99 Topics

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Member Avatar for jnewman3

I've been working on this code for 2 days now and i finally think i got the while loop running correctly but now i cant seem to print the child process id's. The code starts with the parent process forking 3 child processes. Then the parent must wait till a …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for omkar_hande

If a child process encounters exit(0) statement, where is this exit status returned in the parent process? Is there any variable associated with every process that holds this information? If not, how do children and parent processes communicate?

Member Avatar for poornamoksha
Member Avatar for jesicawillss

What to do in on-page if a website has been given to you without doing any single seo process on it? How to handle a website by doing only on-page SEO?

Member Avatar for siyajoshi
Member Avatar for iFrolox

Hello everyone, im currently stuck because i'm not sure how to start on this part of my program. What i'll need help is controlling another application, my program is suppose to run another application, and be able to hide it, show it, verify that is running, it also needs to …

Member Avatar for iFrolox
Member Avatar for mujtabaaain

I need help in c# about file scanning in c#. I want to scan all files or from specific path in background if application is in running mode. Scanning should start after every 10 min.......

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for sandz24

Does anyone know the process of DCT in relation to image watermarking? Finding it hard to understand the process any help would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for sora90

I am trying to block a list of processes from Txt file/ Listbox Process using Timer. Here's a list of the codes Code blocks are created by indenting at least 4 spaces ... and can span multiple lines Private Sub Timer3_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer3.Tick …

Member Avatar for Perigee

Does anyone know how to resolve this other than a complete reboot? I'm restarting both my work desktop and personal laptop on an almost daily basis, which is irritating, to put it politely: **Couldn't register com.your.App with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code. This generally means that another instance …

Member Avatar for emreozpalamutcu

Here is list of things I want to do: Display context menu strip only when mouse is over the item and right clicked on it, the code I have for that is this: [code]private void contextMenuStrip1_Opening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count == 0) e.Cancel = true; } private void …

Member Avatar for kolibrizas
Member Avatar for razamughal67

Hello Every one Please Help me on My problem i want to close a application proccess in taskmanager using vb6 Example: we open a notpad.exe and we want to close it using visual basic 6.0 to this way we have a Command botton Private Sub Command1_Click() ' Here my command …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for charlybones

Greetings. In my Console Application, I have a process that connects to a Access Database File. After closing the connection I copy the file to another folder, and delete the original. Lately this is failing a lot. For some reason the File is still being used, even if the connection …

Member Avatar for charlybones
Member Avatar for swissknife007

[CODE] #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<iostream.h> struct pro { int no; int btime; int atime; int stime; int etime; int wtime; int ttime; int rtime; }proc[100],junk; void sort(int n) { pro temp; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) for(int j=0;j<n;j++) { if(proc[j].atime>proc[j+1].atime) { temp=proc[j]; proc[j]=proc[j+1]; proc[j+1]=temp; } } } pro min(int n,int & t) { …

Member Avatar for swissknife007
Member Avatar for srinivas88

I am trying to implement process pairs redundancy (process level redundancy) in c/c++. basically there is a active core process 1 running on one system and its standby copy, process 2, is running on other system. When ever the active one goes down the standby becomes active and executes the …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for Santi1986

so my question here is when the parent exits before the child process...in linux....the reparenting is done within the same thread group rite!!??? ...and wots the role of the reaper..i mean after you find a suitable parent task..why is this reaper API called..

Member Avatar for casey_sunako

Hi guys. I would just like to know if there is a way to integrate a progressbar that shows the progress of the process? I mean when process.Start is activated, that's when the progressbar starts to load until and stops only when process.HasExited. I hope someone can help. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for Eruditio

Hi all, In a program I've been working on I would like to start a process and save it in a variable of type Process. This is so I can kill it later, if needed, and change the window type. The process is an Excel document. Here is some relevant …

Member Avatar for anas alrawi
Member Avatar for Jim.liu

Dear all, I am a migrant work. I work for an electronic factory as an engineer. I'd like to know more friends whe are interest in EMS industry. Especially SMT.

Member Avatar for emekapa

I've searched around and didn't find anything useful! :( What i want is to have my C# app doing a command to a running process. This running process is a console application and i just need to enter the command "restart".. my try was: [CODE] Process[] processes= Process.GetProcessesByName("OpenSim.32BitLaunch"); foreach (Process …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for blivori

Can you kindly tell me why I am getting a runtime exception when trying to run this code? [CODE] Sub BtnNowClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Dim myProcess As New Process Dim processFile As String = dlgFolder.SelectedPath Dim pyLocationDel As String = Path.Combine(dlgFolder.SelectedPath, "pdfmerge.py") Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(dlgFolder.SelectedPath) myProcess.Start(pyLocationDel) myProcess.WaitForExit() System.IO.File.Delete(pyLocationDel) End Sub[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for dizlo
Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for blivori

I currently have this piece of code: [CODE]Sub Button1Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) If dlgFolder.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then txtPath.Text = dlgFolder.SelectedPath Try Dim CopyFile As String = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory, "pdftk.exe") Dim CopyLocation As String = Path.Combine(dlgFolder.SelectedPath, "pdftk.exe") Dim pyScript As String = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory, "pdfmerge.py") Dim pyLocation As String = Path.Combine(dlgFolder.SelectedPath, …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for thecoolman5

hi, i am making a program that kills a process [CODE]system("taskkill /im explorer.exe");[/CODE] and i need to restart the process using CreateProcess. [CODE]CreateProcess(NULL,("C:\\WINDOWS\\explorer.exe"), NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &siStartupInfo, &piProcessInfo);[/CODE] but i keep getting these errors: 27 `siStartupInfo' undeclared (first use this function) and 27 `piProcessInfo' undeclared (first use …

Member Avatar for thecoolman5
Member Avatar for lion8420

Hello I am a total amatuer programmer. I mainly just build little apps that are mainly useful to me. So please be gentle. I am currently working on a program that will paste text into a second program. The text will paste into several different fields automatically. The problem I …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for ilikewaffelz

hi i have the latest internet explorer and sometimes even when im not using the internet at all random adds come up but there is no window i have found out it is the internet explorer but i dont know how to stop it perminantly when i close the process …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Graphix

Hi, At the moment I am trying to open a log file with notepad.exe while the original process continues. As I am developing for Windows, fork() is not available for me. I googled alot and found a good reference to opening processes ([url]http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/ForkExecProcesses.html[/url]), however they all put the original process …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for erinpzk

Recently, I've been using Selenium to record a few simple tests. Although Selenium tests are initially stored as html files, the program allows you to export the test cases in a variety of languages (in this case, I'm using C#). I downloaded NUnit to use as my testing framework -- …

Member Avatar for erinpzk
Member Avatar for Mr Programmers

Hi, When I start my computer, login to my Windows XP account, there is no taskbar (which I think is the explorer.exe). I CAN see all of my icons and desktop but no taskbar. I have scanned my entire computer for viruses, malware and others. I have worked with Regedit …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for SLaSH1Z

can i find out how much memory(pysical) a specific process(application) will consume befor launching it? i wrote aan app that manage the memory usage and say i have 10% memory left to use i want to predict approximantly how much mem is needed for an app befor launching it... and …

Member Avatar for Trepach

Environment: MS Visual Studio 2008. (Please transfer this thread to where it belongs.) Project type: Windows Forms Control Library. Goal: Get the pixel color from a given process' main window. Already achieved: I got the desired process's pointer by using [code]cli::array<Process ^>^ Proc = System::Diagnostics::Process::GetProcessesByName("Notepad");[/code] I believe I got the …

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The End.