39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I have a folder with full of files. Instead of downloading files one by one, how can I zip or rar that folder to download? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for ElegantElephant

I have a section in my PHP page containing this bit of code: [CODE] echo '<div style="float:left;"><h3><strong>Edit User Account</strong></h3> Date Registered: ' . $db_regdate . '<br> User Type: ' . $usertype . '<br><br> <form class="right_aligned" id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <label>First Name*</label> <input name="firstname" type="text" id="firstname" value="' . $db_firstname . '"/> …

Member Avatar for ElegantElephant
Member Avatar for muruganasm

hi. i am senthilmurugan. i am learning to php language. one error occur. i try to connect to database. [B]Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)[/B]. how to correct the error . please reply the answer...

Member Avatar for alza
Member Avatar for debbier

I'm using simplexml_load_string to extract a node from an xml filen xml file. It works most of the time, but not all, and when it fails, it gives the error: "call to a member function xpath() on a non-object" I suspect it's because the $menuXML isn't fully loaded? It is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for deval198

i have two form in one page.After submitting one form1 i want to send all the variables of form1 is passed through ajax to the another page and if value is matched in database then i want to dispaly second form.please help me only for ajax coding.

Member Avatar for deval198
Member Avatar for ElegantElephant

I am currently working on a client management system for my Computing Coursework and I've come to the "Client Details" section, which allows staff and admin to view personal information about each client. I've successfully coded the query and everything else around it, I'm just a but stuck on how …

Member Avatar for ElegantElephant
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hai, In one of my project I need to add some data into my data base and redirect the page to a different page. In this case I need to check whether the data has uploaded successfully and then redirect. For a rough sample mysql_query("INSERT INTO") [ICODE] if(data added ){ …

Member Avatar for emhmk1
Member Avatar for ElegantElephant

I am currently working on a client management system for a college project. I am planning to include a feature to allow users to upload files for a specific project. All files will be specific to one project and clients can only view files for a project that they are …

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn
Member Avatar for ssana

hi , please can any body help me. i am making a website so i am using the combination of mysql and php.there is a error in fetching the field from url.i have made a hypertext as C LANGUAGE and behind this url is <a href="indexblank.php?course=C LANGUAGE">C language</a> now on …

Member Avatar for ssana
Member Avatar for beanonymous

OK here is a piece of code I've been working on that actually logs you in and returns what ever Curl sees except i have no idea how to make Curl function correctly with websites that require cookie authentication correctly, can anyone help? =/

Member Avatar for ryan311

theres nothing happen everytime i click delete. here's my code admin.php [CODE]<?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("reservation", $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM guest order by code asc"); mysql_close($con); <script> del=function(code){ m = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this …

Member Avatar for ryan311
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi all, My code lists items based on the logged in users id. when listed these items have an edit function. When the use clicks edit, the url holds the id for that item. My problem is that its possible to change the url to show details of something thats …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for resht

Hello guys, am developing a web application that needs a calendar that one can click and the that date is stored in the database, any help?? Thanks Resh

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for MDanz

i have multiple entries with starting with the letter 'a' .. but the query below only displays one result. [CODE]<?php mysql_connect("localhost", "Master", "pword"); mysql_select_db("db"); $letter = htmlentities($_GET['search']); $user = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT keywords FROM Stacks WHERE keywords LIKE '$letter%' ORDER BY keywords")or die (mysql_error()); while($rowz = mysql_fetch_array($user)){ $keyword = $rowz['keywords']; $name …

Member Avatar for MDanz
Member Avatar for aryanmughal

Hello Everyone i am here to get help from you to make a php website where people can post videos which are hosted on different video hosting websites and also earn revenue from their sharing.... The website will look like [CODE]http://www.e-soft24.com/scripts/video-embed/[/CODE] And Form Will Look Like This One I Found …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, How you can help me with something. when a user logs in and is successful, i want the value of the user "type" to be stored in a session, which is then passed to the "login successful" page where i intend to use a switch statement to determine …

