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543 Posted Topics
In HTMl from I have a Input field type month. When I select a month and click on search button then total days of selected month show in HTMl table with backend data. This table contain salary. I want the salary is calculate with Total days. I write a script. … | |
Re: GoDaddy does support .pk domain registrations, but it's essential to check with GoDaddy directly or visit their website to confirm the most up-to-date information, as domain registration options and policies can change over time. If you already have a .pk domain registered with another registrar and want to transfer it … | |
I try to upload image in my database. I write these code, but it's not update may database. <?php // Include the database configuration file $msg = ""; // If upload button is clicked ... if (isset($_POST['upload'])) { $filename = $_FILES["uploadfile"]["name"]; $tempname = $_FILES["uploadfile"]["tmp_name"]; $folder = "./image/" . $filename; $db … | |
I want to make a pdf file in php. I write code like this: <?php require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; include('conn.php'); $res = mysqli_query($conn, "select * from smash"); if (mysqli_num_rows($res) > 0) { $html = '<table>'; $html = '<tr><td>ID</td><td>Name</td><td>FatherName</td><td>Address</td><td>Phone</td><td>Class</td><td>Qualification</td><td>Branch</td><td>rollno</td></tr>'; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) { $html .= '<tr><td>' . $row['id'] . '</td><td>' … | |
I want to auto generate the id number. I write this code. But it's not work. I don't make primary key for id in database. function getData() { $data = array(); $data[1] = $_POST['name']; $data[2] = $_POST['fname']; $data[3] = $_POST['address']; $data[4] = $_POST['phone']; $data[5] = $_POST['class']; $data[6] = $_POST['qualification']; $data[7] … | |
Re: I agree with paddy. cause it update very quickly. another hand you can user macfee. but its update file is so long like 60/120 mb. it also freeware. | |
When I want to save data then show this error massage. Run Time error 3021 Either BOF or EOF is true, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record. With rs1 rs1.Open "Select * from debtordue where debtorname = '" & Me.cmbreceiver & "'", con, … | |
I make a setup file. I install it in another computer. When I run the application then show this error massage. | |
When I click in listview control to send data in specific textbox then show the error. run time error 380 Invalid property value. I write this code: Private Sub LVEmp_ItemClick(ByVal Item As MSComctlLib.ListItem) With Item Me.txtSrNo = .Text Me.txtamount.Text = .SubItems(mlngCUST_LAST_IDX) Me.txtdate.Text = .SubItems(mlngCUST_LAST_IDX) End With End Sub | |
Delete checked item (one or more) from listview I write this code. Dim x As Long For x = LVEmp.ListItems.Count To 1 Step -1 If LVEmp.ListItems(x).Checked Then con.Execute "DELETE FROM stock WHERE [SrNo] = '" & LVEmp.ListItems(x).SubItems(1) & "'" LVEmp.ListItems.Remove x End If Next con.Close Set con = Nothing but … | |
Re: You said its a mini project. student database. then why you use sql. why not ms access. 1st I suggest you use ms access. | |
Re: search engine can help you. you get lot of answer of your question. | |
for save I write this........ With rs .Open "Select * from Dad", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic .AddNew !SrNo = cmbbillno '!SrNo = GetNewNo("Dad") !DadItems = cmbIName !DadSize = cmbISize !Dad = txtDadIQty !Dadby = cmbOrTkBy.Text !DadDate = DadDate !deliverydate = deldate !partyname = cmbPartyName !amount = txtamount.Text !due = txtdue.Text !Receive … | |
Re: you can see [URL="http://www.seasonsecurity.com/make-an-antivirus-with-visual-basic-6-68075"]this[/URL] and [URL="http://www.bigresource.com/VB-how-to-make-your-anti-virus-software-scan-a-files--zX57rL3Q26.html"]this[/URL] and [URL="http://www.codeitbetter.com/how-to-make-a-fake-antivirus-in-vb6-0/"]this[/URL] | |
Re: [QUOTE=pcs365_2;1202214]Hi, For xp press Alt+Shift and Print Screen (or prt sc) on your keepboard then a window should pop-up saying you press these keys then press yes. It will go to high contrast, im sure its close enough to what you looking for. To turn of press the same keys … | |
Re: to enter a data in textbox: place a command button and data object and connect the database write code in command button. "data1.recordset.addnew" this code save data in the database. data1.refresh it update data. connect the listbox with database. for search data write this code: Dim Searchit As String Dim … | |
Re: I think this can help you. [Click Here](http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?376767-Database-How-can-I-store-images-%28or-other-files%29-in-a-database) | |
I paste a file on the old file. like: overwrite. It's a mistake. So now I want to recover the old file. I mean now I want the old file. How I get it? | |
Re: I thing nothing to make extra. just make exe file. do you know how to make exe. file? make it and run it another pc. one thing, you need the support file in that pc. so its better if you make setup file. setup it and create the sortcut in … | |
yesterday I press the power button 6/7 times. then the pc start. it occurred many time. but now this time it not start. I check all connection and all parts. all things are ok. So what I need to do now? | |
Re: I agree with rj_bern. so plz tell what kind of beep it made. one , two, long, short, or other............. | |
is it possible? the program count how many page print per day? | |
Re: try as like debasis. he said easy way. | |
i work with 3 more form. 2 form has no border. when i click a button a form is show. when i minimize main form the other form still show. but i want when i minimized main form all from will minimize what was open. | |
in data environment i write Select * from item where date and date between DTFr.value and DTTo.vlaue In button I write Load DataEnvironment1 With DataEnvironment1 If .rscmborder.State <> 0 Then .rscmborder.Close .cmborder Format(DTFr.Value, "dd/mm/yyyy"), Format(DTTo.Value, "dd/mm/yyyy") End With drorder.Show but the report show all item from 1st date. it not … | |
all thing is ok. I unplug all and check it. when I press the power button windows start normally. it scan drive D. When finished the scan it was hang. no welcome screen or user screen appear. Whant can I do now? | |
all thing is ok. all ready 11 item was saved. in sr. no. 12 when I input all necessary thing and click in save button massage was show " save data". no error massage show. but the data is not save in database. I don't know why? So I need … | |
Re: yes, it is possible. compile your file as exe, not swf from .fla source file. You can play SWF files with Internet Explorer. Most of the browsers do support flash these days. But in some cases you might be needed to install it if you are using the older versions … | |
all connection is ok. but when I want to play curseder game (in two pc connection)in multiplayer function the both pc are not connect. I mean One pc select host and the another pc select join but no ip show. Now what can I do for it. |
The End.