39,388 Topics
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A little while ago, I wrote a [tutorial](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/web-development/tutorials/537376/sanitize-php-user-input-strings) about how important it is to sanitize PHP user input strings. Not only is it important to sanitize user input being fed into a database query, but it's also important to sanitize user input being displayed to the end-user to generate valid … | |
A PHP array is essentially a stack of elements that can be used to denote a list, represent a collection of variables, etc. You can easily use loops to iterate over each element of an array. As PHP is a loosely typed language, all of the elements of an array … | |
![]() | Hi. Hoping someone can explain this to me please. $quantity = $_POST['quantity']; echo "<pre> -- quantity -- "; print_r($quantity); echo "</pre>"; This returns: -- quantity --Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => [3] => 2 [4] => [5] => [6] => ) $selectitem = $_POST['selectitem']; echo "<pre> -- selectitem … |
Can someone enlighten me is there any difference if we use framework or not using framework to build REST API? | |
![]() | Hi. I have a local installation of SQLite3 and PHP which runs a small in house PHP application so sql injection is not an issue. I am able to execute the following: if(isset($_GET['deletequote'])) { $qno = $_GET['deletequote']; echo $qno;?><br><?php // for testing $db = new SQLite3('./fi_data.db') or die('Cannot delete quote. … ![]() |
I am parsing xml data generated by backup software for SMS and phone logs. Most of the data appears like this: ``` <sms protocol="0" address="##########" date="1495903715000" body="Ok. See you then.;-)" subject="none" ... /> ``` For most bodies of a text message, the data follows the same pattern above: Keyword `body="<string>"`. … | |
I've recently gotten my first ID job as a PHP programmer but one of the tasks that bites my is JS/jQuery, I don't know JS/jQuery but now i'm having to use it. I'm taking a course on udemy.com but I'm having issues, sometimes the code executes and sometimes noting happens … | |
I am new to PHP and I need some help in the below code. The below code is working fine but I need to add a "Functionality to be added in the below code, so that if any New File is uploaded it should auto increment in a series. For … | |
Hi I am still learning a lot about PHP but already have an active website where users can click a link and download digital products (we have no user registration). Some users would like to click a link (which I have created already) which will open up a separate window … | |
hey I'm beginner learning php have hard time to Insert data to product in database with image because the category I did make it work but now I need to update data the same style that I add it with the Insert Code: <?php include('./pro_crud/config.php'); $sql_cat = "SELECT * FROM … | |
I have a couple of scripts from the same template but different version. I am using php and mysql. I need to know how to update the mysql database and the script from version 1 to version 2 with a single click. | |
Hi Everyone! I am new here, and the main purpose of joining this community is getting some help. Actually, I am designing a PHP website where I need to fetch US vehicles data into PHP. I have already used this source to get the vehicle's dataset from here https://www.back4app.com/database/back4app/car-make-model-dataset. Still, … | |
Hello there, I created a "users" table on MySQL and created a few columns namely "accountbalance", "ledgerbalance" and "dailybalance" (all three: BIGINTs). I created a test user and added some random figures. I am trying to retrieve the value of this columns (unique to the user) and them pasted separately … | |
FPDF is a class that provides a useful way to deal with PDF documents using dynamic content. Sometimes, according to a special circumstance, also would be valuable to send directly the PDF as attachment e.g. send an invoice automatically after processing a payment. In this example we use a html … | |
I've converting my website to PHP from just static HTML. In the process, my PHP Index file is pulling old information from an unknown source Here is the specific problem. When I add a paragraph tag to my div id="main" section, I get "Get the Management Certification you need to … | |
Hi, I would like to duplicate the pattern, the function will have 2 parameters, which is row and column. It will duplicate the pattern on how many rows and columns. My function for pattern is correct but how can I duplicate/replicate it. Thanks <?php $row_col_array = array(); function honey(){ $l … | |
Mostly Linux Based C++ Python NodeJS Javascript Bash php | |
I want to auto generate the id number. I write this code. But it's not work. I don't make primary key for id in database. function getData() { $data = array(); $data[1] = $_POST['name']; $data[2] = $_POST['fname']; $data[3] = $_POST['address']; $data[4] = $_POST['phone']; $data[5] = $_POST['class']; $data[6] = $_POST['qualification']; $data[7] … | |
The following code works without errors on my local server but when I put it up on my hosted website, I get a "Failed - Network Error" message immediately. The way this works is that a button is pressed on a download page to select what file to download. Here's … | |
hii guys i have web site need to generate random progress like this  can some one suggest me how can i make it | |
Hi all, I hope someone can help me with the following. I have a script that reads a txt file and displays the correct values. I only want to add it to the database now, but I can't manage this. below the script <?php include '../includes/connect.php'; if(!$conn) { die(mysqli_error()); } … | |
i installed wamp on windows 11. i tested to see if php was installed by using command phpinfo and this worked. when i attempt to use php in html document the php echo statement does not work. i simply get the line of code (shows the echo statement). i have … | |
Hi, I need to split the pdf document into two parts,like i have a pdf which consists 100 pages,i need to split the pdf into two parts where first part consits 10 pages and second part consists 1 to 100 pages?how to do that using php? | |
hi, i have some problem with my php code. when i run the php, the page keep loading and no output displayed. here is my code: $dayBeforeNew = $_GET['daybefore']; $dayAfterNew = $_GET['dayafter']; $sql = "SELECT reference.LOCID, reference.Region, Sitename, (SELECT `Data Total Traffic` from 4g_statistic where reference.LOCID = 4g_statistic.LOCID AND 4g_statistic.Day … | |
Guys, what am I doing wrong? The database "expiry" value is > 0 but I go to expiredpage.html. ======================================================== the code: <?php $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "numbersdb"); // Check connection if($link === false){ die("ERROR: Could not connect. " . mysqli_connect_error()); } echo "<center>";echo date('m/d/y');echo "<br />"; $id='id'; $expiry='expiry'; if($expiry==7) … | |
I need help on this php pdo error:PHP PDO - Uncaught Error: Call to a member function prepare() on null | |
Three if condition if(isset($_POST['search']) & !empty($_POST['searchdata']) ) if(isset($_POST['search']) & !empty($_POST['searchName']) ) Else each statement have the own pagination created now confusion for example first condition is true and three page is created when i click its goes to else condition and below 10 pages is created which is true in … |
The End.