hello, i am neha
currently and 2 nd year It student
required to do a mini project using vb as frontend and sql as backend
i liked the idea of student database project
can someone help me with its coding and gui screens
plz its urgent
only 2 weeks to submit the project
desperately looking forward for some reply
Thank you

hello, i am neha
currently 2nd year IT student
required to do a mini project using vb as frontend and sql as backend
i liked the idea of student database project
can someone help me with its coding and gui screens
plz its urgent
if possible can someone plz mail me the codings and gui screens at sweetgirl_tech@yahoo.com
i would be very thankful
only 2 weeks to submit the project
desperately looking forward for some reply
Thank you

hi everyone !!!
i am new to this community ...
currently i am in 2nd year IT
got to do a mini project using vb and sql
i liked the idea of student database project suggested to someone on this community
but plz can someone help me out with its
if possible mail the above at sweetgirl_tech@yahoo.com
only 2 weeks to submit
can someone plz help me out , its urgent
i would be glad if someone helps me out
Looking forward for some reply
Thanks in advance !!!!

You said its a mini project. student database. then why you use sql. why not ms access. 1st I suggest you use ms access.

I also work a project like you. Student database. But I use ms access. not sql . why you want to use sql?

I also work a project like you. Student database. But I use ms access. not sql . why you want to use sql?

Thanks a lot for replying
ya you are right, but has been made mandatory by our college
so i have to use sql
so can u plz help me with the CODING AND THE GUI SCREENS
i have worked with ms-access before i will convert those statement to sql
With the Gui screens atleast i will get an idea of how to start
so plz mail me out at sweetgirl_tech@yahoo.com
plz its urgent !!!
i will be glad if u help me out with the coding and gui screens
waiting for ur reply ...

Thanks for replying
ya u r right why sql why not ms-access
but it has been mandatory by our college to use sql as the subject for which we are making project is DBMS in which we learn sql
so can u help me out with the CODING and GUI screen designs
with the gui screens atleast i will have an idea of how to carry on
so plz can u mail me at sweetgirl_tech@yahoo.com
plz soon its urgent !!!
Thanks in advance
waiting for ur reply

You said its a mini project. student database. then why you use sql. why not ms access. 1st I suggest you use ms access.

hi buddy !!!
plz reply regarding that can u help me out with the CODING AND GUI SCREENS or atleast with the gui screens as already u r working on the same project ... although using ms-access
plz reply till tommorrow ....
its urgent ...
i hope u will help me out ...
waiting for ur reply
Thanks in advance

mail me some of your stuff at neitzd@gmail.com ill see what i can come up with.

Mail what you need to neitzd@gmail.com and ill see what i can come up with.

Hi Neha

Here we do not write code for others. SO please do not expect others to design the GUI and send you the code . for getting help you need to post what you have tried so far for the project.

commented: True. +4

Do you not plan to join an it company , how will you code there ? you will get 10 times complex project to code there .

hi neha..........can i know how much time is left with u

hi neha..........can i know how much time is left with u

She has already graduated and does not need your help any more. You need to check the date of post at least before posting to such a historic threads.

am vincent a third year IT student doing my end of semester project and have been assigned to do an online one using visual basic as front end and sql as back ,can someone please assist me with the coding for such

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