I want to connect my access database to my project in vb 6.

What are the steps i should follow?

Once i'm done with that, i want to know how to drag them and place them on a form (like the way we do it in VB.NET).

Thank you

You guys need to search a bit more please.:)

Have a look at This link that was discussed at the same time as your first post today.

The basics is all there.

Gone through it, doesn't help.
Thank you

Then we are missing the question. What exactly do you need. I'm off now, will reply tomorrow morning.:)

What part are you trying to connect your database to?

Is it the project or a datagrid or listview?

If it is your project, the link sir Andre has given will show the basics.

search engine can help you. you get lot of answer of your question.

Okay, i'm generally making a program which captures information about customers and payments.
To do so, i'm using vb6.
In order to store and retrieve this data i have made an access database.
Now i do not know how to connect that table created to my project.
But the major thing is that i do not want to use the ADO and stuff, i want to use a connection string.
So i wanted to ask, how do you do that. Are there a set of codes required for a connection string?
Do i have to make an interface with a label (firstname,lastname) and textboxes ....
And after we do that, how can we make sure it is saving in access.

Hope my question is clear enough now, i have tried my best.
Thank you

ADO is active data objects, making use of connection strings etc. So, that said, have a look at the link I gave above. The code discussed there as well as the references needed is all in there.

Thank you

I think your missing the connection part.


'Put this in General Declaration area

Dim db As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

Then have this where you want to create the connection

Set db = New ADODB.Connection
        db.Open "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & App.Path & "\Database.mdb"
'Change Database to your database name

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
        rs.Open "Select DATABASETABLENAME from TABLEFIELD", db, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

'DATABASETABLENAME is the table from your database
'TABLEFIELD is where you records be found

Or you can just do your connection by creating a module.

Public DBLink As New ADODB.Connection
Public RecSet As New ADODB.Recordset

Public Sub Con(Database As String)

DBLink.Provider = "Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider"
DBLink.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & App.Path & "\" & Database

'Still the Database is the database name - rename it  to your own

End Sub

Then just call the connection on where you need it.

E.g in a form:

Call Con

I'll try it out...

Thank you

It's a pleasure.:) If it helped solving your problem, please mark this as solved, thanks.:)

i want to write codes that can connect each of the created entry forms in vb 6 to ms access tables. any help is welcome

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