Member Avatar for maba001
Member Avatar for newcountry

Hi, how could i measure a streaming time of video? (i have embeded a video to my site and i would like to measure the streaming time of video) Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for recklesst

hello when i run this code, i get this error : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PRINT in /home/a9017639/public_html/mzrt.php on line 19 [CODE=php]<html> <head> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="xxxx.css"> <Title>xxxxxxxx</Title> </head> <body> <P> <h1 style="text-align:center;font-size:60px">xxxxxxt</h1> <BR CLEAR=ALL> <HR> <div class="tres"> <?PHP $zacc=0; if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $animal=$_POST['animals']; } ?> <h3> Selected Animal:<? PHP …

Member Avatar for michelleradu
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi I want to make form dynamically by just passing array of stuffs. I have tried but cannot may be due to my limitation in PHP. Here is what I have so far. Please help me! [CODE=php] class MyForm{ private $formArray; //pass array to build a form in form of …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for UnderPressure

Hey all, I'm rather new to PHP but learning fast over the last several weeks, (so please pardon my ignorance) I've created SQL db, a number of php pages & scripts which interact with it, and have created an html mainpage. The main page is going to act as a …

Member Avatar for UnderPressure
Member Avatar for NoGood

Hi All, I am trying to the following for an appointments system. So far i am able to add to my Sql table 'bookings' values i select from a drop down stored as $day, $month, $year and $time. I want to be able to do a check nefore a write …

Member Avatar for sophia nayagi
Member Avatar for michelleradu

Hi guys. I'm trying to pick 2 dates from a calendar on my webpage. I've got 2 textboxes (date1 and date2) and the calendar image next to each of them which opens a separate window with the calendar. It's all working fine, except for the fact that I can not …

Member Avatar for michelleradu
Member Avatar for adamramadhan

i have a page [QUOTE]edit.php[/QUOTE] and i wanted to be like this edit.php?at=profile edit.php?at=upgrade edit.php?at=im edit.php?at=delete and if there is no at='something' to include default theme(html) [CODE]<?php include "../app.php"; include $basepath . "inc/PasswordHash.php"; include $basepath . "inc/functions.php"; include $basepath . "inc/adodb5/adodb.inc.php"; // Session Start $adodbsessionstart = new UADODB; $adodbsessionstart->adodbSessionStart(); $db …

Member Avatar for adamramadhan
Member Avatar for dlannetts

Ok, so l am new to php ... sort of, now l have managed to throw this together: [CODE]<?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("test_database", $con); if(isset($_POST['Login'])) { if($_POST['username']!='' && $_POST['password']!='') { //Use the input username and password and check against 'users' …

Member Avatar for dlannetts
Member Avatar for StefanCP

I have this code, it s a wordpress MU code. The result is a string list of blogs subdomains, on a MU domain. [CODE]$blogs = get_last_updated(); echo 'Most active mommies:<ul>'; foreach ($blogs AS $blog) { echo '<li>'.$blog['domain'].'</li>'; } echo '</ul>';[/CODE] I want that instead of the unclickable subdomains, to get …

Member Avatar for StefanCP
Member Avatar for sunaruna84

Hi Friends, I have used this mail function it works properly. mail has sent when i submit the enquiry form. i need the "Enquiry posted sucessfully" message will be displayed in enquiry form. please tell the solution for my problem. usermail.php [code] <?php if( isset($_POST['name']) && isset($_POST['companyname']) && isset($_POST['address'])&& isset($_POST['country'])&& …

Member Avatar for harshbavaliya
Member Avatar for infoStud

guys, good morning...what are the requirements that must be installed for you to call java class using PHP?? thanks for the reply ^_^

Member Avatar for harshbavaliya
Member Avatar for MDanz

[code] $tags = get_meta_tags($url); $keywords = $tags['keywords'];[/code] this get me the keywords for a website. Just say there are 5 keywords in that one variable. e.g. apple, banana, orange, pear and coconut. how do i insert these 5 keywords in that one variable($keywords) into seperate rows. So insert first keyword …

Member Avatar for rajabhaskar525
Member Avatar for drewpark88

Hey Guys, I have an If statement in one of my php files. I want to send an email to my client anytime it IsApproved. So how do I make it send an email to the client when it is approved? Here is some of the code, the first if($response->IsApproved …

Member Avatar for phpbeginners
Member Avatar for Campbel

So I have a bit of a problem... A la I am posting on this forum. If you will bare with me for a short narrative I can explain the situation. Currently a department in my school is involved in a Weather data collection project which they have asked me …

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The End.