local server but when I put it up on my hosted website, I get a "Failed - Network Error" message immediately. The way this works is that a button is pressed on a download page to select what file to download. Here's …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for RC_820

hii guys i have web site need to generate random progress like this ![messageImage_1650466235444.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/4177f476696ea21823be5ca5550a7b39.jpg) can some one suggest me how can i make it

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Vmr_574

Hi all, I hope someone can help me with the following. I have a script that reads a txt file and displays the correct values. I only want to add it to the database now, but I can't manage this. below the script <?php include '../includes/connect.php'; if(!$conn) { die(mysqli_error()); } …

Member Avatar for Nick_42
Member Avatar for Douglas_17

i installed wamp on windows 11. i tested to see if php was installed by using command phpinfo and this worked. when i attempt to use php in html document the php echo statement does not work. i simply get the line of code (shows the echo statement). i have …

Member Avatar for gce517
Member Avatar for sushu1209

Hi, I need to split the pdf document into two parts,like i have a pdf which consists 100 pages,i need to split the pdf into two parts where first part consits 10 pages and second part consists 1 to 100 pages?how to do that using php?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Intan Farizatul

hi, i have some problem with my php code. when i run the php, the page keep loading and no output displayed. here is my code: $dayBeforeNew = $_GET['daybefore']; $dayAfterNew = $_GET['dayafter']; $sql = "SELECT reference.LOCID, reference.Region, Sitename, (SELECT `Data Total Traffic` from 4g_statistic where reference.LOCID = 4g_statistic.LOCID AND 4g_statistic.Day …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for forgot

Guys, what am I doing wrong? The database "expiry" value is > 0 but I go to expiredpage.html. ======================================================== the code: <?php $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "numbersdb"); // Check connection if($link === false){ die("ERROR: Could not connect. " . mysqli_connect_error()); } echo "<center>";echo date('m/d/y');echo "<br />"; $id='id'; $expiry='expiry'; if($expiry==7) …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Bienvenue

I need help on this php pdo error:PHP PDO - Uncaught Error: Call to a member function prepare() on null

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Irfan_9

Three if condition if(isset($_POST['search']) & !empty($_POST['searchdata']) ) if(isset($_POST['search']) & !empty($_POST['searchName']) ) Else each statement have the own pagination created now confusion for example first condition is true and three page is created when i click its goes to else condition and below 10 pages is created which is true in …

Member Avatar for AdamFriska
Member Avatar for Irfan_9

i have two page one is search.php and other is detail.php in search.php <div class="search-field "> <form class="d-flex align-items-center h-100" name="search" action="manage_visitor.php" method="post" > <div class="input-group" style="background-color: #f2edf3;"> <input type="text" class="form-control bg-transparent border-0"name="searchdata" id="searchdata" placeholder="Search by names &amp; mobile no" > </div> Detail.php i get the value of there pagination …

Member Avatar for AndrisP
Member Avatar for Fireytech

I have a subform called "Contacts" embedded on my "Tickets" page. I want to create an edit button to jump to my contacts_edit.php page and use the 'ContactEntryNumber' (the unique key from my Contacts table) for the displayed contact record as the updateID. I have played with this and read …

Member Avatar for Fireytech
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

Hello webmasters, I am trying to create a script using vanilla PHP. I am familiar with the language and I have created a cronjob before, but only using cPanel. I want to create cronjobs using PHP if possible with out the need to go to cPanel. I am trying to …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Adom_1

We have ready to use job board software and want to update it with new features. Please check the below url and suggest some updated features. https://www.logicspice.com/job-board-software

Member Avatar for RC_820

hii all, btw i want to make login system, and check if user is multiple login and give notification in current user login, how can i make it ?? can someone please suggest/teach me to make system like that? Previously I've searched for it on google but couldn't find the …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for merabetta

The requested URL was not found on this server. Apache/2.4.53 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1n PHP/8.1.4 Server at localhost Port 80

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for larry29936

I’d like to force my code to pause after completion and before displaying a completion message. I’ve tried sleep and wait commands but they affect the start of running the code. I’ve searched the web for how to do this for two days with no success. The reason for wanting …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Jaklins

Hello This is a simple php login script with sessions. It connects to mySQL for usernames and passwords. I’m using a variation of the code from [url]http://www.phpportalen.net/wiki/index.php?page=Enkel+Inloggning+med+Mysql+och+sessioner+-+Komplett+kod[/url] (index.php is the relevant part) Here is my code (my script is called login.php): [code=php] <?php session_start(); // Always at the top include …

Member Avatar for Bharath_6
Member Avatar for les_5lesabrams

I am using phpmydirectory and am having problems logging in. We had a power outage yesterday and this morning i cannot access my Control Panel. I am just getting teh error message that i have used so many login attempts and when i get to 5 attempts i will need …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for KnowledgeMan

Hi everyone, I am getting an undefined array key with a session variable. The code works fine once I set the variable. Can someone please help me with that issue? Thanks <?php session_start(); $servername = "localhost"; $username = "xxx"; $password = "xx"; $database ="xx"; // Create connection $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Hasan_23

Hellothe i need to fetsh data from database (mysql) whenever i click search and show it inside input and if the page was loaded without click the input stays empty

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The End.